1 Post – 30 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Really interesting article providing context to what is happening from someone with experience at commanding major military operations. Definitely gives new perspective to why Ukraine has struggled lately to make significant progress.

I was using Digg and Reddit both at the height of Digg. I had already mostly moved over to Reddit at the time of the migration but still was on Digg some. But I was among those that abandoned Digg then.

Its never ceasing to amaze me that Ukraine, with essentially leftover western equipment, is handling a full blown invasion by Russia. Its pretty incredible to think what would happen to Russia if the west actually went all in and took down Russia with its full might.

I know they aren't as dependent as they've been in the past on Soviet/Russian armor but it does provide some hints to China's position as well. A western army at full strength with the full support of the western nations is, and will continue to be for a long time, an unmatched military force on the planet.

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Can be unreliable though based on what else is on the circuit. Had a portable ac that completely took my power line ethernet connection out whenever it ran.

The sports stuff is pretty empty. Team specific (my teams) are mostly dead still. So I've been on the corresponding SB Nation blogs more than I had for a long time. Otherwise, just here.

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I use

It definitely can be finicky. I had a portable ac that completely killed the power line ethernet connection when it ran. And my current house I have it in i use from where my router is to where my main TV is and it is unreliable even without that AC unit. So it definitely depends on the circumstances.

Ehh, I used to share this take but I think it's a bit over the top now. There are at least certain vehicle models from other brands that I feel are in the sphere with Toyota, notably the Ford F-150. Used, it tends to be similar or cheaper than the Tundra in price and mostly better features and performance and it gets better fuel economy than the vaunted Tacoma, let alone the Tundra, while being significantly bigger/roomier and I dare say, not much less reliable.

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Eufloria Classic

Almost perfect "simple" rts. Nothing terribly complicated about how it works. Really the only thing that keeps me from saying it is perfect is the lack of ability to set rally points for units or select multiple planets to move all the seedlings(units) all at once.

There's a new docsis version right around the corner that will provide symmetric speeds. Comcast is starting to roll it out this year. Cable will be a lot faster in a couple years.

It's really unfortunate that China has allowed this state to exist for this long. Or ever really.

You'd have to be able to run Android apps.

Lived in southern Africa for 6 months. Primarily Mozambique but I was in SA a little as well as Malawi. They're very racist, the Africans. My brother who was there as well was driving somewhere one day with a Mozambican, a good dude, and it came up that he wanted all the white people out of Mozambique. My brother is a red-headed white American. He questioned this Mozambican asking what about himself? "Oh, not you, we like you." Its just how they think about things, probably going back to all the colonization that happened and all the ills or perceived ills that came from that. And so it's easy to just keep going back to that idea as a society.

And for the record, they didn't just want all the white people out. They wanted the Chinese out as well. And there's tensions between the various tribes. Combine all that with low levels of education and extensive poverty and it's easy for charismatic leaders to come along and pump up these ideas and get movements going as people see hope in the promises even when the results are obviously going to be bad.

Red Reader is pretty good. I moved to it from Bacon Reader years ago.

Didn't you hear? Christian is a lying, scheming, impossible to work with, dev who they just couldn't possibly work out a deal with.

In terms of conventional warfare, nation on nation, the US wins. The US Navy, the US Air Force, the US Naval Air Force are in a completely different league of power in comparison to China.

The thing would be what that war looks like and where it would take place. US mainland is an unlikely locale for the front lines due to the difficulties China would have getting a foothold.

In an all out war the US does have an access point to the Chinese mainland in South Korea. Granted, the US would have to get through North Korea and that's already been tried once although the US wasn't in all out war mode the last time troops were engaged in combat there.

Whether the US would actually be able to militarily defeat the PLA on China's home soil I don't know. We all thought Russia was extremely powerful and Ukraine just held them off and turned the tide with a bunch of NATO's old equipment.

Obviously the Chinese economy and therefore military support capabilities are drastically different from Russia's but many do wonder if Chinese military policies being perhaps closer to Russia's than to Western standards does make one wonder if the tactics and capabilities of the US and it's allies would ultimately be too much for the PLA to overcome even if relatively well equipped and bigger.

This was my reasoning. Sounded like .ml was having trouble and was advertising their upgraded server and seemed to working good so it's what I went with.

Red Reader will continue to function.

Ehh, and down the road they go racking up the miles same as the Toyotas. Mine's at 150k, a 3.5 ecoboost.

And let me get this straight, someone needs to trade in their 2017 truck because of a potentially $1.5k, maybe a fair amount less, repair?

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Valve body ≠ Transmission...

I don't understand why this isn't the most up voted selection.

Red Alert has a strong female character and is definitely age appropriate... :)

I followed the context of the conversation accurately. Have you?

I think not...

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I don't think they're in opposition to the rights of trans people to use the bathroom. Way to shift the argument. congrats.

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You think I didn't follow that this conversation is about bathrooms?

Are you suggesting the Democrats haven't been about bigger government? Are you suggesting that bigger government means more freedom and less regulations? Like, this isn't even all that debatable. I truly don't think you understand the reality of, well, reality if you think this isn't the case.

Course, the far left is all about whats not reality and I bet that's exactly the space you think in. Makes it easy to just spout off whatever nonsense sounds like fits your narrative about the other side and call it intelligent.

Ever heard the idea that when you point at someone you're pointing 3 fingers back at yourself?

For the record, I'd level similar criticisms at the far right and it's narratives as well.

I guess the reality of what the Democratic party has been for the last, oh, 70-80 years at least is irrelevant if we're trying to disparage the Republicans? Way to hive mind yourselves Lemmy...

Like it or not, Republicans push for less business regulations, they've neutered the EPA at least some(as a moderate conservative I'm not necessarily in favor of that one but it's reality) when given the chance,

About the only things that democrats can pin this idea on the Republicans about is abortion and immigration.

The Democrats forced the ACA, which is more regulation and bigger government. Republicans were the ones pushing back on vaccine mandates while Democrats pushed for them.

So ya, I stand by my statement that the op statement is not some unique thing to the Republicans and I think stating that as if it is and then agreeing with it is an example of basing your opinions on feelings and propaganda, not facts and reality.

The problem is that peace has been negotiated before, and what happened? This...

Israel has had enough.

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As if that description doesn't apply to democrats...

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