Fuckass [none/use name]

@Fuckass [none/use name]@hexbear.net
0 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It’s a common liberal take on Obama.

Cheeto man = loud, uncouth, vulgar.

Your Excellency, Barack The Obama: classy, polite, trivial controversies, last ‘boring’ president

Again? I imagine you don’t recover after hanging out with Hillary Clinton. Maybe unless you’re chairman-daou

I saw Richard Stallman at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

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If you’re paying for sex in the west, then my opinions are more nuanced and less harsh since, economically speaking, workers here are generally in a better position to choose their profession, including sex work, without any coercion other than the standard coercion of capitalism.

However, if you’re a sexpat traveling to developing and underdeveloped countries, you deserve to be thrown into the pit. Sex workers here are more likely to be poorer, desperate, pimped out, and/or trafficked by the mafia. Not to mention many are underage. There is no choice for 99% of the sex workers, or any workers. I don’t care if the age of consent there is 12, you’re still going to into the pit.

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Obama punching the air right now and cursing Marx

Brave is terrible. But while not entirely relevant, so is DuckDuckGo. These mfs have enough money to appear in superbowl commercials lol. How can anyone trust their privacy claims when their shit is in the US and I don’t believe they’ve been audited. I suppose it’s good to find alternative results, but for privacy? Come on

They should be like the devs of Hotline Miami and just straight up provide the torrent lol

It’s incredible how LLM started off as an almost miraculous software that generated impressive answers but now it’s just House Server of Leaves

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Nintendo after removing Mario: Mega Cum (1995) for purchase and it’s gets pirated by 30 people

Company time should be used to shit, piss, walk around mindlessly, and search for a better job.

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I don’t think I’ve met anyone who enjoys windows 11 unless they’re like 75 years old and only click on google chrome and the power off button

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Capitalists are so efficient with the allocation of resources that they can go bankrupt after partnering/ ring acquired by Microsoft

The average Linux distro doesn’t need to use command line for anything. Literally just click on Firefox or google chrome and you’re done lol.

As for gamers, if you take 5 hours to mod games but cant learn to use CLI for 5 minutes then idk what to tell you chief. Though right now it won’t be mainstream because devs don’t want to update their anti cheats for Linux, not because of compatibility

The whole “waste time, value freedom” super duper complexity shit is just propaganda regurgitated by people who heard about Linux through a game of telephone, Hollywood, and YouTube videos. That’s not to say the Linux community is very good at marketing or giving troubleshooting suggestions for tech illiterate people

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Isn’t this just a ripoff of the magical realist story about the utopia being propped up a single boy being tortured in the basement? Or did that story come after?

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It’s insane how phones don’t have a maximum volume option. I think Nintendo has one for the switch. It’d be great for kids but more importantly for me because sometimes headphones bug out and play at random volumes

I don’t believe I am underestimating. Im just saying that in the west, there is a higher chance (relative to third world countries) that you can decide to become a sex worker on your own volition. Obviously there are still pimps and poverty driving the scene, but you’re likely never going to find someone in say, Vietnam or Thailand, or who just got tired of office work and decided to become a pornstar or escort.

The Wikipedia page has to explicitly state that American “right to work laws” is a completely different concept from “universal human right to work.” The former being a law that allows employers to not pay employees or letting them form unions, while the latter is about how everyone must be guaranteed employment.

Unlike the right to work definition as a human right in international law, U.S. right-to-work laws do not aim to provide a general guarantee of employment to people seeking work but rather guarantee an employee's right to refrain from paying or being a member of a labor union.

The right to work [human right] was also enshrined as a fundamental right of the citizen in constitutions of the Soviet Union

They also need to push Linux explicitly. Something like exclusive deals or sponsoring in game events if you play on Linux. Though it might just end up like TF2 with people logging in on a new device, getting the exclusive items, and using it as a currency to trade without actually using the OS lol

Or, optimize CSGO and Dota and VAC for Linux and start using it in competitions to attract more curious minds.

Thinkpads cost a couple hundred dollars and works fine. If you don’t do anything intensive, there’s no reason to buy a near $1000 laptop. I also dropped mine from like 3-5 feet and the only damage was a slight paint chip on the battery. My 2012 MacBook would’ve been done for.

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Gossiping about other people. Venting is fine, but when you start pointing out weird random unflattering traits from people we know just to giggled I just lose interest

Preferably, they pay for my relocation to an area with reliable public transportation. But I’ll also take Company car, and company pays for gas, insurance, and maintenance. They also pay for babysitters and my commute. Also, bonuses and raises on a regular basis.

They’ve deemed that it’s important enough that I take my precious time away from family to stay with in traffic and sit in an office all day, so they should pay dearly for it.

Nevertheless, it’s completely idiotic for most jobs. The logical business owner would salivate at the idea of all their employees preferring to use their own equipment and working space. That would eliminate so much overhead costs and company rent. Not to mention it has been proven that employees were as productive or even more productive when they worked at home. But our world is full of idiots who wasted a bunch of money trying to profit off land speculation and debt, so you have businesses wasting money requiring people to go back to the office . It just doesn’t make sense

Adam Something

Forgot we federated

That settles it. We will kill one person in a lottery every few months to placate the masses

Yeah until they start buying missiles and drones from the US that require windows 95 with back doors to function

I generally prefer iPhones too, but god damn are they trying their hardest to break repairability. Like you can even change the battery without jumping through hoops or paying a bunch of money so some teenager can follow a YouTube video. Also, jail breaking on iPhone sucks the soul outta me sometimes.

Replacement parts are a bitch though. At least when it comes to batteries. The only battery I’ve seen with any positive reviews are Green Cell which is European, so shipping is absurd, and Duracell which no longer produces thinkpad batteries.

So, I get $10,000 for consuming content for free? What’s the downside lol

I also prefer Acrobat over Linux options. I’ve seen hardline users criticize others for asking for an app that can do multiple things, saying you should use different apps for different purposes. I agree generally, but I really don’t think have a PDF app that can read, rotate, and merge multiple PDFs and photos together to create a PDF is THAT much of an ask.

I can only speak for myself, but it’s nice to have more international presence here. Right now it’s mostly Anglos and other Europeans

Oh yeah newer models will be on par with the Linux laptops. I meant the classic models. T4 models are usually a hundred to a couple hundred dollars

How much product do you move? I know there are enthusiasts buying old thinkpads, but I eidnt imagine it’s enough that a whole company can sell a bunch of them with ease

I wish passphrase generators included foreign words. I’d like to mix my password with polish, Spanish, vietnamese, and Latin

I deleted the app off my phone and my usage went down significantly. But my overall phone usage has stayed the same.

We need to elevate this by creating an industry for entire robots of dead relatives. That we eliminate coping and allow everyone to live in a fantasy world forever nicholson-yes

If it’s an errand, as short as possible. But if it’s like going to school or some leisurely location, at least 3 hours. If it’s work, at least 5-6 hours a day (so i can get lunch) and no more than 30 hours if part time

Have you considered a second job? It will drain you of your energy and happiness, but it’ll be worse if you become homeless.

See if you’re able to secure a second job that isn’t labor intensive like online customer service or maybe a late night security guard job at an empty office. Usually you get a lot of down time, so you could use that to perhaps study for a better, more permanent job.

Try to fit in enough hours to sleep, shower, eat, and maybe light exercise. I have found that the minimum hours of sleep I need to still function is 5 - this is dangerous and will kill you in the long run, but if you think it’ll keep you off the streets if you just brave it through for a few months, then it may be worth it.

If you’re spending the minimum, then a second, easier job maybe help you get out of the hole, or at least for the short term.