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Who the fuck has watched or heard trump speak in the last decade and thinks he has any degree of mental sharpness

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This has been public knowledge since the very first quarterly earnings call in the greedflation era.

Middle class is not the same as the rich. Trying to get various groups of not rich people against each other has been a time tested tactic to keep everyone from acting against the rich. First it was race but now it's trying to put the rural vs urban, the less fortunate vs the slightly less fortunate, union vs non union, etc.

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Some loss is the expected result of replacing workers with customers. Even cashiers who are paid and trained to check out customers have a failure rate of about 1%. Walmart treating their customers like criminals for things that routinely happen to even their own trained and incentived employees is ridiculous.

He will get the same number of votes either way.

Well how else is he supposed to keep those kids quiet when he flies them to his rape palace.

"No one actually expects any of this cheap Chinese shit that we shove down everyone's throats to work your honor"

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They should have never been granted the trademark based on prioriry. They did not coin or use the term first. They are not fighting because they know they wouldn't survive a challenge which is why they just bullied small shops who themselves didn't have the pockets to defend themselves.

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People should be boycotting bud light because it's awful not because of their ad.

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Housing is just one aspect. Food, medicine,, paying for employees (social workers, security, medical staff) etc. But even if say 75% of that was for housing it's not easy to just say rent them apartments; first off not enough apartment buildings are willing to take them in. It's difficult to even find cheap motels that will work with cities to temporarily house the homeless even though it's guaranteed money. Cities are looking at building shelters but then it's NIMBY time. Without dedicated facilities with mental health, addiction, etc treatment which the US doesn't have homelessness will be a forever problem.

This is so fucking stupid, not only does this feed kids the money goes to local retailers but a huge chunk also buys Iowa food products. What the fuck is wrong with that idiot

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Because he didn't engage in, not found guilty of.

Were there a bunch of snickers and Reese's in that bag or was he just insane

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Amazon makes a lot of money facilitating the sales of counterfeit goods.

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Ford does not give a shit if an employee dies. Sucks doesn't it?

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By deleting the app and never looking at the website.

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I wish I was unethical enough to grift the shit out of those rubes.

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Something is good for consumers so it must be a problem. Fucking economists.

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I've blocked all Twitter ads since it got taken over by hate groups and will continue to successfully block them forever.

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His mom should have swallowed instead.

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Alcohol is usually held to stricter portion control than other foodstuffs since it's more tightly regulated.

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Fucking anti nuclear dipshits.

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If shit hits the fan the rich will be murdered by their guards who will take over their bunkers.

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But he fucking said it. You can't say something then claim you can't say it. Fucking idiots.

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The difference of course is that Hunter Biden is being prosecuted for something that is normally not prosecuted solely because of his families political ties. The Trump family were not investigated/prosecuted for things that are normally prosecuted because of political ties.

If that headline said one third of Americans don't believe Israel is commiting genocide which is also an accurate from the results it would set a very different tone.

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My theory is that there's no pee tape but there is tape of him with a child that looks extremely similar to his daughter.

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It will make his voters like him more.

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Oh and tax cuts for billionaires.

less lopsided than before but still won't be representative.

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A five dollar coin is going to get a few Walmart customers arrested for trying to pass fake currency.

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Netanyahu is the only person that can stop it. And he isn't going to.

It's been open and blatantly happening for decades. They used to hand out fucking envelopes of cash from the Russian controlled NRA on the fucking floor.

Yes? They love him because he gets them clicks and eyeballs. They don't seem to realize that critical pieces would get just as many without being pieces of shit.

"Republicans prefer rapists" would work too.

There are 14 producers on this movie, and bdwin was not the executive producer according to IMDB. None of the other producers who were actually most likely responsible for those decisions are facing charges. It's simply because Baldwin is an opponent of trump and the prosecutor wants to gain political influence and notoriety.

And America avoided an unbelievability fortuitous event.

Didn't Panera follow the tim Hortons downfall model of replacing their on premise bakeries with centralized factories?

And also because people will die

Lol at someone insulting others understanding when they conflate communism and socialism.