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Joined 8 months ago

I actually do not remember where I heard this, but I was unhappy at one of my past workplaces, and I felt like nothing made sense anymore. The purpose of my job, the product, the people... I would ask why or seek deeper understanding and received nothing back.

The advice was "when no one has your back, it's time to move your back".

It stuck with me because it applies to friends, family, work, and life in general. If you do not feel supported and able to give support back mutually then it's time to place yourself in a situation more beneficial for you and those around you.

It doesn't place blame, it's simply a validation statement - you feel x, so do y.

Been playing on and off for years (beat it every way, every ending, 100% most of everything).

It's less glitchy than fallout 4. Even if there are bugs, they are not game ending or even that difficult to move on.

The game, the dlc, the paid dlc.... I thought all of it was incredible and I had an absolutely amazing time playing. I think I'm around 800 hours, but a few hundred were on stadia.

Anyway, if you're having issues, delete it all, try again and give it a shot. The difference between release and now is large.

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I've had good luck. Reliable and fast as any other service.

I'm a 3rd year subscriber of the Unlimited plan, $158 for 2 years at a time. I utilize the drive, aliases, mail and VPN.

No real complaints. I still use Google calendar because it integrated more with Android phone. I still consider going back to Gmail occasionally for simplicity. I really hate Gmail though but email is garbage. Does it really matter?

I basically priced out good vpn's, and the two year price of proton was pretty similar to most other quality VPN plans. So why not stick with it and get the rest of the ecosystem too.

I don't think about it too much, it's email and it works.

I do not care about secure email because I don't communicate with anyone else using it, but I do like how it automatically blocks trackers and cleans email links for me.

The dispensers are still around, just all empty. So frustrating. I'm not worried about covid but I don't want a cold or the flu either...being sick is not fun. Let me keep my hands clean!

My Garmin Fenix watch, it was during the first month of wearing it that I realized my life and fitness can be like a video game and I get badges and points for doing things. It drives me to move and even after 4 years, it still is making me motivated.

A nice wallet, I looked for a long time and ended up with a Trayvax wallet. I just love the damn thing, it'll last me forever and it's unique and functional. Each time I pull it out of my pocket, I appreciate it's look and feel and form.

My osprey back pack. I've carried it to and from work, on boats, kayaks, walking, for camping and to my friends houses. It is just so functional and comfortable in a way that a less expensive one isn't. It's made to be comfortable AND hold things.

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Sorry I wasn't clear.

Fallout 4 is beloved and buggy as hell. Cyberpunk was buggy, and still has bugs but is completely playable over and over again and with my hundreds of hours, I haven't run into any game killing glitches.

I'm a fan of Dune and this always made me laugh.

I agree and started putting effort into Mastodon. It took a week or two of filtering and browsing to find users and content but I've definitely found a more engaging base of content to interact with that is nice.

I was an engaged redditor who switched 100% to Lemmy and I do not feel quite satisfied with the comments and content.

I'll stick around, but I find myself on Mastodon and using Ground News more often.

Btw I have comments in my history of how frustrated I was about finding content on Mastodon, but suddenly it clicked after I spent a bunch of time on it. Not a raving endorsement but ultimately I do enjoy it.

Another side note, I was looking for some top users to follow and some have 10k followers, cool. Then I find some federated threads accounts with millions and realize how small we are in comparison. I know why, and I understand it, but it's truth that small user bases have less ideas.

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At the end of the day, everything is just atoms moving at different wiggle rates, that's the technical term. It doesn't matter what makes them wiggle faster or slower.

I do not still wear a mask, but I really loved having my face covered when I went places during covid. I just felt free. I don't know why as I don't have a problem going anywhere or doing anything normally, but covering my face felt good (except on 100 degree days in summer).

Love this idea. It's an idea that's easy to break down to children as well, help them narrow down their options when someone is talking to them.

This is one that will stick with me for sure.

I have dogs and for the last ten years or so, owned indoor sneakers. I do not like slippers or sandals so I buy some running shoes or something, cheap ones, on sale. They last forever because it's indoor only. I replace them when they get smelly.

I do not wear shoes that have been outside, in my place.

Works for me!

Black-eyed Susan. They grow in big bunches and expand outward each year in a ring where the seeds fall. Just a simple flower that stands out in late summer in my area and lasts through fall. It's low maintenance too.

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I want to like mastodon but I don't want to do the leg work of finding accounts. I like the algorithm to some extent, I want help to find things.

I also have trouble deciding how to support the post. Liking doesn't do anything and tooting or whatever puts it on my page. I don't feel part of the community boosting topics I like.

I like voting things up and down.

