1 Post – 217 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Wait, so crackers don't publish any documentation on cracking Denuvo? They just keep all the knowledge to themselves? Or is it just that nobody else wants to do it?

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That's crazy. Those people are no better than the companies that put DRM in their products then.

I wonder if we could do crowdfunding to pay someone to write and release the documentation? This way Denuvo cracking would be easy for any experienced cracker to learn.

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It's super weird to me that pirates aren't advocating for the Free Software movement. Being able to control their own devices should be like one of their main goals.

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The average person doesn't understand modern technology even on a basic level. Most people don't know what Free Software is or what end-to-end encryption is and you can't have privacy without those two. And those things have existed for decades. What about more complicated topics such as cryptocurrencies or AI? It's easy to see that most people don't understand them either.

So when it comes to some basic aspects of modern technology, most people are decades behind. Sometimes I even meet software developers who don't fully understanding those topics.

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But Steve didn't contact Linus to give him time to prepare an explanation in which he would blame everyone else and say how sad he is! It's just a poor $100M company, they are just humans and they make mistakes. :D

If you don't own the music/games/movies you pay for, you are always the product.

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GNOME also has an app that lets you do encrypted incremental backups very easily.

They have been misleading millions of people for years and getting away with it. I hope this company is done. There have to be consequences for this kind of behavior.

What Gamers Nexus did should be the standard. Serious reviewers should check on each others work and point out errors on regular basis. It's the only way to get rid of corrupt channels like Linus Tech Tips and I suspect they were just one of many.

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There is no moon.

Bandcamp is DRM-free, so whatever you buy there, you truly own it. Unlike on most other platforms.

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Free Software gives you the 4 essential freedoms. One of them is the freedom to distribute the program. So anyone could legally give you a copy for free. Sounds like what you want, no?

Even if the authors implement some kind of DRM, any programmer can modify the program to remove that feature and share the modified version with everyone. Technically that is also possible with non-free software, but it's illegal, pretty difficult and requires special skills.

Threads got 80 million users in 48h. Those people are not gonna use Mastodon anyway. They don't care about their privacy, they don't care that some proprietary algorithm is gonna decide what they will see, they don't care that it's Facebook. Those people have no standards. The only way we can help them is by educating them and if that doesn't change their mind, then there is nothing we can do, because freedom and privacy is not something they value. People who value them are capable of making a small sacrifice of not using some website when an alternative exists.

Facebook either just wants to use the Fediverse for their own benefit or they want to destroy it before it becomes a bigger competitor. We shouldn't risk all that we have built just because we live in an ignorant society that doesn't understand technology.

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What if we can't make it more approachable? Should we forever rely on corporations and their unethical platforms to be able to communicate? Just because people aren't willing to learn a few very basic things?

This is not a problem with the technology, but with people.

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What they did should be the standard. Serious reviewers should check on each others work and point out errors on regular basis. It’s the only way to stop corrupt/incompetent reviewers from misleading people.

Congratulations! Next you might want to learn about the Free Software movement:

I don't own the copyright, but I can use it offline with any software I want on any device whenever I want. I can lend the physical disk to a friend and if I don't like it or get bored with it, I can sell it. That's what you can do with music CDs and you used to be able to do with PC games before they contained Steam's DRM.

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Only employees can have an account on those servers. Registration is not open to the public.

Yeah, it was the worst video about GNU/Linux I've ever seen. The whole idea was stupid from the beginning: let's be ignorant and try to use a new operating system we don't know anything about, spend 5 minutes on research and definitely don't ask anybody for help.

Linus's issue was caused by some new bug in Pop OS, but he ignored the warning message and even typed "DO AS I SAY"! But of course the conclusion had to be that GNU/Linux is not ready yet. I'm pretty sure he could have just downloaded Steam from their website instead.

The most annoying part was the response from the community. Instead of criticizing his ignorance and incompetence, people were praising him for finding a bug 🤦.

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That's a shame. I wonder what it would take to change that. I would really like to see Denuvo become useless some day.

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We need to build a strong society that isn't dependent on big corporations for being able to do the most basic things like talking to each other. The usability issues seem like a tiny price to pay for that and for privacy and freedom of speech. Those people can join Mastodon any time if they wish. But if Facebook manages to destroy the Fediverse, there will be no freedom for anyone.

