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Joined 1 years ago

Gramps idk what asshole eyes even means but whoever that was has lived rent free in your head for 43 years. Let it go, I'm sure you're a lovely person with great eyes.

BG3 with my brother. Multiplayer FTW.

I second this. We have a very similar situation. I will note that I've begun using a "carrot" approach as well as the stick. I now keep relatively cheap and fun crafts and electronics around. Cleaning a room and helping out will earn them a fun craft and that seems to work REALLY well lately. If you know how to solder you can buy a bunch of cheap but fun kits that you can do with them and reward them with as prizes. Today's (if they are compliant and helpful) is an FM radio. I do bigger ones if they do more, and I expect more on a weekend.

PopOS. Pretty satisfied.

I don't think you can get more genuine than a south Florida gator wrassler speed balling meth in his taint while voting against his own interests. Genuine does not equal intelligent or bestow leadership abilities.

Hearing loss my dude. Army. Necessity is the mother of invention. It makes date night fun with my partner though. I can read and sign remote convos to her and sometimes that's spicy/fun. It's not perfect but I can usually follow the thread. More so if the target is animated/angry/excited. Unfortunately the best ones are the hardest. We love the first date awkward convos, the public breakups, and admissions of guilt but those tend to be subdued and difficult. When you get them though it is choice.

I was saved by an inspection as well. Not to pile on but you should just get it done OP. Also FUCK YOUR REALTOR (they're very sleazy/immoral - you should not have coitus with them). There are several reasons why realtors hate inspections and any good realtor will insist you get one.