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Joined 12 months ago

A mentally ill Australian doing his best to make people laugh....

At least tell us if it was a Shiny. Come on man.....don't skimp on the details of this Togetic.

How long till Ol Musky sues them for some stupid reason?

Kind of hard fighting crime when they're the ones starting said crime....

Geez.....that guy really needs to get laid by a Miku Robot.

You can put a lot of things in coffee.....I can't exactly mix whiskey with caffeine pills...

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Like Patches O Houlahan from Dodgeball once said:

"I drink my own piss because its sterile and I like the taste!"

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Sometimes I can feel some things inside me say, I really don't think I'm energised enough no.

Elon Musk kinda comes to mind, but Trump shits all over what Musk has done....

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You're gonna put some gasoline in it and light it up?

Stuff a gas soaked rag in it, light it and throw it?

You're gonna "One Man One Jar" it?


"Since your history shows frequent use of pornhub, we highly recommend websites like xvideos and redtube"

Because that's totally what every 15 year old fellow really needs hey Google?

Let's confuse them even more:

Hot chips and potato chips.

Aw Bruz, the amount of damage you did to NSW is far more than Jordies fucking in your guest houses....more than the building you and your fam swiped from the Italian Community, more than the all the money in the world.....

...putting on a "woe is me" victimizing regime to the courts isn't doing you any just adds more fuel to the fires like Jordies housebombing. Or the Black Saturday Bushfires that rought havok across the world....

"Chemical Caffeine"?

"Bull Jizz n Juice"?


What do you do for a living?

I sell drugs to minors and bribe police to allow me to keep doing it.

No, I'm a construction worker building houses and units.

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Nitrogen Execution?

They're gonna freeze him and strike tap him with a baseball bat hammer?

Then deploy a bunch of Roombas to clean up the human icicle shards?

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Does it count if its sponsors on race cars? I've been getting that a lot.

Yes EcoBoost Ford GT, I read you loud and clear. You can stop appearing every time I sleep...

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Posting humorous comments to get people to laugh more.

Even better when I self depreciate myself to make someone smile.

Killdozer II: The Revenge.

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Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller mixed their DNA? Dayum he's the Ken that Barbie movie should've used.

Oh no! I seemed to have misplaced my cyanide pills that dissolve in cocktails and leave no sign of visible contamination! Wait why are there a large amount of land- er, I mean "house providers" slumped over the tables and ground and showing no pulse?

EDIT: /s

Whats wrong with the sound of the sharp Australian twang in your voice mate? Lots of folks love it!

Where's that hot/crazy pic when you need it? Except put Evil instead of Crazy. Knowing her though, she's probably all three...


Ah, I love the smell of fresh tanks in the morning! Its metallic!

Oh man! Time to give Google a damn good show of a morbidly obese balding 40 something world of warcraft guy beating it heavily to lesbian futanari furry content staring into the camera as he gets busy!

Google wanted this to happen, so why not give those suckers the VIP First Class treatment?

Anybody else think of things that'll make those Google folk writhe in visual and audial agony and cut the privacy invasion act?

A huge black dragon lands on top of the tower in Helgen. He lets out a mighty fart that shakes the then hear "Awwwww........thank Talos!!!"

Geez....and here i was thinking "I'm doing my part in helping the environment" by using public transport instead of driving, and using paper straws.....


"Fuck off ya fuckin gronk!"

Or Ya fuckin mutt cunt!!"

"Spider Pig, Spider Pig, Does whatever a Spider Pig does..."

I'm surprised and mildly disappointed no one else commented this.

Fuckin aye. Half-arse 1/5 of the game and get the remaining 4/5 as "new DLC Content".....

......or recycle stuff from previous games and claim "built from the ground up"....

This is some excellent shit here!

Stephen King's new bITe, coming soon to a theatre near you

Nothing speaks "city of love" like the smell of stale piss and burnt tobacco at the Eiffel Tower!


When I got blackout drunk last week and I'm still feeling the hangover effects.....I'm 29 for fuck sake! Let me do what I did ten years ago and still come out strong!

Nah, someone got a fire sale going on.

Pumping lines of Adderall-Laced Cocaine


Crank one out then lights out.

"We now go live to the man's rectum to see how its holding up after that dump!"

What a shame. Guess he'll be walking on the sun soon....

I for one would like to try this "nuclear fish"......preferably crumbed, deep fried and doused in lemon juice. With a serve of fries.