5 Post – 65 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Chatty friend of the Fediverse! Moderator of m/dryherbvapes and m/quickstart

#dryherbvapes #quickstart

RIF had it best. Click the thumbnail for the link, and the post title for the other options such as view comments.

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The thing he doesn't comprehend is that third party apps were reddit's value creation engine.

But if you think everything in life is a zero sum game you are delusional.

How many people would have happily spent some of the free credits Google play store awards on paying an annual £5 to be able to continue using RIF to cover API costs?

I have taken the executive decision to turn federation off for a similar reason.

I was recommended a vile post on the sidebar from m/random which I definitely never want to see the likes of again. I did report it but since it was from another server I don't really know where that goes.

I'm not going to turn federation back on again until I find a way to prevent it. Perhaps we should start a blacklist?

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Since it's the Fediverse they could be called something like constellations :)

Thank you and I appreciate the write up but I had actually already blacklisted a few domains.

Unfortunately that did not prevent the post from appearing in m/random because it was from a domain that I had not already blacklisted.

I simply do not want to have to act reactively once I have already been exposed to the vile content. At that point my experience is already ruined whether I block it afterwards or not.

Another reasonable approach might be to block m/random which I might consider doing if I am tempted to enable federation again, but for now I'm just going to play it safe and stick to

Yep hostile is the perfect way to describe Reddit.

The "old" saying "don't feed the troll" has been forgotten by a big portion of the internauts.

I'm not sure they ever knew it in the first place!

But never mind now, we're here and we can finally relax.

Funny you should say that because created a magazine this morning for this exact reason!

It's called m/quickstart and it's intended to get new users up an running as quickly as possible. Don't expect too much there's literally 2 subscribers and it's basically just me posting mobile screenshots on the microblog with the tag #quickstart.

Hi, moderator of m/quickstart here.

They are not dumb questions which is why I had started this community. And as a matter of fact I had already posted regarding some of your questions.

Where can I see a list of the magazines I'm subscribed to? A list, not posts from.

Answered here: How to see a list of all the magazines you are subscribed to

Why do the thumbnails for posts appear distorted? The have incorrect aspect ratio. Is there a way to fix this?

Sorry I don't know yet.

Where can I see a list of local communities?

Disable federation then view the list of magazines.

How is microblogging handled differently from other types of posts? Do they all show up on the home page?

As far as I know it's only if the user selects 'microblog' from the homepage.

EDIT: #5 I don't seem to get any notifications of any sort, visual or otherwise, that I have received responses to a post or comment. Is this the way it's supposed to be?

Answered here: How to get notified when someone replies to your thread or comment

Edit: tested something and it didn't work as expected.

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Maybe this configuration should be default?

Constellations, if you will.

Yep the UI is excellent for my needs. It looks great and is easy to interact with. There are a few nooks and crannies for settings which I imagine will throw a few new users off but it appeals to my 'learn by clicking random buttons' nature.

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Thanks, I was trying to figure out tables earlier!

Welcome friends! Make yourselves at home.

Kbin works like a dream except for the occasional server error.

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I am having a bit more luck with this method.

Thanks for pointing out, I've updated the how-to. Hopefully that covers it.

Have you got the top bar switched on? If so switch off and try again.

Check out my how-to guide on m/quickstart:


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No but it's a frequently requested functionality. I think it would be great :)

Look how far we've come in just a week :)

Yep kbin feels like a forum/discussion/community from the outset. Official reddit app feels like a poor man's Instagram.

Ah nostalgia. I used to host a hip hop vbulletin that everyone migrated to after the biggest one closed down.

I agree wholeheartedly with @macracanthorhynchus but I also have my own hypothesis about how things will evolve.

The special thing that Forums had that was mostly missing from the centralised reddit subs was the sense of intimacy within the community. Specifically to the extent that you would get to know some of the members despite the anonymity.

The Fediverse allows us to have the best of both worlds in this respect. You'll pay special attention to the communities you are fond of, while at the same time keeping an eye on the rest.

Anyway, that's just my half baked prediction, but I hope it comes true!

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Funny you should say that I actually literally just started a magazine which I'm beginning to fill with basic mobile UI tips for those who just want to get going: m/quickstart

It's just a performance issue, I've had delays getting my notifications too.

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OK I think the reason you have to scroll down more is because you may have been viewing a specific comment at the time.

When you go to the actual 'homepage' of the magazine you don't have to scroll past the user information.

EDIT2: also NOTIFICATION?! like there is no indication when i go to kbin that this post has any interaction. I have to manually go to the post.

Hi, moderator of m/quickstart here.

Here's how to get notified when someone replies to your thread or comment.

Sorry I should have been clearer. I can select a file and then post the image. I did it on this post. Just don't bother clicking upload file and go straight to Add comment.

Edit: I just posted a screenshot to m/quickstart

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Thanks friend! I'm adding more guides as we speak!

Hi there, moderator for m/quickstart here (shameless plug).

I'm not sure whether this will solve your problem because I'm not sure exactly which screen you are starting from, but you can try this solution and let me know if it doesn't work.

Excellent guide! Really well written and concise.

I actually had a similar idea a couple of days ago and (shameless self plug incoming) created the m/quickstart magazine.

Do you mind if I x-post your guide over there?

Welcome! Make yourself at home :)

You can upload directly to kbin. I posted a how to over at m/quickstart.

@szczur welcome! Check out m/quickstart for a few tips

Thanks! Let me know any feedback :)

Yes that's right, it's the 'tags' menu in the 'magazine panel'.

I was considering making a separate guide for mods and just linking it from here, because it's already pretty long.

Thanks for the long and thoughtful comment. This is really helpful. I will do my best to take on board your points over the next few days.

Mighty+ but use v3pro for stealth

Please can you share a screenshot?

Here's what I see what I select the burger menu while on the magazine.

Maybe your screen size or text size is different to mine though.

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