1 Post – 19 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Here and not there too. I saw my last post when Apollo got cut off.

It was difficult to figure out how this works at first and wait for the Memmy TestFlight, but now I’m happy.

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How can regular people buy this data?

Say I wanted to find out what my profile looks like?

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Yeah so much has surprised me.

Mainly I would say it’s the shock at the amount of stuff my SE knows. Like I know my stuff and in two bootcamps I did I was far and above the rest of them and even some tutors. Yet here I am nothing lol.

How hard it is to get used to conventions. So I’m doing TS React and C# .net. I know react but this app is something else. So many custom hooks. I was sure on day one I was hired by mistake. It’s getting easier.

This last one is hard for me to get to grips with, but there are no timescales (only 6 employees). I get given something to do and left to it. I’ll be wondering am I doing it right is it taking too long but nobody ever comes for an update. The boss is busy on other projects and this being a new one isn’t due for a while.

It’s just difficult as I’m used to working shitty jobs where you are pestered all the time.

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Here and not there too. I saw my last post when Apollo got cut off.

It was difficult to figure out how this works at first and wait for the Memmy TestFlight, but now I’m happy.

Any insights on to the cost of running an instance? Talking about cloud based solutions.

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How does one get icons next to their name?

I do. Now what?

Same. I still have the app as a reminder but this is my home now.

Weekend I’m going to see about spinning up my own instance.

I really missed Reddit at first and it took a while to get TestFlight on Memmy and figure this out but it’s looking good so far.

I am the same. I used to code all day just silly things. Now not so much.

I like to walk when not working as work makes me think too much haha.

That makes sense.

So who wants to set up an marketing agency with me?

I can relate.

Years of depression, undiagnosed ADHD (now diagnosed and medicated). I would wallow in despair for weeks on end.

It’s crazy how a purpose can help really.

Thanks dude. Yeah the market was disheartening really. Just need to hit that 3 month probation to relax.

I am conscious of lifestyle creep, although I do live frugally who knows what will happen.

Thank you.

Late bloomers unite.

I too was unprepared for life as my mother was unprepared herself and thus the cycle continues.

I guess we can only do what we can do. I was blessed with boundless curiosity, even if it took a few decades to aim that at something useful.

Hey thanks for the detailed response. Sorry for delay.

Just wanted to address the timescale issue. This project is due in October so I’m sure in his head he has timeframes for when he will jump back on to it.

I guess I’ll try and set my own timeframes just for peace of mind and practice.

One thing that does concern me is I get directions for new components with very little details. I’ll go away and do what I think is required then he comes back and is like yeah not like that, but gives praise for working with little direction and then extends in it.

I can’t work out if it’s to see how I do, or getting all the logic tied up then it’s easier to make changes or something else.

I guess I expected a lot more mentorship given that I was hired as a junior with no commercial experience.

Terrified that at the 3 month probation end that they’ll can me due to all the refactors, but the logical side of my brain says no, but the anxious guy is yelling at me.

Yeah that’s a scary thought that nobody really has life down and we all just plod along.

It’s hard to remember this sometimes.


Yes. Had those thoughts.

I thought I would get here and they’d be like only joking bro.

Thanks. Imposter syndrome hits hard.

I will front like a real one.

That makes sense.

So who wants to set up an marketing agency with me?