FuckyWucky [none/use name]

@FuckyWucky [none/use name]@hexbear.net
1 Post – 128 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Pro-stealing art without attribution


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Steam Deck was a huge W for Linux gaming.

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Anyone got magnet hash so I can seed it?

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I think everyone should post Yuzu links on Twitter. The place doesn't have much moderation so it's perfect.


If a site couldn't handle CSAM promptly and effectively then it's not ready, period. No one should have to shut down an entire community because of it.

They do realize that Reddit had subreddits like r/jailbait and 4chan used to be filled with CSAM until they cracked down?

They also do not mention specifics on who the 'purity testers' or 'pedants' are. Reddit also has a good record of being a place for pedantic nerds :nerd:

enshittification continues. windows activation is such an annoyance more than anything. one part change and your activation is gone.

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Windows 10 LTSC. It's made exactly for this.

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they also made Libya slavery free. Serbia and Bosnia are doing super great now.

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I think they should try and be as surgical as possible

How about this, remove the blockade on Gaza, give everyone there citizenship and become a secular state.

like they did in previous rounds of fighting

When has Israel not leveled civilian buildings? Have you not seen charts comparing Israeli casualties to Palestinian ones?

I can understand that Israel is angry, and rightfully so

I think Palestinians should be the ones who should be angry for the way Israel has treated them since inception.

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Yea its the 'Karen' who are the problem and definitely not incels and reactionaries who definitely didn't exist pre-smartphones.

Reddit for instance had subreddits like r/jailbait, r/WatchPeopleDie, r/Beatingwomen and so many more.

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Apparently there a full 1tb one floating around.

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yea this is why i couldnt care less about apple silicon. atleast with AMD/Intel and most ARM CPUs/SOCs you have the flexibility to do whatever you want. With AS you are limited to whatever shit Apple provides.

instantly knew which one you were talking about just from the title

you can use 10minutemail if you really want to listen to ... Joe Rogan

Could be a power issue. 2.5" hard drives do require some power. Some external drives have two USB one for data and other for extra power.

Maybe one of your laptops isn't supplying enough power or the port is dirty causing resistance and voltage drop. Or it could be something else entirely.

very lazy, they should've taken their own photos for the cases.

nerd a server can have multiple instances.

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Because renewable energy and nuclear energy require significant capital investment, which the private sector and governments in the age of 'fiscal discipline' are not willing to make.

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It's not like they can force you to wear the headset.

Unless of course it's used for torture by IDF or smthn.

Yea it's not even like Fortnite runs unofficially on Linux. Fucking "anticheat"


Shut up Kevin. Cracker ass name you got.

ok but C kinda sucks for high level shit.

if i want to scrape a website, all i have to do in python is use requests.get

yea dark web has many forums where you are allowed to ask how to sexually abuse children.

Twitter is also a great choice if you are looking for Nazi content.

money has to be backed by the state so if bitcoiners really want bitcoin to be used in everyday transactions, i would suggest running for President and replacing U.S. Dollar with Bitcoin for tax payments/legal tender.

how will the state obtain Bitcoins? by building massive resource wasting mining farms which itll have to issue bitcoin bonds to build, making the state subservient to the private bond markets and interest rate it demands, Greek style.

there is massive plague and the economy has collapsed? what will the state do? cant give people money or increase healthcare spending because the capacity of the state to mobilize resources is now limited by what the private sector is willing to give it or how much it can mine. oops mass death.

bitcoiners have to be dumbest creatures alive. these people can't imagine a pro-Worker Government so they have to come up with convoluted ways to tie the hands of the state so it cant give capitalists free money.

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yea there does appear to be delay but it doesnt target firefox users specifically (i think) or atleast isn't obvious to me cuz the code is obfuscated. more likely related to ads (since there is a 5 second delay before you can skip ads). anti-adblock maybe yes.

If not for Iron Dome, Israeli casualties would be way higher.

Ok, why not give Palestinian their own iron dome?

Any civilian casualties are to be condemned. Yet, you must remember that Hamas likes to base itself under hospitals, schools, mosques. Not only that, but Gaza is also very densly populated. They're some 2.5 million people over 365km squared. It's very difficult to carry out any strikes without damaging hundreds of people. Yet, in the 2021 conflict, only 260 Gazans died as a result of strikes, despite hundreds if not thousands of shellings. Israel claims that at least 200 of those were militians. If that is not surgical, I don't know what is.

Kill yourself

Religious and secular political forces quarrel in Israel daily. It can't just "become" secular. A big portion of Israelis don't want it to.

And? Why is that a reason for Palestinians to be treated like second class 'citizens'.

