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Joined 10 months ago

You joke, but that's kindof a thing.

The occipital lobe is responsible for us being able to proccess and turn the info our eyes gather into what we see. Severely damaging is can make us be unable to process the info our eyes collect and be effectively blind. Even though there is nothing wrong with our eyes.

You can have a stroke in your occipital lobe and just wake up blind. Or get hit in the back of your head and lose your vision.

Basicly forget how to see.

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It's a sport from the game final fantasy 10. It's kindof like handball or soccer but played 100% underwater. Not possible in real life but fun in a fantasy video game.

The sport is played in a giant water sphere.

Purged my main account by editing every post and reply. Then deleated all of them. Then deleated the account. . There are bots to do that automatically and make it easy.

I still have a NSFW account that Is exclusively used for NSFW stuff. I kept that one, but honestly that will probably be gone soon too. The vast majority of NSFW subreddits just feel like a bunch of only fans actors trying to self promote. Nothing against them or onlyfans, but I have no interest in it and would rather see stuff from people that are just having some fun. Not trying to make a living doing it.

That only works in more urban areas.

Its impossible to covered every road in lights and it can get very dark when you are far away from a city. Same with public transit. I am all for it, but it's only reasonable in more densely populated areas. There just won't be enough people using it in th middle of nowhere to just something like that much less staff it.

Meanwhile helping cars see people even in those less common and more difficult situations is a good thing. Why would you NOT want your car to be safer for others around you?

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I'm as loyal to my company as they are to me.

If big boss is cranky that day, I might get fired. If I make A mistake I might get fired. I am payed as little as they think they can get away with. My benefits are the vert least they can give me.

They will do very very minimum they can. Make no investments in me that are not going to be immediately beneficial to them...

I get payed pretty well concidering everything. But I Know that I am just a name in a spreadsheet to these people. If I get in a car accident and can't work for a few months, the company and management will not care. They will just be annoyed that they have to struggle to fill my shift.

Why in the world would I have any loyalty to an organization like that. Why would I have any loyalty to management like that.

Everyone has a responsibility for their own safety. We should do what is reasonable to reduce harm and risk to others, but there is only so much that can be reasonable. If a person wears dark clothing, doesn't use crosswalks, doesn't check for cars etc at what point does their safety become their responsibility?

Paramedic. A lot of people would die at home or on the streets. Many hospitals would be overwhelmed with patients that can't leave. Nursing homes would have to actualy take care of and treat people for once. Drunk collage kids will be allowed to go home peacefully. Police will not be able to pass off uncooperative people to hospitals for a psych evaluation as easy.

For real though, it would not be fun for the world.

Would be nice if we where treated and paid like we matter.

If it's just paramedics and not EMTs then it won't be as bad. People will still die though.

That's the peak of self defence. No one is mugging someone carrying an arming sword or rapier.

Yo u want to break into my house? Cool I have a pike with your name on it and a long hallway.

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Yo u are not the only one. I realy enjoy final fantasy games and I like real time combat. I do not like final fantasy games with real time combat.

I have not played the new one fuzzy came out recently, but tried the demo. I was not impressed. And I realy wanted to be...

Imo they have been going downhill since 10. They all have their moments and their appeal, but they are not as good anymore.

Dumb knee jerk reaction. Having said that, cops are not medical personnel and do not have the training to identify ExDS compared to other presentations and uncooperative behavior.

They should not be calling any behavior that. They should just say the jumbject displayed hostile behavior and did xyz.

EMS has to get better about ketamine doses and when to use K verses just versed.

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