1 Post – 97 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

What short, catchy username did Musk's company change Hwang's handle to? @x12345678998765.

That's some really !funnyandsad material...

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Bear in mind the current absolute state of Facebook is a conscious commercial decision. Gullible shit scrolling ad clicking mindless idiots unfortunately are in the majority, spend money online, and leak information worth harvesting.

Utter state of the internet 2023... Should have stopped at usenet.

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Hi Firefox. It's been a while..

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Plenty of enlightened gents hitting the thread here to rubbish the need for a women's category whilst simultaneously demonstrating the need for a women's category

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I can't imagine what kind of a bad way I'd have to be in mentally to end up buying a Meta product...

Well... I look forward to using Unity's replacement...

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Some others in the Anglosphere:

Fred Bloggs - no idea where it's from. Related to "bog" as in bog standard maybe?

Tom, Dick and Harry - is ages old. Even as far back as Shakespeare you can see the triplet evolving. "Tom, Dicke, and Francis" : Henry IV, Part I

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So if most of these people decided to stop working at their current job and instead bring that those skills to a mutual aid network wouldn't they still get most of the resources they need because other specialists would be there to help them and also live a generally more happy life?

We don't live in small self sustaining villages though. That shear amount of manpower needs layers of managing (planning, distribution, logistics) to make it even remotely work. (Otherwise it would already "just happen" all by itself. But it doesn't because it's more complex than it looks). Those with the skill and wherewithal to fill those management type functions are not generally working poor in the first place because of the power (and compensation) those skills are able to obtain in the regular jobs market. So.. a chicken and egg type problem.

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Had to contact support this week because (on top of an already infuriating week of marketing cloud bullcrap) an exit criteria in Journey Builder was firing when it shouldn't. Basically amounted to a string comparison of A = B? But one was from Contact Data and the other from Journey Data. And you know what their response was? "Yeah.. that won't work, you have to do B = A". I kid you not. What's worse is that actually fixed it! What a joke of a platform. How shit do you have to be at coding to end up making a string comparison non-commutative? Like..I don't even know how you'd screw up that badly accidentally. It's a veritable kaleidoscope of shitty infuriating bugs.

I've been pulling my hair out with the totally unrelated but also awful Marketing Cloud (owned by Salesforce). This article made me feel better.

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Three Amigos (45% / 67%)

Shrug silently

18 years here. 'do not cite the deep magic to me...'

I wouldn't put it past them to short their own stock while they make announcements then go long once things settle down...

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Like a real life Brewster's Billions

Small government conservatives: "get the government and all its "rules" out of our lives!"

School board: "you're right, each family should decide what schoolwear is appropriate and I guess people will have to manage themselves and their own reputation.."

Small government conservatives: "no not like that!"

What's next is Elon standing at a red light holding a piece of cardboard telling you to buy Twitter Blue or he'll key your car

But if we are entirely natural processes ourselves then what we think, feel, ascribe value to is the universe doing it. Just in a rather complex way.

It's not even random, it's counting 1 to 9 and then down again to 5. Seems like even less effort lol. It's either patronising in a show off kind of way or just dumb. Either way.. just wow.

Well... this is certainly enough bullshit to make the crops grow

lossy compression

Have you tried demanding $1000 of popcorn or you'll stop eating?

Half of America that didn't get the love and affection they needed would have voted for some other guy who didn't get the love and attention he needed.

It's a systemic issue

Should be a filter on tinder

Also 1/3 is 0.333 recurring.

So 1/3 x 3 is 0.999 recurring. But 1/3 x 3 is also 1.

Now that I've found it... Yes that's normal, though I'd say not terribly helpful. You have to click the "show context" button above to see what you're after.

Even then the context button seems to open the thread showing the top level comment that you posted somewhere under plus all its child comments. Which is fine for a small number of replies. But if you've replied amongst a dozen or so sub threads, showing "context" in this way isn't that helpful, you still end up scrolling loads to find your post + the reply.

"Context" view really ought to only show the single trail of parent comments from your comment up to the top

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The Catholic church has nearly entirely considered abortion a sin since the first century (yes there are exceptions, but a minority). You are thinking of the adoption of "life begins at conception", which was ruled in 1869. Prior to that the church considered early abortion an immoral sin on par with contraception. What changed in 1869 was the category from sin of contraception to sin of murder. But it was still "sin" beforehand.

Huh? Second hand uniform sales are massive in the UK. Every school has one. Maybe not in the states? Don't know why..

Am seriously considering founding a not-for-profit to provide an ad free / spam free / bot free basic community. Would cost a dollar or two a month. Chief differences to the lemmy would be one account per person via proof of identity signup (I think this would improve behaviour and discourage spam), a single authority to tackle voting abuse and other things useful to be not federated.

Aside from that revenue would cover technical staff costs + hosting and the rest could go to some good cause. There's be no ads. No data selling. Not conflict of interest over how the platform evolves. Would be open source. Adults only.

Id keep it as basic as possible to try and capture the spirit of 90s fora. Am not even sure I'd allow inline images or vid.


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They have also bombed the caravan on primary roadway people are taking out of the city, according to several news sources

Fwiw the video that Hamas themselves released shows an explosion that is very much not a missile or artillery. It has a large orange flameball, doesn't leave a crater, leaves windows on the vans intact.

This was most likely a propane IED of which Hamas are known to use. Or a tragic accident (trucks propane tank exploding).

I don't particularly want most Reddit users here. A large portion of people like low effort, manufactured, spammy crap. (Cf Facebook). I came here from Reddit because I liked Reddit most around 2004-2006.

Things only have a price if they have to. Price is, to some degree, an indication of power exchange. If they wanted or needed you to talk about it then there would be a price. As it happens you do it for nothing.

It's got to be something to do with "political" slogans in retail spaces. But how that doesn't straight up violate the first amendment I don't know..

I've lost faith that I'm even having conversations on there at all. Such a big motivation to have natural language bots building up credible history and posting nonsensical but vaguely plausible sounding replies that offer zero depth.

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Convinced these give me a headache but I feel like a hypercondriac for saying so...

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Great questions

The puzzle is an enduring one because no explanation seems to tidy away all the loose ends

If Jesus was a figment of James' imagination, what are we to make of Paul's (who was definitely real) association with Peter (by Paul's own writing)? and his separate association with Luke (by Luke's own writing)? As late as Acts 1:14 Luke is saying Peter is hanging out with Mary mother of Jesus.

Explaining that away as a result of the actions of a third unknown party, James, seems far more convoluted than "a man Jesus basically existed, preached a spiritual interpretation of the Torah, was baptised, crucified and had a mother Mary".

Which was essentially the position of the secular Jesus seminar.

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Something something Soviet Russia..

Thank you! Chain looks like the permalink icon from Reddit, I didn't even try it shakes head

Tbf it was actually a lot less stupid than the average "nostupidquestions"

A few guesses:

  • it stopped the OP being forever notified of comments on everything they've ever posted
  • force conversation into the "fresh" post (reposting on Reddit was allowed even encouraged, I suppose it's clear their purpose was to drive engagement at the expense of being spammy and repetitive)
  • reddit's search was shit so I guess you would get a dozen results for a news headline some unrelated and old and it was to stop people commenting on old threads by accident? I dunno