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I know quite a few people who are pro gun and dislike Trump with a passion, including myself. I would argue Trump is a symptom of why many people keep guns; a fascist dictatorship is an immediate threat to communities who won’t benefit from the “warm embrace” of such a government. I bought my first AR the day after Trump won in 2016 because it was clear the future was not trending toward the light. It was a rabbit-hole, because I realized I needed enough to equip my family and friends for what’s coming, and I like piecing them together over time so the financial outlay isn’t as high due to the variou parts going on sale over time.

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They’re bidet controls. One would be for front wash, another for rear wash, and the third one for air dry. There may be temperature controls hidden somewhere nearby, or more likely the system recognizes the user and automatically uses those temperature settings, and the seashells are just gussied up push buttons.

I think it’s a multifaceted problem. Police data is being scrutinized more heavily, arrests and forced confessions are being broadcasted widely, more and more people have wised up to the golden rule of don’t talk to cops, and police are tasked with so many stupid/useless things like the drug war, stopping abortions, arresting kids in schools whose parent just died of cancer, that they don’t devote enough resources to actual crimes like murders. Plus, you know, people are lazy in general and cop unions are the best at protecting their members.

Years ago the US Air Force commissioned a study on what would be the stealthiest color for planes during daytime, visually obscuring them in an infinite sky as it were. Pink, it turns out, was likely the best color family to draw from. The US did not, to my understanding, go with pink. At night, however, black might not be the best color to use, as the night sky isn’t usually true black. Do you think the Russians are using trial and error or is there some department of the Russian MOD recreating research the US did decades ago and then ignoring the conclusions?

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“ The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them.

To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it.

To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.”

Written by Douglas Adams

So you’re saying the Bible specifically recommends slaying ass?

“Honey, the Bible says I gotta go slay ass! I know I promised those days were behind me,, but God wants me to do it! Completely off topic, how’s your sister? She still single?”

Choose your spot well, preferably near an alley without any cameras directly viewing it. Wear a no -branded hoodie, sunglasses, and a mask, then obstruct its forward path, and start spray painting the cameras. Wear gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints. If all else fails, a stun gun might be very helpful in disabling stubborn electronics.

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You mean like the Klingon warbird that could fire torpedoes while cloaked and that tech just got hand waved away in all Star Trek after that?

Also, and maybe this is just me, but wouldn’t it be relatively easy to just “drop” torpedoes while cloaked and have them do a delayed launch thing? And nobody thought to cloak a torpedo, or at least give it some stealthy coatings? Complete amateur hour.

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What did the box of potatoes do to you to deserve that?

Do you think he’s into Wonder Woman, or is he an MCU loyalist for his daily heroine?

Orcas are a natural predator of everything that his the ocean. Fun fact, orcas have been known to toy with seals by catapulting them with their tails. I believe I remember seeing at least one baby seal got seventy feet in the air before returning to the sea (and its inevitable death).

Yes. We have a glass tabletop, so without placemats everything is loud and could scratch the table. Upside of the glass tabletop, aside from the look, is cleaning it is super easy with glass cleaner (not Windex).

I have a really good sense of smell; trust me, you smell after one day and just can’t smell it yourself until day four. I’m sorry if this comes as a surprise.

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If it’s extra sweet she might be diabetic.

I also love that Robert brings on repeat guests for certain topics. If an episode has lots of dead babies, it gets one person, Nazis often get Matt Lieb with his new sound board.

My favorite episode of all time is Action Park, with Garrison as host and Robert as the “guest”.

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The official investigation also never really turned up a motive, and if he was suicidal and wanted to take the maximum number of people with him, he had his own plane, so…

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Spot on. I’m politically left of anybody in power, so I know I’m on at least a few lists of potential “dissidents”, let alone being openly Jewish in a Christofascist dictatorship and friends/family with people in the LGBTQ+ community and from various ethnic backgrounds. I always hope for the best, but that hope isn’t going to scare off a truckload of paramilitaries, so I have guns and ammo.

I also stockpile water, medical, food, and so on. If there’s an earthquake, I’m prepared, same for a medium term power outage, but in the most extreme case, I know I’ve done everything I can to keep my family safe in a dangerous time. Nobody else in my family is dying in a ditch if I can help it.

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Father’s Office in Santa Monica. You get it one way, no changes. If you want ketchup on it, F Off. Heck, if you want ketchup for your sweet potato fries (the seasoning on them is delightful), F Off again. But, and I say this after trying a million burgers (slight exaggeration), no contest.

That said, somebody commented with a burger in West LA that I’ll be shortlisting.

I think they ran into the real problem with writer’s rooms in general, they suffer from a lack of knowledge in many areas. It’s why so many shows have “hammer noises” for Glocks, or the racking of a shotgun when people are about to kick in a door. They don’t know anything about weapons, and their ignorance is so complete they don’t even think to ask actual experts.

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I’ll outright say it. Other than The Prestige and the later Batman movies, Nolan movies have been very disappointing to me. They’re not clever, they’re pretentious. If you ever saw that Netflix movie where the woman dated Keanu Reaves, the part where Keanu asks the chef for a meal the plays with the concept of time is every Christopher Nolan movie in a nutshell. Also, the action sequences in Batman Begins were unnecessarily choppy, and the idea that it was somehow how a bat would see them is just silly.

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Counting Crows

Def Leopard

Led Zeppelin

Grateful Dead

The Doors

I commend you for voicing this opinion and disagree with you with every fiber of my being.

