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I would say it’s a lot more than discord. Putting it that way doesn’t give it as much credit as it deserves. My favorite out of the laundry list of features and benefits is that you can synchronize your messaging across all platforms into a single interoperable client if your choosing. You can use a better standard while not having to bug others to switch.

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I think something that a lot of the comments are missing here is the fact that threads, Instagram and Facebook all have been migrated from individual accounts to ‘meta’ accounts. I’m certain that we will see this happen with many platforms unless there is a serious shift in data protection laws. I don’t personally think it’s great that it’s the case but that’s just how it is. The meta platform is quite similar to how google migrated YouTube users to google accounts way back in the day. This monolithic structure ensures that they can keep your user data in a more streamlined database. From a sys admin and a business perspective it makes a lot of sense. From a user who doesn’t care and already uses all of those services perspective it makes a lot of sense. From a privacy conscious user perspective it makes no sense. Then again metas platform is in no way for the user who cares how their data is being handled.

I guess another perspective is talking about interoperability. It kind of feels like they are taking the web3 (I know it’s a loaded term) approach but instead of applying it in a way that allows free development and communication in a way that basically pulls from decentralized/distributed databases you instead get a centralized monolithic model that creates interoperability within their own walled garden.

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What is it with these “allegations”? This is the kind of stuff they would brag about on investor calls.

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As a sysadmin and self-hoster this decision will absolutely make me drop Apple 150%. A clean and well implemented pwa was a big reason I have stuck with my iPhone 12 despite buying a pixel 7. I know there are options on Android but they all have issues either in ux or in ui that makes it very obvious I’m using a pwa.

If you like the. You should try Or better yet host unbound pihole if you’re up to the challenge. Best dns experience I’ve had.

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Would have been nice if they actually shipped devices to people who paid.

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I love Jami, that being said it has one massive problem. In order for it to be usable on local networks you need to either port forward the peer to peer port, set up a proxy relay or use the proxy relay that Jami provides. That’s not a big deal to set up or make any of those changes but they are things that need to be done. There is no real warning about it and when you are using mobile it works just fine due to cg-nat so the problem ends up seeming intermittent. Like I said I love Jami but I don’t think it will ever really be a contender for a mainstream chat platform unless they make some pretty big changes to how relays are handled or become more transparent about this particular problem in the setup process.

That being said… Matrix is pretty rad. Like really really rad. Go look at that. It feels a lot more like a federated chat service because it is designed from the ground up to be that. Plus interoperability with clients is cool. Plus if you set up your own server then you can add bridges to sync all of your accounts to use matrix so that you don’t have to force anyone to leave their respective platforms and you can have one unified repository for all of your messaging. Basically means you get to use what you want and other people can use what they want. Go look at it now. Go on git.


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We have this amazing process for saving water. Shame on other company for not using a similar method. By the way we aren’t sharing how we do it and if you happen to do a similar method and release those details we will likely cry corporate espionage.

I have yet to try bard but yes. ChatGPT has declined significantly in useful answers since the launch of 4. It makes me question the value of their model at this point. I’m personally excited to deploy and use these open source ones such as falcon.

I never got to try the m8 but the htc one m7 was my favorite phone of all time. Such a unique and simple all metal design. Incredible speakers for the time and most importantly it fit perfect in my hand. I really wish they was still around as a phone manufacturer.

I wish. That will likely be up to the Asahi team to do though. If only there was a arm64(aarch64) version of steam available that basically bundled box64 on steam.

Good god what are you going on about? The majority of showrooms are in malls. The delivery centers and repair centers that aren’t in malls are located in the middle of large cities.

Samsung and the carriers. The easiest way for most people to get a phone is on a carrier plan but surprise surprise. They OEM lock devices so that users can’t swap firmware or root. Doing so would allow them to go to another carrier. As if hanging a lease contract over your head wasn’t enough.

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The nvidia/vulkan open source driver is apparently pretty rad. I haven’t had a chance to test it myself yet since I am running a dual gpu setup that contains one gpu that isn’t supported. The original maintainer for nouveau is apparently also working at Nvidia and contributing to the project as an Nvidia employee now too soooo maybe they are turning over a new leaf?

He goes into detail in the video below. https://odysee.com/@BrodieRobertson:5/did-nvidia-just-officially-support:2

But duck duck go has ads... They are just as search results. My Pihole will actively block access to those links because they are promoted content. They also have a little “ad” tag alongside the post.

You should check out matrix. I had it on my todo list for like 2 years and finally gave it a shot. They have a federated model for communities, interoperability, self hosted servers for data retention/ownership and a big one is the platform bridges. It kind of seems like the next step in IM that social media has taken as of late.

Hello fellow pinephone enjoyer. I haven’t used mine in a while. Has the battery life situation improved much?

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Why even include the section for dual boot on metal? Windows is just going to overwrite the bootloader next forced update anyway.

