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How are contracts like this enforceable in the US? Like here you could have a clause like that but the moment you try to sue someone for working at a competitor the judge would just laugh at you and throw your ass out of court. You can't have just anything in a contract, just like if a contract breaks employment laws then it's not valid.

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I wish my country's government had the testacles to cap prices on food. I order food mostly online and I compared prices from 2 years ago and most things are at least 200% more expensive, cheese for example is like 600% though.

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Google still works in languages other than English, like my workaround has been to just search in Estonian and I'll usually actually get better results and like zero AI content (AI sucks at Estonian, can't even get grammar right). So if you wanna use Google learn an obscure language.

The worst one is when it only supports up to like 16 characters but doesn't tell you so it will only use the first 16 characters and ignore the rest. The next time you need to enter it and get the 64 character password from your password manager it will just say it incorrect and you're left with no idea on why it's wrong.

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I my experience the people running large companies are idiots who got their position by brown nosing the right people so it doesn't really surprise me. Google is pretty well known too for coming up with stupid ideas they scrap in a few years

Cars are incredibly inefficient at transporting people though, like you need a massive highway to transport the amount of people a train can transport, not to mention how much higher maintenance roads are compared to train tracks.

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Buying some bitcoin when it was around 300 euros. A couple of years ago I needed surgery that wasn't available in my country so the national insurance only covered it around 50% in another country and that bitcoin basically saved my life.

I'm from Eastern Europe and if anyone here said Stalin was good actually they would get their ass kicked pretty fast. A lot of people have lost family to the soviet occupation here and people defending that monster aren't really welcome. So yea, if I see posts praising Stalin in All I downvote them.

Yea, once there is any video evidence that doesn't look like the worse camera in history held up by a parkinson's patient I'll actually consider believing in UFOs. Like cmon folks, all cameras are 1080p now at least with auto stabilisation and they are literally everywhere, if there are any aliens on earth there would be an actual proper video at this point.

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Not can but is willing to. Denuvo's legal team is going after anyone who reverse engineers any part of their DRM and they have gotten a lot of groups to back off. Empress is in Russia so she won't face any consequences unless she pisses off any of the Russian oligarchs, which also means she probably will never crack Atomic Heart but then again she is crazy.

I'm not American either but my wife is so I know more about this than I would like. Like Hunter Biden is not in government and all he has done is smoke crack, have sex with prostitutes, swindle money from corpos by saying who his dad is and have a massive shlong so I don't see the connection.

Like american politicians in general come off to me as the most insincere people in the whole world. Like half of them probably do cocaine regularly, quite a few are obvious child molesters, pretty much all of them abuse their position just to fill their wallet with platant insider trading and the rest are owned by major corporations. No one there needs help to seem like it's just a performance. Like the only thing in American politics that seems sincere is republicans hating minorities, they are just making that their central focus even if it's not popular.

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That toaster looks older than the one I got during the soviet occupation and everything from then looks 30 years older.

Every other group got legal action taken against them so they stopped cracking denuvo, Empress doesn't care since she's in Russia. Denuvo's legal team is more competent than their developers unfortunately.

Last time I wore a belt was for a costume party like 10 years ago. Dresses and sweatpants don't thankfully need belts.

Make the person designing outfits in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure in charge of all men's fashion in real life.

Hasn't Russia tortured like every pow at this point? Why is this special?

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Does Macron even count as a liberal? He outright said the French revolution was a mistake and a monarchie would have been better. That along with trying to do some police state shit makes it seem he's just an authoritarian.

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Oh wow, this is really nice. I was using System Monitoring Center but this is so much nicer. My only complaint is no CPU temperature display but that's not a huge loss.

Windows had 2 pieces of software that didn't have a better alternative in Linux, now I just gotta find something like Notepad++ and I'm good.

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It depends on a lot of things. Something self-hosted would just cost the power and Internet you are already paying for but if you're renting the hosting and maybe even get development for your site it could cost a ton.

No idea if I got ADHD or not but these memes are very relatable...

I do both: I worry about every detail and try to account and plan for everything which all usually falls apart because it feels like too many things and then I'm left with improvising everything on the last moment.

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That used to be the case but now Google is giving me like a page worth of AI generated pages as a result that all have a different answer. DDG is absolutely useless for sites in my native language but for everything else it beats Google.

Even if you got money for jewelry why pick the boring pointy piece of glass? There are gems and materials so much cooler than diamonds. My personal favourite is jade.

