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Joined 11 months ago

Sneakernet is getting worse and worse these days, I'm learning the ancient art of astroprojecting into random people's rooms to consume media.

Anna's archive acts as a drop in replacement for libgen and z-library, also doesn't cost anything

6 more... has this great index of google alternatives that can be used.

Anna's Archive and z-library are the best way I've found to pirate books

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Meen Jan, the open-source ChatGPT alternative

Yes, the article is pretty good

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Currently there doesn't seem to be any mechanisms preventing me from spinning up an instance with 10k votes to downvote a post. The bots will come eventually

To be fair, while unreal isn't FOSS, it's source code is at least openly viewable so devs would find it easier to make easily transferable alternatives

Too many people involved I think, someone will have to check this but all those members with names attached look like real developers who were significantly contributing to the project. It is perfectly possible for a dictator for life to have festered a toxic culture that got worse over time, and has happened multiple times before.

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No, more like a mirror in that it hosts all of zlib and libgen's content as well as providing torrent and ipfs links for the files (which they seed)

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Yes Stable Linux variants (also known as distros) are very widely used, and range from Linux mint which is completely stable with no issues for day to day use (assuming you don't use an Nvidia card) to Debian which which has a selling point of not changing anything beyond security updates for like 6 years straight

Most people here will be talking about there bleeding edge systems which will use code that is often in beta or use systems so new they don't have proper documentation (the bcachefs file system which showed up last month comes to mind).

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Nope, just means that you can't make over 200,000 US yearly if it has over 200,000 downloads

If all you need is a one sided conversation designed to make you feel better, LLM's are great at concocting such "pep talks". For some, that just might be enough to male it believable. The Turing test was cracked years ago, only now do we have access to things that can do that for free*.

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The issue is not the appeal to hypocrisy, it is discriminating against the rights of others while giving yourself those same rights. For a party that runs on a illogical foundation, having your leaders be shown to be doing what they preach against is powerful enough for people to emotionally disconnect and actually think through the information they have been given. Yes an appeal to hypocracy is a fallacy, but "you can't logically argue someone out of a position they didn't logically obtain", it is better to use a fallacy to force them to think logically, then use logic first and be ignored.

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Seems like it, I switched to my current instance explicitly to avoid dealing with this stuff


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Because Gui's don't show advanced options and so I know/understand exactly what is being done. (e.g. I would always use apt over mint's package store so I could see what it did, how much time I had left, download multiple applications at once and see if the package made a random config file somewhere)

Let's see: Unintentionally making a proxy accessible to anyone online

Accidentally deallocating an ext4 partition and then having to run testdisk on it

Trying to manually create a grub entry and corrupting the bootloader

Installing a arch derivertive and having it silently overwrite grub

Installing puppy Linux and then trying to get it to use apt

Incorrect use of ppa's on mint resulting in very old packages being installed

And many others besides

Police are there to help *maintain the status quo


I did once Infinity stopped working

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I thought that would happen the moment I saw suyu uses only a discord server. Shame they didn't use matrix or even IRC

If you want an excuse to visit random coordinates around you is a interesting option. Each day everyone is given the same set of spots to go to, with optional challenges and badges one can do. Its quite surprising how strong the community has been going despite it's age.

From what I see, there are 4 5 options on

  1. Use fast(but fee charging) direct download

  2. Use ipfs

  3. use torrents

  4. Go to source pages (libgen and/or zlibrary)

  5. Slow direct download [Edited]

It sounds like you clicked the link to the source as opposed to the mirrors

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I've never heard that story before, thankyou

But it does matter. The US backs Isreals Genocide and is the one supporting there iron dome systems. Affecting public sentiment via protesting would make the US politicians less willing to send money to Isreal. That would influence the outcome.

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Upsides: Everything just works, no google tracking, creating a google account is optional and its easy to setup

Downsides: You aren't able to automatically backup the internal storage of apps without a lot of work (external files such as photos and documents are fine though)

I've been using it for about 1.5 years, I would recommend using it if possible

Writing in the 1990s and 2000s, author Albert Jack and Messianic Rabbi Richard Pustelniak, claim that the original meaning of the expression was that the ties between people who have made a blood covenant (or have shed blood together in battle) were stronger than ties formed by "the water of the womb", thus "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb". Neither of the authors cite any sources to support their claim.

Nice, do you have a source for that so I can fix the wikipedia article? Either way it doesn't particularly matter.

Its not free in the traditional sense, its just someone else pays for you. These projects work by being "free" with their biggest/most charitable users supporting it. Every major software project that runs the web, be it curl or python, works that way. You do not pay to use the service, you are instead paying to help delay the abandonment of the project and bring updates to improve your experience.

If you don't particually want this project to succeed, then that's fine, though you should probably pay your instance a dollar to cover the bills incurred by your own use of there resources.

How would you suggest doing that and what purpose would it serve?

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No, I believe we are just pieces of meat with enough nureons to be capable of abstract concepts. However currently the existence of a soil is unfalsifiable, so I wouldn't be able to prove or disprove my clain.

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The goal of the private prisons is to get the individual to commit more crimes so they get paid more. This means they are being paid to encourage and change people to break the law, as opposed to teach them to be better

That may be more of a issue that affects the youth and/or "terminally" online, rather then those who are identified as "woke". Also when you talk about people overusing "isms", I struggle to see how someone could achieve that.

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... Can I have your reasoning? Just because they are communists doesn't mean they are foreign agents, all it means is that they are authoritarians. Besides,idue to lemmy's federated nature the governments would be better off infiltrating or straight up buying larger social media companies

That's so skibbity dude, you have like level 100 Rizz, your slang is so Aura fr fr. At least I'm so fanom taxxed my looksmaxxing is so much more Ohio. (Help me I am held in a basement against my will)

So if I understand you correctly, Graphene OS does everything it says it does but overhypes its differences with other forks. That doesn't sound like snakeoil, only effective marketing.

Why shouldn't I use it over the other forks then, particularly because useful features like hardened_malloc are only avalible on Graphene despite being widely ported to linux distros?

They also do not shill for Big Tech or Google/Apple.

What's the story behind this? I'm genuinely curious.

I will say I strongly dislike how the developer has handled criticism, but that seems to be more a failing of the dev then a problem with the OS.

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If you ever find a social media platform that doesn't have stuff like this, please tell me. The larger a site gets the more representative of the human nature it gets, which leads to both really heartwarming stuff and things like this.

Running dd on the wrong partition on multiple occasions, wiping my OS

I know a large js obferscator has auto detection code, try loading dev tools in first then loading the site on the tab so it doesn't detect the sudden viewport change

I can already locally host a pretty decent ai chatbot on my old M1 Macbook (llama v2 7B) which writes at the same speed I can read, its probably already possible with the top of the line phones.

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