Sometimes I try to help, but unfortunately not everyone is willing to listen. I've noticed there are multiple reasons why UI might be bad in a Free Software project:

  • developers are not UI experts and they don't know better

  • developers are not UI experts and they don't listen to experts or UI is not their priority

  • the UI code is so bad that changing it would require rewriting most of the application and nobody has the time to do that, so there is nothing that can be done (this probably doesn't happen in web apps)

I believe in Lemmy's case it's mostly the 2nd point.

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Yes. We need to somehow convince reddit mods to create their community here and redirect the users here.

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By keeping the knowledge to herself, she is slowing down the society's progress on destroying Denuvo. She also created a single point of failure. If she is gone, a lot of that knowledge will be lost. What will the community do then?

I'm not saying she doesn't deserve to earn money for her work. But she has the power to make it easier for other crackers to crack Denuvo. With enough people like that, maybe Denuvo could be destroyed entirely? Wouldn't that be a more worthy cause to support? But it seems that instead of actually helping the society, her priority is to be the only one who benefits.

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But why use a proprietary app when there are awesome people making Free and Open Source applications? For example Jerboa or Anyone can audit their source code and make sure they don't spy on you or do anything malicious.

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Yes, Lemmy's UI is very bad. It would be pretty easy to improve it, if only developers understood this. But I think the part that new users complain about the most is federation. At least I've seen many posts and comments saying that it's too confusing.

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Thanks for changing it so quickly :). Your app looks very cool, btw. I don't use iOS, but I will start recommending it to others.

Edit: just noticed that it's for Android too. But I assume it's not in the store yet?

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That is true and the reason for that is not capitalism, of course. Most projects don't have UI experts and when someone wants to help, devs usually don't listen. Sometimes there are technical obstacles too (old framework, hardcoded UI), but probably not in web or Electron apps.

compared to their paid alternative

Keep in mind that Libre Software can be commercial too, so you really mean proprietary alternatives.

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We've had a way forward for 40 years and it's called Free Software:

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I can't help. There is no license, so your app is proprietary. What are the goals and what needs to be implemented?

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I know, I just wanted to explain the real reason why their UIs often suck. I agree that it has nothing to do with capitalism.

Lemmy is a perfect example of such project, btw. The devs can't design a good UI themselves and they ignore people's proposals, so users make their own themes and browser addons to fix it.

We can have nice software, people just need to care.

Every day of people still using Reddit is a day when a portion of humanity's ability to communicate is controlled by one psychopath.

The recommendations will likely become worse over time, because they want you to listen to whatever makes them the most money and that might not be the same stuff you want to listen to. The same happened to tiktok recommendations and youtube subscriptions (people stopped getting notifications on creators they subscribed to).

Instead of hoping that the corporation will change, they should just move to the fediverse.

Speaking about VSCode it is also open-source until you realize that 1) the language plugins that you require can only compiled and run in official builds of VSCode and 2) Microsoft took over a lot of the popular 3rd party language plugins, repackage them with a different license… making it so if you try to create a fork of VSCode you can’t have any support for any programming language because it won’t be an official VSCode build. MS be like :).

I'm opposed to having repositories for plugins. I don't want my code editor to connect to the internet at all. If I need some popular plugin, it should already be available in the repository of the distro that I'm using. Some distributions of VIM and Emacs download a bunch of plugins on launch from who knows where. I don't get why people are fine with that.

It's similar with Flatpak and Snap. Oh and each programming language has its own package manager too, of course (NPM belongs to Microsoft too, btw). Everyone and everything wants its own package manager or a separate distribution system.

For now I use VSCodium in firejail to prevent it from accessing the network and I don't install new plugins. I haven't heard of any better editor, unfortunately.

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I would say that security and privacy are also very important. That's something you can't get with Windows.

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I don't disagree with you, but at the same time I use Lemmy. I disagree with its developers political views, but I believe they are doing something good for society. So maybe sometimes it's good to make an exception.

Web standards keep evolving, this is normal. Otherwise you would be still running Adobe Flash.

Yes and how is the developer supposed to earn their money when they can't spy on people and insert ads?!!!!!!!1111

I agree, but on the other hand if we moved to decentralized platforms no strikes would be necessary. People only do this, because a company is holding their content as a hostage.

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I'm sorry, but it's really not complicated. It's not even anything new. Our society is just bad with technology.

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