
1 Post – 28 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The real crime here is downloading Chrome.

Firefox, for privacy protection.

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The name holds it back more than you know. No EP or AD wants to put "The GIMP" on their software list for a project. I have to have a conversation with someone ensuring we're good on all our licenses, and they ask, "What is this GIMP thing?" Answering it makes me sound like an unprofessional jackass. The company would rather just pay Adobe.

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You don't get to both ignore intellectual property rights of others, and enforce them for yourself. Fuck these guys.

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Reading this on Boost for Lemmy, which I'm glad exists, since Boost was my Reddit app of choice.

I can definitely get behind an AI plugin that reliably rats out AI generated content; i will love that in my browser (as long as it, sigh, is not a privacy nightmare). But all the "be smart for me" digital assistants can go eff themselves. I don't even use auto mode on my camera.

US universities are pro football teams with a sideline in education.

I wonder if Firefox users are more likely to spoof their user agent setting? Probably not.

I'll still use it. Compared to every other browser, it is the least disastrous regarding privacy.

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Honestly, i don't get why more folks aren't enthusiastic about EVs. I got a used Bolt, and i love it. Much easier and cheaper maintenance, fewer moving parts to wear out, no gas prices drama.... never buying an ICE vehicle again.

The Other Shoe: the first recipient was Mitch McConnell, and his episodes lately have been during firmware updates.

Whatever the authors leanings are, they make a good point. Lemmy has followed Karl Popper's maxim "Tolerant societies must be intolerant of intolerance." It's just that simple.

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They have ARPU targets (Average Revenue Per User) and UAC targets (User Acquisition Costs). Whales contribute significantly to the game's bottom line. Non-paying customers are vital, because player population is a game quality, and Whales need a population to notice how awesome they are.

But game companies don't tend to separate Whales from other players (at least not the ones I've worked for), they tend to care about ARPU, which is more stable, and a much easier target to shoot for. And they want to keep UAC down, which lowers the required ARPU for a successful game.

Seriously. Brand recognition like Twitter is the dream. It's so strong, X will forever be known not as itself, but as "X, formerly Twitter".

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I would chalk most of that up to relative nascence, and mostly volunteer labor. I would expect things to improve. In the meantime, I'm fine with my lemmy and mastodon instances, and don't feel a lack of much.

Embrace, Extend, and Enshittify.

One, let's accept that there is a public domain, and cribbing freely from the public domain is A-OK. I can reproduce Michaelangelo all I want, and it's all good. AI can crib from that all it wants.

AI can't invent. People can invent: i can have a wholly new idea that no one has ever had. AI does nothing but recombine other existing ideas. It must have seed data, and it won't create anything for which it has no initial input: feed it photographs only, and it can't create a pencil drawing image. Feed it only black and white images, and it can't create color images.

People do not require cribbing from sources. Give a toddler supplies, and they will create. So, we have established that there is a fundamental difference between the creation process. One is dependent on previous work, and one is not.

Now, with influences, you can ask, is your new creation dependent on the previous creation directly? If it is so utterly dependent on the prior work, such that your work could not possibly exist without that specific prior art, you might get sued. It will get debated and society's best approximation of a collective rational mind will determine if you copied or if you created something new that was merely inspired by prior art.

AI can only create by the direct existence of prior art. It fakes invention. Its work has to come from somewhere else.

People have shown how dependent it is on its sources with prompts that say things like, "portrait of a patriotic soldier superhero" and it comes back with a goddamned portrait of Chris Evans. The prompt did not include his name, or Captain or America, and it comes back with an MCU movie poster. AI does not create. People create.

Just because they can take control of the domain doesn't mean they somehow have access to the data any servers that used the domain have. Those servers were, i feel confident, not in Afghanistan. Domains are just redirects, so the Taliban have nothing on any of the users.

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Boost is my favorite. Clean UI and attractive icon.

You care too much about this. Let people enjoy things.

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Working just fine for me...

I wasn't a bad person in my 20s, but I was stupid and thought I was smart. There's a lot to learn that you learn after a few years as an adult: you learn what's important, and what's just a waste of time. As you get older, you have fewer and fewer fucks to spare for the waste of time stuff.

You're almost right: they do have to ask. They get a warrant, and they ask, and they are never told no.

I run GrapheneOS. I'm also not a dick about it.

You just described letting developers dictate which OS you use...

Call servers "Lemmy Service Providers" and people might make the connection with what ISPs do.

I am able to see other communities, but not comment on posts in them without a login for that instance, in my experience. Is that supposed to be the case?

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Using Facebook on a mobile browser is horrible: the scrolling snaps all over the place. They're awful, which is why i won't have any Meta software on my phone.

Roe, Affirmative Action, LGBTQ protections, this is why you should vote in every election, including (perhaps especially) midterm elections. It's the composition of Congress that makes these things happen, and you can't pass on voting if you want to prevent it.

Cory Doctorow termed it "Enshittification", and wrote about the process here: https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21/potemkin-ai/#hey-guys

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