6 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


I’m already noticing “cultural” differences between the different instances, almost like they’re virtual countries with their own traditions, but still able to see and talk to each other

It’s beautifully chaotic and open, like the Internet should be!

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They can’t keep their story straight. First the protest is “noise” that will “blow over”. Now they’re forcing subs to re-open.

Look, even if the protest “fails”, they stick to the API pricing, and forcefully re-open subs, some things will be obvious and for everyone to see that weren’t before:

  • spez is lying and isn’t trustworthy
  • reddit cares more about IPO positioning and money than the health of the community
  • people are willing to explore alternatives like this fediverse
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Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦

Use a pseudonym that you don’t use anywhere else and don’t dox yourself in your posts or comments

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I just made this username a week ago. I see there's a Twitch person who goes by IFrostBolt and has 362K followers, and that's definitely not me, haha.

Non-competes have always seemed dubious at best. And even where they do exist, they have expiration dates.

This finally made it make sense for me. Thank you


Isn't there also something where a magazine mod/owner can add hashtags to be associated with their magazine, and then Microblog will fill with Mastodon posts hitting those hashtags?

Do they want a devastating, million-view YouTube documentary on the fall of reddit made?
Because they sure seem to be asking for one
and Internet Historian would have a field day with it...

Is there a similar account that tracks Lemmy or kbin user counts?

I've been using:

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en passant got me from 1000 rating -> 2800. buy my book.

Thanks for the strange, kind golder

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they are not interested in the same things that bees are, or as diligent

frikkin slackers!

Let’s lead by example

Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time… a long time

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It's easy to tell from fediverse observer stats that most of the new users aren't not organic: new accounts is almost a couple orders of magnitude higher than daily active users

Likely an overreaction to the current protests / social unrest / whatever you want to call it

Still 100% remote, and have been for over three years (software engineer). And even before covid, I was often doing hybrid roles. I work so much better remotely.

My current company is trying to press for "5% travel" to have people attend the idiotic on-site meetings, but they haven't forced me to do it

Might quit my job soon (for other reasons). I'm committed to staying fully remote even if it makes my job search harder (which it undoubtedly will).

Same here. I had used reddit since 2010 and must have had close to a dozen accounts. I didn’t like too much info piling up under any one account. And I used a local city subreddit a lot.

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OP posted to kbin, which was replicated to Lemmy

Dingo massage / doggy massage

Fantastic! Thanks

Can confirm

I noticed it months (?) ago. When I would do Share -> Copy Image in iOS official reddit app, it would add the attribution/watermark

Not a day passes until another hilarious "press statement" from that spez

It really is something new every day, isn't it? And it's begun to be entertaining to watch the collapse

To quote a reddit admin's (kn0thing) -11k downvoted comment from an infamous incident 8 years ago:

Popcorn tastes good.

Oh yeah - that reminds me of another thing I don’t miss about reddit: getting to a thread a few hours late and knowing your comment is unlikely to ever be seen under the pile that beat you to it

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What I wonder is: what's the motivation for these bot network attackers? Is it some script kiddie doing it for lulz? A reddit "nationalist"? Russia and China getting an early start on propaganda tools for the newer platforms?

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Could one move instances while retaining their own post / comment history? That’s the part that I’m unclear on (new reddit refugee here)

It’s tough. You’re having a rational response to a difficult future. But there are things you can do to at least help your peace of mind. Take news breaks. Meditate. Reflect on the things you are grateful for.

Thanks for posting

It is interesting how, no matter how much technology changes, human nature doesn’t and history repeats itself

I tested the waters at several sites:

  • Mastodon felt too much like Twitter my taste, too many angry people and too much politics; the UI is slick, though
  • Squabbles UI felt weird
  • Lemmy had some problematic stuff around the person who runs it, and it felt more confusing on which instance to pick
  • kbin has been my favorite; familiar UI, and people seem mostly friendly and chill
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Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this game also the engine upon which Enemy Territory was built? I logged soooo many hours in that multiplayer mode...

I believe it was one of the early games to implement classes/roles in a team-based shooter

Exactly! And they cynically finally started working on moderation tools AFTER the protest (apparently the built-in mod tools had been garbage for years...)

This is glorious 🤣

Wow. That really sucks.

Welcome to the fediverse, though!

That's a great idea

yet another algo-driven doom-scrolling hook

This is such a brilliant way of putting it

Yeah. I always enjoyed those threads with random (contest mode) or new sort. Like even the huge SuccessionTV discussion threads I got people seeing my comments because of the sorting, despite there being thousands of comments in the thread

I wonder if there could be a universal subscribed communities + followed users data format people could export before they move instances. Hard part would be getting everyone to use it

I suppose that's an idea. I'm still not fully used to federation, neither on the technical level nor the social norm level (and maybe we're all figuring that out as we go)

Keep in mind, there's a known issue with bot registration spam so take total user count stat with a big chunk of salt:

Daily active users is a better measure: (site stability is iffy right now, but refresh a couple times and it should load eventually)