2 Post – 110 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If you are in need of some real fresh light, I would recommend to go outside at daytime.

It's a good thing to do. Candies contain high amounts of refined sugar and are a choking hazard for babies.

Ok, no shot the title doesn't contain "arm wrestle" on purpose..

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Oh, my b

Anon was in a private home and ate someone's food

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It's like... WE , the viewers have the wrong encoding. Only we don't know how the owner of the sticker feels about Unicode. They themselves know exactly how they feel about it.

I like that.

Excuse me.. BulbaSOUR ?

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100% agreed! I don't want to take my eyes off the road while driving. Just let me feel for the right button

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Why should we care (indifferent).

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Is this meme available in a lower resolution?

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Ok, I'm gonna ask.

What's Figma?

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There's a fine line between 'bug' and 'oversight' and just about every time people are using 'bug' to not look incompetent.

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OP, we need an explanation. What did you think of when posting this?

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I would go for lubed humor

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I like this interpretation

ʇuǝɯɯoɔ sᴉɥʇ ɹoɟ pɹɐoqʎǝʞ uɐᴉlɐɹʇsn∀ ʎɯ ʇno pǝʇsnq I

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I believe you have posted the slightly incorrect version of this illustration. Here is the original version:

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Hahahaha what do you mean? This has to be satire. Nobody is that dense right? If it doesn't fit, don't buy it lmao.

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I mean, like...

I know what they mean but they expressed themselves so wonderfully stupid.

My sleepovers always involved Tommy, my grown up friend, appearing on the balcony and showing me how to wrestle. He taught me that the trick is to not wear any clothes so my mom won't scold me for making them dirty.

Looks like they scrapped plan-b and went for plan-bee

Haha, I bet it's fine but it all depends on the quality of the sent pictures. I'll let you know if you're safe if you DM me the pics.

Who's L?

I wholeheartedly agree

Can confirm! I did the cross-eye thing to check

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Excuse me for not answering the question but are you using the color picker in Firefox really that frequently?

I would just choose a nice color with the picker of my choice and paste the hex-code / type the RGB in the custom panel of the default FF color picker and that's it.

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I like how every community is in festive fall mood <3

Drake's dick didn't get leaked. No pictures = no leaks 🤷‍♂️

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Here you go. I didn't have the images so I looked them up. I couldn't find a good quality image of the second panel with his mouth opened, though.

Why did they have to use "plunge"?💀

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Can't parents just talk to their children about how to dress?

I feel like that's a simpler solution and this way the school can focus on teaching.

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Yes. It's kinda like carcinisation

Why would you release a guy that killed and ate Russians in an attempt to help Russians?

In my mind he just starts killing and eating people on frame one and to me this is quite funny.

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ʇsǝq ǝɥʇ ll∀ ˙ɹǝʇʇǝq ʇᴉq ǝlʇʇᴉl ɐ ʎɐp ɹnoʎ ǝpɐɯ sᴉɥʇ ʇɐɥʇ pɐlƃ ɯ,I

They address the possible color variations on the site:

"I'm sorry, guys."

Hahaha that's exactly what came to mind. Glad I'm not the only one!

Honestly, this feels like one of those tasks in a test that you can't solve with what you learned but only by knowing what the prof wants and it's bs..

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Labeling whole arguments seems to be really effective as long as the opposition gets it. Usually this is not the case, though.