Water, food, fuel and other necessities are usually provided by both Israel and international help.

Why does Gaza have a huge electricity deficit? Why is their water polluted? Why does Israel deliberately limit food to keep Gazans on a 'diet'.

Read a little about the history of the conflict, as well as about peace talks and different offers that Israel made.

You are a zionist pig and you should fucking kill yourself.

good thing there are great custom roms for it


Simple SMS Messenger, Simple Contacts Pro, Simple Dialer

all on fdroid

It's not just because they want to raise money, they want to raise dollars specifically.

That said, China has been pushing companies towards domestic capital markets, which run on Yuan.

No because at grocery stores, you get a product.

With renting, you are paying for landlord's mortgage. You don't even get to own anything.

Also, grocery stores do operate like a scam in certain cases, for example price gouging during a pandemic or other disasters.

Are you a landlord?

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yea but the report also mentions energy storage which is necessary for solar and wind because of its intermittent nature.

also cheaper electricity means potentially less profit. why would private sector want that?

electricity market must be destroyed and energy must be exclusively public sector

During the bank bailouts, the government just printed a bunch of money and gave it to the banks. They did this because it was politically expedient, well really because they had to or the whole damned system would collapse.

They could have nationalised the banks, had the bankers sent to jailed and prevent commercial banks from gambling with depositor's money yet they did not because the state under capitalism works on behalf of the monopolists.

Yet the problem is not new, throughout history, every nation that has ever failed, has had their currency end in hyperinflation.

Or could it be that the nations which had economic issues suffered from hyperinflation? Cause and effect etc.

The temptation to print money is too strong.

You do know the Government knows about the consequences. I wonder why Federal Reserve is constantly on about controlling inflation like its their primary goal.

No corruptible, tempted authority could use it to turn on the money printer and rob entire generations of their wealth or force them to pay for wars they did not support.

Is it though? Because there have been various forks of Bitcoin. I think you are not understanding what money is. Money is used its used to reward people for their labor. Capitalists take a part of the productivity of the labor for themselves. This means those with more control over production has a disproportionate control over the resources. Those with more resources can buy ASICs and GPUs to mine more crypto than a homeless person, this will create inequality and the resulting consequences.

He made a currency which cannot be corrupted and cannot be hacked

Yeah I wonder why Bitcoin forks exist and why exchanges and rich coiners get hacked so often. Could it be that there is more to stealing crypto than not being able to manipulate blockchain? Its almost like humans are imperfect and make mistakes.

It is neutral technology open to anybody with a phone or a computer and access to the internet.

And those without a phone, computer or internet can get paid in cash.

99.9% uptime, with instant transfers across borders

Uptime ultimately depends on the reliability of those who run the internet. Lets say someone cut all the fiber links between NA and Europe/Asia, crypto will fail. Its reliability is dependent on real things like network switches, fiber optic cables and routers all of which are imperfect.

You know what else can do instant transfers? PayPal, Card transfers and thousands of instant money transfer systems which exist. Bitcoin meanwhile can take hours to confirm a tx.

Which is much less than you need to open a bank account.

You dont a phone or internet to open bank account. You go to a bank branch fill a form along with an ID, there you have a bank account. Don't have a bank account? You can get paid in cash

Bitcoin doesn't care about your credit history.

Neither does most banks. Credit history is for obtaining credit cards and loans, not for opening bank accounts. Its why even children can open their own bank accounts.

or whether or not you can provide a reliable mailing address

Neither does cash. You can also have virtual addresses provided to bank and there are digital banks which don't even ask for that.

You never have to wait days for a payment to clear

As mentioned earlier, neither does paypal. In fact, paypal and cards are faster than crypto in many cases.

. Bitcoin doesn't close on weekends and will never charge you exorbitant fees to use your own money.

Neither does internet banking. Bitcoin does charge fees, if you do a tx with zero fees there is a good chance itll never clear.

And it makes sure nobody can print away its value.

And nobody can stop someone from accumulating value in your wonderful utopia.

"crypto bad"

Yes, ghg emissions, no banking insurance, can be stolen very easily, slow and fluctuating value, easy to do price manipulation etc etc

He didn't stick around to get rich off it, he didn't use it for celebrity, he just made Bitcoin and disappeared.

Doesn't he have like over a million bitcoin? Your definition of 'getting rich off it' is selling it for real money. If lets say real money didn't exist, wouldn't he be the richest person on the planet?

Finally I want to ask, what do you think of age of consent laws?

You can give it a website layout made in ms paint and it'll try to turn it into html and css

Wtf there are consumer routers with mpcie now?

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