0 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Well well well if it isn't the hard bigotry of no expectations

Based and cart-pilled

This is news because...?

I'm going to be deadass with you brother. When I say it's every single time, I mean it's Every. Single. Time.

He was also very friendly with Epstein...

Imagine my shock

We have him this time gang!

Thot patrolled

But that would put the US into direct conflict with Russia. Military lasers are definitely a thing

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Absolutely would

Truly newsworthy

You trust conservatives now? Kek, ok boomer

What is plutocracy

Ben Garrison does the same thing. It's pretty common

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I think you underestimate current military capabilities which are decades beyond public knowledge tech.

Everything I disagree with is Russian propaganda: Burgers guide to political discourse

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Jesus Christ

Good picture honestly

At least when Garrison does it it's so over the top it's farcical and ridiculous which makes it funny unlike this comic

The real issue is the energy grid as more people move to electric cars. California already has rolling blackouts. What happens when millions more EVs start recharging?

You're intentionally misconstruing my statement. They're the same in that neither runs the country; plutocrats run the country. And if you don't understand this simple, fundamental truth, your mind will forever be enslaved.

Sick burn bro. Now go back to your propaganda sweety

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Source: trust me bro

Then everyone clapped

Oy vey shut it down



Stopped reading right there

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People in this sub shit on Fox (which fine whatever) but will then turn around and post stories from sources like Vox.

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Can we stop posting idiotic articles Jesus fucking Christ liberal circle jerking at its finest. The same people that salivate over this nonsense will unironically state that faux news is white supremacists fascist racist literally Hitler propaganda (it's just right wing propaganda chuds).

Obvious hyperbole is obvious

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Because they are. There's no difference between the two parties because neither makes the rules. The absolute state of burgers ffs it's no wonder we're turning into a shit hole

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It's time to ban all pornography, literally nothing good comes from it.

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Fun fact: the electrical college determines the presidency in our representative democracy.

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Next to be indicted: a ham sandwich

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Woah easy on the racism pal

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Why would Musk work for the Kremlin

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