Why introduce astral projection instead of having Luke become one with the Force and then stall Kylo? The outcome is the same, but it doesn’t require the introduction of a new Force power and doesn’t imply that Luke used up his life force or whatever, which is also a completely new thing in the Star Wars universe. Having Luke’s Force ghost instead aligns with Episode IV when Obi Wan says that when he joins the Force he’ll be more powerful than Vader can possibly imagine.

I too watched Rey not get stabbed in the back.

“You know who won’t steal babies and forge adoption documents, probably? The goods and services that support this podcast.”


“Sorry, Sophie, I guess I mangled that one. Here’s aaaaaads!”

The Battle of Athens is one such occasion. The outcome can’t be considered 100% positive, but what future ever is? I should mention that the Second Amendment exists as the last resort, a sort of “break glass in case of emergency”. That those weapons are also useful in everyday life in a dangerous world is a side effect, but in the end, civilian weapons exist in case a despot/party gains enough power and starts to wield it against the citizenry, as at least one presidential candidate has promised to do if re-elected. It’s incumbent on all of us to vote our conscience, but also to be ready to respond effectively in case voting doesn’t do enough.

One for every room I intent for humans to survive in, plus one in each car. Also recently upgraded to hardwired CO/smoke detectors and each bedroom also has a combination alarm that uses Z-Wave to alert me anywhere, just as a backup. Also, we practice fire and earthquake drills monthly, along with a couple of other scenarios that are more rare/less dangerous.

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Also, for some hobbies/interests, there really isn’t another space. For instance, if you’re into tactical gear, there’s really not another community like r/tacticalgear. Lemmy has the promise of being free from Reddit’s admin and moderator madness, but doesn’t have the user base and neither do any other sites.

TwoXChromosomes has the same problem, though of course it has a much wider appeal. The moderators there protested the API changes and the gradual decline of Reddit in general, but they face two bad choices, and I genuinely don’t know the right answer:

  1. Keep serving as a large and visible space for women within the confines of Reddit’s sinking ship

  2. Abandon Reddit (ship) and let Reddit powermods run a space that they may be uniquely unqualified to operate. those same powermods/admins don’t care about doing the right thing in every other sub they control, so why would they ensure that women are protected from, say, tracking their visits to Planned Parenthood and selling that data to “advertisers” or hostile governments.

We need Reddit to truly self-destruct to ensure an Exodus, and right now it’s crumbling but not broken yet. It’s honestly sort of a mirror to society in general. We’re in the Crumbles, and every day we inch closer to the final straw that breaks the camel’s back.

Be fair, he also spent a couple hundred million dollars buying seats for the Dems so they’d push his favorite policy of disarming the plebs. He slipped up and said it and there should still be a YouTube video up with that exact moment recorded for posterity, though I know YouTube has taken down a lot of them.

Have you seen the scrap prices for catalytic converters? Also, the best thieves of all time were the ones that stole the catalytic converters from the police vehicles in a certain major city. Other than taxes paying for their replacements, I’m not even mad, I’m impressed with their hubris.

Exactly. Stay safe my guy/gal/non-binary pal.

Star Trek wishes it was as scientific as The Expanse, and I say that as a fan of both franchises.

Take a look at the fault lines around California. There’s lots of seismic activity, and we’re close to train tracks so we have gas mask drills too (added after what happened in East Palestine). Given the major large-scale risks in our area are fire, earthquakes, and a train derailment spilling chemicals, those drills seem prudent.

Real question is, why are there no UFO's ever seen from Disneyworld? Quite generous of UFO's to respect designated no-fly zones.

They’re painted “Go Away Green”, so while the UFOs are probing Clara, visitors are focused on finding Hidden Mickeys.

Thank goodness Pokemon are fictional; I don’t even want to imagine how much interspecies sex would occur, consensual and other.

Four monitors plus the laptop screen. It’s…a lot visually, but my productivity is significantly higher than when I only had two and the laptop screen.

They’re arranged in a square so clockwise from top right:

  1. Work entry screen - this is where I’m typing a lot

  2. Reading screen - this is the general source of what I’m working on

  3. Outlook - I’m fully remote, Outlook is life

  4. File folders - I work mainly with two or three folders all day so it just makes sense to have them uncovered

Laptop - Teams!

Of note, I use a ton of keyboard shortcuts and have generally optimized my workflow so I’m not hitting the mouse nearly as often as my coworkers. Having Outlook and Teams each have their own screen means I can keep them open and see what’s coming in while still working on my stuff on other screens. Final thing I’ll say about the arrangement, because you’re probably visualizing this making for a good gaming setup, no it wouldn’t because of how the screens are placed.

No matter what, get yourself a mirror. I don’t like people suddenly appearing by me, and since I’m using noise-cancelling headphones with music/podcasts 40+ hours a week, this keeps me from jumping out of my skin.

The .ml is the country extension for Mali, which was colonized (read that how you want) by France along with other regions of Africa. Just recently French troops left Mali after a nine year military operation to fight Islamic militants.

My opinion is that LEP lights are going to be brighter than anything LED very soon. Right now they’re on basically the first generation of LEP chips, but in a couple of years when engineers figure out the spot/flood distribution for LEP lenses combined with the natural efficiency and brightness gains that come with maturing light technologies…

Now, we just need to make it a rule that all flashlights need potting so they can survive being used in the real world.

It’s a fantastic podcast and I point people to the one on the V-22 Osprey frequently just because we live near an airport and Ospreys practice touch and gos before getting lunch nearby.

Come on now, you know that it’s sworn testimony that Prince Andrew doesn’t sweat.

Many jobs in Finance (Accounting Finance, not customer facing like banking) are remote at this point because they’re all done via email, spreadsheets, PDFs and corporate systems, none of which require a physical presence in an office building.