Maybe I'm doing it wrong but I try and get instantly bored because I have to hunt for everything. I really tried.

Based on the comments in the thread, they asked it to repeat before actually having it say anything so it repeated the directives.

There's a whole bunch of comments relocating it with chat logs.

Couldn't forward emails until about a month ago.

Their drive app backs up only the computer it's on and other computers cant access that backup. It's like a sectioned off part. Or I can upload files that any of my devices can access.

Their calendar has some problems with compatibility of run into and it's things that the person on either side can't change. Not world ending but it's really annoying.

They literally just added the ability to automatically add holidays to the calendar. And of course I had set it up about a month prior so I manually entered everything.

The proton drive app for your phone doesn't automatically back up anything.

I'm not shitting on proton because I'm an active proton unlimited subscriber and I use a bunch of their services, but I also recognize the flaws and how it's not as seamless as Google yet, which I don't expect it to be.

I also wish they had some better Linux support in preaching to the choir with that.

Love their vpn and the netshield features. Email works great and I love knowing I can read an email and automatically have trackers blocked. Aliases are great but I use their simple login site free with my proton subscription too. So my point is I like them lots, but it's not a complete Google replacement yet.

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I don't know that they deserve favorite because of what they are, they don't even have much of a smell! But there is just something about them I love, and maybe it's memories or how "wild" they look as they grow in bunches. It reminds me of wildflowers in a field.

I use Android, so Fedilab was the app I'm using.

I didn't want my feed to be an endless stream of news or other languages. So first I joined a smaller server, with a topic I care about.

Then I followed a few journalists, and followed tags I care about like cycling, my hometown, tech news relevant to me, and TV shows.

Lastly after I had that base of content... I went looking for people. When someone posts something I like, I check their other posts... do I like those too? If he's then I look at who they follow. Big accounts usually don't follow a lot of others. This is endless but really gave me a consistent group of people who I care what they think and say.

Not easy but worth the time over the course of a week or two.

Also I watched the #followfriday tag where people lost accounts they follow and why.

Also, look at the top accounts lists that exist. Threads accounts have millions of followers so it's a good bet it'll be good.

I don't think protonpass has auto fill even on browser extension.

Or maybe I'm too stupid to figure it out. I ran side by side against bitwarden which I love. Could not figure out a way that didn't make me manually c/p the creds.

Confirmed here too. I HATE my shark vac bot. So many reasons and I have two of them unfortunately, each with different problems.

I'm in NY, banned grocery bags a while ago and old people constantly bitch about it still, and joke about the state taking something else mundane next.

It's so stupid and I just roll my eyes, paper bags work just fine and its like $0.05 cents a bag at checkout. My jar of tomato sauce has shrunk by 6oz and gone up $2 but it's plastic bags and the 5 cent paper bags that are the problem right?

Anyway I'm ranting. Enjoy not having plastic bags floating around your streets and parking lots.

It's a commuter backpack, momentum 30. Has a front pocket to fit a bike helmet, I never use it for that but a big stretch pocket on the front is so useful.

Overall, it just always seems to fit everything I'm carrying with me to most places.

I've got a few other smaller travel bags too that I used to store computer accessories and toiletries when I travel.

It says nothing about spyware, the article isn't hyped up at all, and describes a token to track installations vs downloads.

"This data will allow us to correlate telemetry IDs with download tokens and Google Analytics IDs. This will allow us to track which installs result from which downloads to determine the answers to questions like, "Why do we see so many installs per day, but not that many downloads per day?"

Also there is an opt-out during installation.

I don't even use Firefox, and I honestly am not attacking but your comment seemed very hyperbolic and with little detail.

You're right that it's good to be aware of this stuff, I also don't see this being a road block for the average user.

Yep sorry I wasn't specific and thank you for clarifying. Auto forward so like I want my girlfriend to receive all my Walmart+ emails which doesn't let you have accounts like Amazon. So I forward all emails. Had to keep my Gmail to just make it easy. I'm sure there's a more complicated setup but it's Walmart... I just need email to get to both of us about orders.

It's like this because it's secure, there's was good reason they didn't have this feature. But it's inconvenient and I'm not using Proton because I'm a secret agent, I just to want to pay for a product instead of being the product.

I don't know what I expected. Nothing can just be fun anymore.

I come into a comments section to read and maybe find something interesting and we have police brutality jokes, political bullshit, mean comments.

It confuses me that people are thinking about this stuff all the time and trying to jam their misery into everything.

Downvote me, up vote me, I don't care but I am just so tired of being forced to think about all the bullshit in the world every day all at once. It's inescapable.

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