Tons of good responses here. I’m surprised that nobody has brought up Tailscale though. It’s def the easiest vpn solution I have found. It’s got some great documentation and how to projects to get a home lab running and it’s got its own domain system baked in most of it being zero configuration. You can access mullvad vpn exit nodes straight from it, and set up those domains with ssl super easy e.g.

sudo tailscale serve —https=443 localhost:8096

That single command would allow any other devices connected to your Tailscale account to reach your Jellyfin using the domain “{serverhostname}.[tail-scale].ts.net” complete with a private reverse proxy and ssl cert.

There are a few things to click around in tailscale on but it’s a extremely easy to use free application that has made my self hosted life significantly easier due to my system living behind multiple firewalls that I sadly have no control over.

Jesus Christ. Have people never heard of covers? Every song here is in some way or another akin to a published cover of another song. Pretty bad ones at that. Obviously if it were matching the songs one for one, then it would be considered copywrite enforceable but realistically these would be more along the lines of copywrite abuse. The music labels would absolutely love for this precedent to be set so that anything even that remotely resembles anything ever made will allow them to own new independent artists within established genres.

The cases

Here is a list of cases that set precedent. The thing that connects them all and makes them relevant is that the defendant was either successful, made a lot of money, was very popular or it was the label attacking a artist for sounding like themself after leaving the band. See John Fogerty v. John Fogerty

If there is a way then I guarantee it will eventually come to everywhere else. One way or another.

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If you don't purchase from carriers then there are lots of options out there. Fair phone makes a pretty decent phone new phone, pixel is great after you degoogle it. Older one plus phones are generally a steal. If you wanna get really adventurous (test bleeding edge totally free software with no restrictions) there's the pinephone. Just be warned that one is straight up unusable as a daily driver imo. There are tons of great options if you purchase through channels other than carriers. What just sucks is phones that you would typically buy that would be unlocked are no longer unlocked if your only choice is through a carrier. I even remember a while back some phones would lock their bootloader when you brought your unlocked phone to their network if they sold a equivalent version of the device. I haven't seen that in nearly 10 years though and I think it had something to do with oversight on manufacturers behalf and poor choice of distribution of firmware.

One day..

Yeah, that is true. I’m personally not too worried about it. I was just stating my experience. I’ve seen some m1 airs go for around 300 dollars on local marketplaces in working condition. I personally think they are a steal. That being said keeping your important data backed up at all times is a given. A dead ssd is a dead ssd whether it is soldered to the board or not.

Honestly I’m looking forward to the day it shows problems. I would love to pull a main board from a for parts fully loaded or at least close to it air (doubt there are many out there) and do a swap to see if it works.

It’s not an Android app but ServerCat is the best multi device monitoring/ssh software for mobile that I’ve come across. Sadly none of the alternatives on iOS or Android compare. Totally room for a proper competitor that fits a lot of information in an intuitive and clean ui.

Pine64 has a Quartz64 based compute module that uses the same Pin layout as CM4. I have 2 of them but I was a bit too early on the project last time I tried it. There was no official distro or kernel support at the time but it seems like things have gotten better.

“It was like stealing powder from a baby” - probably this guy

Yeah. It’s pretty great I haven’t tried it on windows but from Linux, iPhone, Android and Mac it is pretty great.

Well yeah, paranoid but also people who are sick of providing valuable data(capital) to a business model that thrives on the worst traits of the internet.

Thank you for posting this. I gave up on the show a week ago around episode 600. Marineford legitimately felt like they spit in my face and told me my time was worthless with how many cuts of “he’s almost there”. The show looks like it gets interesting again afterwards but Marineford legit just sucked the will out of me to continue watching. I was thinking of looking up a fan edit to just get the cliff notes and this is perfect!

It’s not a blind trust system with searxng. They have an integrity check in order to be added to the list. This is relative to the searxng GitHub repository which is fully open.


Pinephone pro had awesome cell coverage. Better than my pixel 4 xl even. Now battery life is a totally different story. I’d last I tried was pretty awful too as phosh wasn’t amazing and plasma mobile would kill itself often. It’s been at least a year since I last used any of it though since I left it 5 states away.

This reminds me so much bugdom.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not advocating for google here. They are basically evil. The truth is that DDG does collect data and serve ads. By doing so that means they are not private like they advertise. Just do a search. Your first results will be marked as ad spots. The only way to get around this is to use a search engine aggregator such as searx or something self hosted then have lots of people use that to obscure the collection and profile generation. Point is DDG is not a golden child here. It’s a company just like any other in data mining markets.

Honestly 8GiB is not a problem at all on the m1. I personally use mine about as hard as I use my 2018 razer blade advanced with 64 gb of ram. The fast storage in the first Apple silicon laptops allow for swap so fast that it just doesn’t matter. (Swap being kind of like using your storage as ram for folks who don’t know) the only time I found myself wanting is when I was running any servers for hosting local games or for extra gpu capabilites while viewing large intricate sliced files in cura. I can’t speak much for m2 or m3 but m1 it was a solid option to go with the base considering you were getting the best speakers and some of the best build quality out of such a thin and battery efficient device.

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But he’s actually right. It does serve ads and it uses bing trackers despite them claiming they don’t track you.

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