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Joined 9 months ago

Clown company doing clown things.

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The whole thing sounds like some cockamamie plot derived from chatgpt itself. Corporate America is completely detached from the real world.

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As it turns out he may not be wealthy either lol.

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Why the hell can't we just have both? One of the biggest problems with smart speakers and voice assistants is that they're so damn stupid so often. If A.I. were to become smart enough to be what the current assistants/speakers aren't, surely that would drive device sales and engagement astronomically higher right?

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Hasn't that been the strategy for several decades?

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I keep hearing that violence isn't the answer but I swear it feels like.... FOR LEGAL REASONS THIS IS SATIRE

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First of all apparently ublock, no script, or some combination of my add-ons kept me from seeing the message and I'm able to view the entire article.

Even more interesting is this text at the end of the article-

This story was originally published by Grist, a nonprofit media organization covering climate, justice, and solutions.

So this source basically spun an article from Grist and put it behind their paywall.

Following the link from Scientific American, the first line of the Grist article is-

This story was co-published with WIRED.

It's clowns the whole way down, yaaaaar.

So it's a.... Convoy of Babel?

Thoughts and prayers.

HP flashing that ink subscription money around.

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Fool me once, shame on...shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again.

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And this is why you VPN.

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It isn't consistent in the US. Some landlords or properties include utilities in the price of rent, some don't. Some only include things like trash/water/sewer and it's up to you to source an electric/gas/internet provider.

In case anyone else misunderstood the title the guy wasn't producing incest videos himself but he had all kinds of underage and incest content on his electronics that he was exchanging with other pedos.

He was definitely doing some disgusting stuff but he wasn't physically abusing anyone as far as these charges are concerned, which is what I assumed based on the headline. It sounds like he hasn't had the chance to act on his perversions but he was actively looking for someone to abuse.

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You've been hacked. Pay 500 BTC to regain control of engines and landing gear.

It would be nice to have the option to not just block your data from being accessible to a 3rd party but also feedback junk data into the system. Pollute the data stream until it's no longer useful to the powers that be while still retaining functionality for the user.

One can dream.

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It's a shit show largely enabled by the US.

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Strange, my reddit account seems to have had all its posts and comments deleted and my IP leads back to Proton. Oopsy daisy. Get fucked clowns.

How can we be sure he wasn't simply frozen in place at the right time for someone to make assumptions?

This motherfucker goes in and out of the twilight zone.

Israel is driven by vengeance and fear.

That's been the case for decades but a lot of the world won't hold them accountable for their own actions.

Palestinian lives and civil rights almost always take a backseat to Israeli rhetoric and posturing on the world stage. The loss of any innocent life is tragic whether it be Israeli, Palestinian, or otherwise and should be treated as such.

Unfortunately for everyone Palestine/Gaza has become so desperate to escape their shrinking cage that they seem to have resorted to desperate and despicable tactics, and Israel will gladly commit genocide if the world allows them to. It's a no win situation that should be defused by world powers, not encouraged and bankrolled by them.

[actual footage from Colorado's 4th district]

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The US is already fractured and much closer to a civil uprising and maybe a civil war than most people want to admit. Mass shootings that are often politically motivated happen nearly daily, as close to a non functioning Congress as you could get, and apparently anyone can say anything and claim they are correct regardless of facts.

Extremism has been ramping up for years, there's nothing sudden about it. Welcome to 'Who's Country Is It Anyway?' where everything's made up and the points don't matter.

Same thoughts here.

Watching the world's reaction to the Ukraine/Russia conflict compared to the Israel/Palestine conflict is equally baffling.

The world's moral compass spins like a top. At what point can we just declare all these attacks and wars unjust and a waste of life and resources?

We have the technology and resources to make a utopia for all humanity but instead we spend our time and money coming up with new ways to kill each other and reasons to be hateful. It's only going to get worse as the world shrinks from climate shift.

What a time to be alive. History will look back on us with disgust.

Follow the other advice about carbon monoxide detectors and whatnot, but an easy trick to monitor your door is to tape the seams with something like painters tape or masking tape. If someone were to open your door while you're sleeping they won't be able to fix the tape even if they close the door when they leave.

If it trips it doesn't tell you who is opening the door or why but it might give you some peace of mind until you get a camera or something set up.

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Reddit will continue to do things that push the users away. As apps and accessibility to Lemmy improve, hopefully quality posts and comments will continue to grow.

Tech is a boogie man to many executypes. I've seen plenty of IT pros that were in over their head but smooth enough con men. If they keep coming up with things to throw money at/trim money out of convincingly they have long and successful careers.

The fucking liar that knew he wasn't in India and still called the people Indians? Yeah fuck that fucking guy.

Apparently you haven't seen him attempt to wear cowboy boots.

Alcoholism is terrible to watch play out, especially if it's happening to a loved one who won't give it up. It's a shame it's so normalized in society.

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Maybe an unpopular opinion but I think a lot of anti intellectual thinking is a combination of religious and corporate influence on the world.

Religion more or less teaches that you should believe what you're told, not what you discover or learn for yourself. It's a subtle but powerful way to discourage people from seeking the truths in life because they are genuinely convinced they've found the answer for everything.

Similarly with corporate influence so heavily a part of our lives people are quick to fall into the trap of consumerism. From a young age we are being conditioned to accept that it's normal to have to pay multiple times for the same product and to replace our possessions regularly. The cost of living that way makes the time and expense of continuing education unattainable for the average person, which often leads to bitterness about their situation and anger towards those who are able to work a white collar job or live an easier life.

Both are problems without quickly enacted solutions. People have to be taught to think critically without being put off or angered when they get to topics that contradict what they want to believe.

Many moons.

Sadly even that isn't true anymore. Someone I used to work with died recently of an unknown upper respiratory infection after being turned away by his local hospital 3 times. He eventually coughed until something ruptured and he died due to internal bleeding.

He had a decent paying job with health insurance and likely contracted his infection at work, yet he was denied admission to the hospital for some reasons that his widow and daughter may only find out with a lengthy court battle they can't afford.

Welcome to the dystopia, it's just getting started.

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It took a couple weeks but I've found that blocking some bot accounts and adjusting the sorting on the app I use has plenty of fresh content with active posts. It isn't exactly the same as reddit in its prime, but I shouldn't expect it to be either.

It's causing me to branch out into other topics and conversations that I probably would've missed on a gigantic platform like reddit. I think reddit made it easy to see interesting content because of how long it had to develop into a community. Lemmy is still a bit jumbled and fragmented, but the community seems to be sticking around and forming a new identity apart from reddit.

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What a joke.

The amount of idiots willing to die for another man's ego

U.S. Military has entered the chat

Enjoy training on my -checks notes- DELETED POST HISTORY YOU FUCKING CLOWNS.

Stay ForeverFucked™ spez.

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The last time the US was attacked by terrorists it was domestic terrorists, and it's happening basically every day.

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Well said, and the things you've listed are why I've begun to de-google myself. After decades of wishing they'd fix certain products and features or compromising just to keep everything under one roof, I'm done with them.

I appreciate the role they played in helping shape the internet, but I won't be a part of helping them try to kill it.