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Joined 1 years ago

Just looking for a free internet horizon to sail towards.

Missing the track pads, total garbage.

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All these corporations looking to kill off their own relevance. They all in the same death cult or something?

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When i think of Android i don't think of it as part of the gnu/linux ecosystem, but a heavily modified linux kernel turned against the user.

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Mine didn't have a smell, but don't know how long that lasts, so maybe i was too late for the new deck smell.

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Cats don't hang around anywhere near fireworks, let alone artillery barrages. Good luck keeping them there.

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I feel for them because i switch games all the time on my deck, even with a 1tb sdcard on top of the 512gb, you have to remove games and install games all the time. I'm not going to feel guilty about this, they are my games, i paid for them and will install and uninstall as i see fit. Not out of malice, but because this is expected behavior. I imagine there are going to be a lot of lawsuits over this, and more than a few bankruptcies. They also can't remove games you've already paid for, so this is going to get interesting.

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The next hole should be bigger.

Epic trolling.

I have it running on deck and it's not that bad really, locked in at 45fps, though it does dip heavily in busy places. Runs much better on my main amd rig though.

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It won't end with Putin, this is a russian delusion of manifest destiny that russia will conquer the world.

Why are people so horny for federating with fb/meta? If you want to see their shit just join them.

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It doesn't matter where they are in Ukraine, russians send missiles into homes/apartment buildings, schools, and hospitals. Probably most bomb shelters are inadequate, so that's out of the question. Sad reality is, this is their reality and they have to get about their lives and business regardless of what russia does. Defiance to the enemy, heroyam slava!

It was never about the 3rd party tools for me, i only ever used Reddit in browser. No, it's about the inshitification of everything online. I was actually delighted when this little protest started because i knew it would help the Fediverse. Everything is about data mining and manipulating the users. Trust me, there are going to be more mass migrations away from Reddit and Twitter, and other online resources as the inshitification of all online resources intensifies.

The problem with Android is it is very invasive and in my opinion untrustworthy. How many of these Android OS's from various vendors are not kept up to date, with unpatched vulnerabilities because they dump support to force upgrade their customers to the next model, when your phone should still be functionally viable. How many apps in the Android ecosystem are just info vacuums? It's a very predatory ecosystem and i would prefer a libre solution to these scumbag predatory corporations. It blows my mind how people are so numb to the abuses of these companies, they won't even consider alternatives. Iphones aren't a viable alternative either unless you're into joining abusive cults. I have both a Pinephone and a Librem 5, and they work fine if you don't mind horrible battery life, i just wish we had more alternatives and I'll put my money towards that endeavor.

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Valve has certainly given linux a boost with the SteamDeck and all the work they've funded to make it a viable gaming platform. I just hope they release SteamOS for all platforms soon, maybe we'll see an uptick in PC pre-builds with SteamOS as an option instead of just Windows.

Rot in pieces scumbag.

It sucks that somebody thinks they can take over the world by force of arms. The only way to deal with them is to kill them back until they decide they are tired of dying. When a free people are attacked there is no alternative but to fight to the death. Fuck tyrants.

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I think we are getting close to the Deckard being announced, the successor to the Index. Hopefully they do hand controller refresh/redesign, the joystick potentiometer they used in the Index Controllers were dog shit.

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Hey, it's Americans right to protect themselves from sweet innocent children.

Time to sink some rusky ships.

I don't think you understand the benefits of the Fediverse. With multiple sites you have alternatives to go to if the site goes to shit. Lemmy and kbin sites also appeal to different tastes, rather than having to endure one size fits all mentality. Being federated means you can subscribe to and access and post on other federated sites from kbin. No more monopoly abuse.

Casual manslaughter. The only laws are 'don't get involved', 'everyone for themselves', 'You only saw what we say you saw'. Welcome to russian existence. Here's your bag of beets (big bag, 3 shriveled beets).


14th Amendment Section 3
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Seems pretty cut and dry to me. It's preposterous to allow that traitorous criminal to run for any office. While it may cause individuals to rise up in rebellion again, for which they would pay a heavy price, the damage would be much worse should he get into office.

This is what i use as well.

Buy it now you aren't going to see another steam deck version for another three years probably.

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Badda boom, jagga jagga!

They are propagandized to believe the west acts as they do, rape torture, and murder of prisoners.

Corporate poopification.

Now the arduous but necessary task of making the Fediverse the place for those results instead.

Deleted my account with the message "Your contempt for your users disgusts me". Oh well, account since 2012 permanently gone. Long live the Fediverse!

More instances will need to spin up. People aren't used to having choice so it'll confuse them at first. Same thing with Linux distributions, people aren't used to having choice so they don't know how to go about comparing what's on offer. They'll accept making choices at the food market, but are too confused when it comes to OS's and social media, lol.

I'm running Pop on my living room pc and it's fine, looking forward to Cosmic when it arrives. Also have Linux Mint cinnamon on my bedroom pc. Been thinking of going back to Arch, but i'm lazy so i'll stick with what i have unless i get annoyed enough to switch.

The problem is war is expensive, and keeping the impetus going is hard politically, especially with how tough it is economically in the west for the average person. Especially in Canada where people are one paycheck away from living on the street. Homelessness is a real danger here now, not just something that happens to somebody else, it can happen to anyone at any time here. So the pressure is on for Ukraine to make a breakthrough. Slava Ukrani! Heroyam slava!

Uh Oh, Looks like poo boy is out of diaper money.

No i didn't bother. 512gb plus my 1tb micro sd has been enough really. Besides, i have a full PC with shit loads of storage.

Considering russia's prior actions committing ecocide, it is highly likely. I wouldn't trust a monitor who doesn't have unfettered access to the facility. I think it's best to assume the worst of russia in this case.

Get to da....boom!

Nothing wrong with having accounts across instances. I use as well as kbin, a few across mastodon, not a big deal with me to be honest.

This is the fate of every russian soldier in Ukraine.