The government capped the price of electricity here a short while ago and that lowered the price of power massively.

Seems the solution would be to cap the price of all food then.

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Most food here is locally produced, I don't see how that would create a shortage. Like people aren't going to sell their grocery stores cuz their margins are thin again and farming is so heavily subsidised that I don't see it effecting farmers.

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I guess the US has more luck running a case where they have access to one side at least but it's not like this does anything as the US has no power to charge Russian citizens not in the US. Like this would sound more meaningful if the US worked with international institutions for this like the International Criminal Court in Hague for example.

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Estonian here.

I use WhatsApp to talk to my mom and we aren't allowed to use it for work. Only our locally hosted Skype instance for business talk, even teams is off limits for more secret stuff since its not fully locally hosted.

Nah, I'm looking for a nice text editor, not a full on IDE. Something I can quickly open to change config files and stuff that has good formatting and can also auto detect the formating. By the time vscode boots up I have gotten bored and done the changes in nano.

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Why did you ignore the part where I said that the profits for grocery stores soared? Producing food has not become more expensive, that's all public info here.

None, like the porn posts need to be clicked on to show the picture so it's not really an issue and even if it was visible by default I wouldn't mind, it's just porn. I would block gore but I haven't come across that yet.

Brother is my go to company for printers. Also definitely get laser, printer ink is like the most expensive substance on earth.

I'm in the exact same situation. Got 2 weeks off scheduled for Baldur's Gate 3 release and I'm currently just replaying Outer Worlds and Tyranny to pass the time while I wait.

Yea we have a food inflation pretty close to those measured numbers though in reality its a lot higher and that's without any caps. Also how could a food price cap cause inflation in food prices? That's literally the thing you are capping.

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I have taken the tram for whatever I need short distance so far, it's also free and goes from like behind my apartment to pretty much anywhere I would wanna go, including work. If I wanna visit my parents then yea, I take the train but I haven't needed a car in years.

Me and my whole family is from and currently in Eastern Europe you numbskull. As a bonus my mom's side of the family is originally from the karelia region where they escaped the soviet occupation once already. I grew up with horror stories from my parents and grandparents about the soviet regime. Also my extended family is about 10% lighter thanks to that regime. And anyone defending that bloody dictator's regime is a monster, yea.

It's 4 am so I'm not gonna go over the whole wall of surveys with a comb but here's my thoughts out em: I'm not surprised about the poll for Serbs, they do seem to love their genocide. As far as the 2 polls that says life was better under the USSR I guess their country must have really gone to shit now.

Considering the USSR did some considerable ethnic cleansing with their death camps in siberia and replacing the local population with their own and the breakup itself causing a lot of economic issues I can entirely believe that those countries consider the breakup itself to be harmful. Also note that the last poll leaves out 4 countries that definitely would consider the breakup to be good which is very weird. If you wanted a poll that said the breakup of the USSR was harmful you definitely want to leave out the Baltics.

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I have tried both and I absolutely don't understand why people use those. Most IDEs work better in my opinion and for just editing text files nano is better. A lot of people way smarter than me use em but I don't see the appeal.

Ooo yea, Jesus for me too if he existed. I would love to see his reaction to thr kind of a religion he spawned. Also the possibility of getting a lot of Christians to chill the fuck out with the bigotry and hatred if you write down what the actual beliefs of Jesus were.

Unfortunately a lot of people who claim to be socialist just follow Stalin's and Lenin's ideology of authoritarianism not much better than fascism with a history of executing actual socialists the moment they get into power. Thankfully Eastern Europe, having lived through the horrors of Stalin's regime, are better at seeing through that bullshit.

Also while most of liberal policies are just a way to make the rich richer, believing monarchy is the way to go and wanting a police surveillance state does not seem to be a common belief.

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Ah yea, that's why they executed the anarchists that wanted democracy and worked with them the moment they had power.

Most of the fear of sharks is due to media. Like the vast majority of sharks will not attack a human even when in close proximity. There are like 1 or 2 species of sharks that have any danger to humans: bull and tiger sharks if I remember correctly. And even those 2 will most likely not attack, it's just that other species are no danger at all.

Farmers yes, grocery stores not anymore. Profits of companies is public info here and they started racking it in the moment the massive 'inflation' started. My parents live near a farm and they just buy veggies directly from them for like a fraction of the price, I unfortunately live in a city though. Prices are better at local markets but there arent many of those.

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