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Joined 1 years ago


Someone in a suit is always suspicious.

They play dress-up to represent something that they aren't, to get you to think that they're serious and competent.

Someone who really has competentence and something behind the looks can show up in rags and I will trust that person. Someone in a suit makes me question, what are they hiding? Why the need to show off?

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unified through gay sex

Doesn't sound that bad actually

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I will never understand how people can treat other creatures like this.

And then still eat them.

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Nah, in this setting I would ask myself:

Why do we require suits for a wedding? We're celebrating a couple, how does wearing a suit make it more celebratory?

And then probably go on a rant about our superficial society.

But the only wedding I would actually attend would be one where we'd sit on the ground in jeans and hoodies and pass a joint, or something like that.

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What if I told you that you don't HAVE to

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I want to get off Mr. Bones Wild Ride

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Most of the time, these things are not quirky, not positive and some people experience real hardships in their lives because of ADHD.

It is great that you can take responsibilty for your actions and self-regulate, but some people just can not do it. It just does not work.

This is really hard to understand for people who can just "do the things", but you don't have to make fun of people who just can not do it because their brains do not work this way.

Also, you can just be nice, don't comment and just continue scrolling. You don't have to be mean on the internet and if you really want to say something stupid, maybe think about it for a short moment, realize that you gain absolutly nothing by doing it and, instead spend your time with more positive things.

And this is just one thing we underestimated. I am sure there are many other factors which influence the climate that we either do not know yet or severly underestimate the effects that even a minor change will have. Have a nice life everyone!

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There's nothing stopping you from becoming the fabulous human being that you want to be

Even if not, you can be!

Well my drop zones evolve to piles, and then there's just piles of stuff. But at least I always have a rough idea in which pile the currently desired item is.

I think a good drop zone is limited in size, so it just isn't possible to endlessly pile up stuff.

Right now, I have a small table, which collects all those random things - and when there is no more space to put another thing, I put everything I didn't use for some time into boxes.

Now there's boxes full of stuff, but the room doesn't look cluttered or messy. Progress!

And the next step would be to regularily sort through those boxes and throw stuff away.. Someday. For sure.

I really have the urge to paint a rock now.

No, this is Capitalism and our culture. There were and still are societies where there is very little competition between individuals or even where the concept of "competition" is unknown.

This works with small communuties living naturally, like tribes in South America. But I think with technological advancement and a cultural shift towards are more social and less individualistic society this could also work on greater scales.

Certainly the most efficient way, and capitalism taught me to always strive for maximum efficiency.

In an Anarchist world, it would be traumatized/autistic people like me running around with guns and shooting everyone who so much as touches another person on sight.

Genuine question: Why? What circumstances in an "Anarchist world" would cause this behaviour?

Or the other way: If you feel like this, what in our current system stops you from acting out?

"Man there are so many checkpoints ok first one check second one check third one check fuck there is even another column of checkpoints fourth one check yeah I'll probably check them all let's just have a quick little look at that big interesting blob at the bottom and then I'll finish those checkpo.. Fuck you" *never actually finishes reading everything

We are not that special. And if we were, it wouldn't matter anyway. We are just going to kill ourselves.

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