2 Post – 21 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This makes me sick honestly. r/place is one of the nicest memories I have of Reddit and now they’re using it as a cheap tactic to bait us to come back. Really a low blow.

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Man. What the actual hell is Reddit doing? They’ve been making the most suicidal business decisions this year. Blocking third party apps, they piss off a huge active portion of their user base but sure, you could say they weren’t paying anyway. But now they’re screwing over their PAYING users? I don’t even know what they expect at this point.

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Why are you posting a photo of Spez’s AMA

I know that, sadly. Doesn’t stop me from feeling disgusted by it.

We’re parodying chessbeginners already? Anarchy truly has returned.

But it doesn’t make any sense, no matter how you spin it. In the aftermath of one highly controversial decision, instead of laying low for a while to let the dust settle, they decide to make another one. And this time targeting the group that happens to be the least likely aggravated by the last one (since people paying for Premium likely use the official app) and also the ones that directly bring in income. I can definitely see this ending well.

Holy legacy post!

Before this entire fiasco, I didn’t even realise googling “____ Reddit” was such a global phenomenon. But I also didn’t realise just how much I relied on these surprisingly specific answers to just about everything until now that it’s gone. Damn… I’ll miss it.

I think what’s scaring a lot of people off is moderation. I’ve considered creating a few communities myself but I’ve never been one for managing. I try to do my part by interacting with communities that have been created and driving activity. Huge kudos to those who are founding these communities though.

AnarchyChess decided to get a picture of a deranged horsey to the top of r/all before closing indefinitely. It was hilarious.

Queen blunder sacrifice anyone?

New piece just dropped (literally)

Holy fucking shit how bad has my sense of humour gotten that I actually cracked up at this. I was a ShitPostCrusaders user when the original pasta dropped but it never caught me off guard like this one. Man my brain’s a mess.

We’re not earning enough revenue, so what we need to do is remove the ways we currently earn revenue!

I also agree the front page subs were mostly filled with shallow fiction, but there was definitely good stuff going for Reddit before Spez f’d it up. I’d say the magic was in the small and niche hobby/fandom subs, the communities in a lot of them were truly unique and vibrant. Join if you haven’t already

Reddit didn’t have an official for ages either (though there were cough brilliant third party apps which drew in massive amounts of mobile users that Reddit toootally would know better than to shut down cough). Right now I’m hoping some capable indie dev picks up Lemmy like those third party devs picked up Reddit, but that would definitely take time. I agree having an intuitive mobile app would probably be a great step for the growth of the Fediverse though.

Mods took vacation, never came back

Actual online interaction

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This is how we know that this is our AnarchyChess.

Lmfao, imagine some corpo trying to buy up all the instances one by one while the users all migrate out of the instance immediately when that happens. That would be hilarious.