
0 Post – 113 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

The 4th Circuit court is out of their minds on this ruling.

You have my pitchfork!

This reminds me of a Youtube series a guy did called When Phones Were Fun.

Nonono. To hell with that phone and that company. i bought one and it just now got delivered, three years later.

It's underpowered and a broken mess. And the keyboard isn't the best, which is insane for a phone whose whole selling point is the keyboard. I was expecting it to be on par with my old Sidekick phones. Nope. So disappointing.

I had the Touch Pro 2 and loved it! Windows Mobile was a complete mess in the best possible way.

No way would I do that job at that pay in NYC, especially as long as pretty much any idiot in the USA can own a gun.

And said bystander is in critical condition.

Really? Performance-wise, Firefox on Android runs great for me. No battery drain.

It is lacking in a lot of features though.

If he did something illegal -- and I am not saying he didn't -- I am 100% in favor of the FBI showing up and arresting him.

Trump added that he thought the GOP should be "reimbursed for fraud."

Trump raises an excellent point: his campaign was forced to waste money against Biden for as long as it did only for the Democrats to pull the rug out from under him by pulling Joe out of the race. This, if anything, is a form of cheating.


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Good. That bigot should not be in a position of power.

And generally, baby wipes, bottom wipes and face wipes aren't safe to flush, even if they say flushable on the package. If they were safe to flush, you wouldn't be able to pull out a wet sheet from the package; it would be goo.

Agree. Absolutely not a joke. Former president has caused, is causing, and will continue to cause active violent harm to the country, but it's not appropriate to talk about how justified it is to stop him?

He's literally above the law now; there is no peaceful way to adequately deal with him in a timely manner. He, his conservative judges, and the republicans in power have backed the American people into a corner of violence.

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I am so appreciative when you post these updates! Thank you!

Right?? The bank already makes money off the money people put into the bank. Now the bank is saying that their unethical practice of stealing people's money isn't as profitable as they want so they are going to unethically steal from everyone a different way that they can't stop or say no to?

JPMorgan Chase: financial rapists

“Whether it’s 15 or 20, it’s numbers that nobody’s ever heard before"

I guess Donald just discovered two new numbers? Bringing his total known numbers to just below Kindergarten level.

Some of us aren't against GMOs for being genetically modified, we're against patents on food.

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"Good, if those still wishing to make satanic hand gestures and hidden eye symbols keep doing it and don’t stop Alex Jones I might just do that," [added] X user Robin Cope.

What are these satanic hand gestures that I am missing out on? Sounds cool.

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Trans people have entered the chat 🙂

OP, Louis Rossmann would love to hear your story. He makes videos about anti-consumer shenanigans like this.

I can't tell if you are joking and that makes me really uncomfortable.

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Downvotes can be useful in certain contexts, like when you visit a thread and are looking for factual information, such as the answer to a tech question. I don't want to accidentally follow someone's bad advice because the bad advice didn't have any downvotes nor any responses as to why it was wrong.

It's not perfect, but voting is a quick, often effective method of fact checking.

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Omg if that is what the guy was referring to then I am going to die from laughter 😆

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A telecom company with the hubris and arrogance to call themselves "Everything Everywhere".

Did the settlement include criteria or guidelines for other books the district is not allowed to ban going forword? Otherwise what's to stop them from banning any other books they don't like?

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"He's old."

He actually said on camera that the reason he is running this time is because Trump is running, meaning that if Trump wasn't running, Biden wouldn't be running, meaning he doesn't even really want the job.

The DNC put up a guy that doesn't even want to be president again, and now 40% of democrat voters want a new nominee because apparently they weren't paying attention for the last 4 years and only realized now, during the debate, that Joe Biden is dealing with cognitive decline.

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Aren't we all supposed to be Linux nerds in here?

No! :) The most Linux I use is a Steam Deck.

I feel votes should be visible to admins but otherwise anonymized and private, or else I fear vote-harassment could become a forever-problem on Lemmy. As a woman who has been harassed on Twitter and Reddit in the past, I strongly urge the Lemmy community to embrace privacy on this issue. If there's any way to make votes more private between users, we should do it.

If we don't and users get harassed, they might leave. Lemmy needs more women. And you all are great but Lemmy also needs people who aren't Linux nerds! Lemmy needs diversity.

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Is this why people lost their minds and started hating bezels on their smartphones and bought phones with holes and "notches" in the screens instead? j/k...kinda


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You should not be ashamed of your vote history.

I agree, people shouldn't be ashamed of their vote history unless they are trying to harass a person or community with a pattern of downvotes.

I still don't want to be harassed for my voting though, nor will I be pressured into defending my votes if a user brings it up.

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If some sites only need me to click the one checkbox to prove I am a human, why aren't ALL sites using this method?!

It would encourage harassment the same way comment history does: someone goes looking for it, sees it, and attacks the person over it.

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I think it's to send a message that many people feel disinterested in the olympics for whatever reason.

For me, I am disgusted that the the olympics have turned into a corporate money making machine. Hosting countries will pick a huge chunk of land to "terraform" into a games site, with little regard to the people who live there or nearby. They'll displace residents, make people build the infrastructure for low wages and in poor conditions. They'll spend billions to try and make snow where snow doesn't naturally occur. The ecological impact alone is massive. There's also the issue of the housing for the Olympians being substandard and dangerous. I'm not claiming that this happens every time in every country, but it's certainly a problem and I don't want to be part of it.

There's also the issue of banning trans athletes from competing, which continues to be rooted in ignorance and hypocritical disagreements around what we define as fair. (Bring on the downvotes, I don't care.)

I debated posting this at all because it's off topic, but the question was asked so I gave my perspective.

I think MTG is deeply jealous and threatened by the beauty of trans women and is drowning in a pool of her own internalized misogyny.

Yeah me too but then the guy missed.

...Oh wait, you mean the other headline.

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And which of those things is untrue? The Republicans have openly said that they don't want a democracy (Also, we already don't really have one.). Trump has tried to stay in power beyond his term. He is a fascist. He probably won't kill anyone who opposes him but only because he won't live long enough (he's old) to eliminate the government red tape to do it.


Stop treating the USPS like a business and start treating it like a government service.

Fund the Postal Service.

I use a Sony NW-A55 walkman. It is one of the latest models of digital audio players that doesn't use Android. It has a microsd slot, supports flac, bluetooth, and no internet connectivity. The japanese models are still available new on ebay, you just have to change the language on the player to english.

I love it.

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