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Joined 11 months ago

Impossible challenge: try not to cast Tom Holland and Chris Pratt in a Sony movie.

ESH. The office temp for throwing the donuts and coffee onto the floor. You for not being understanding of this person's gender identity, and also you for making this story up.

What exactly is a "man cold?"

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Why isn't there an option for "the lack of a headphone jack is a complete deal breaker and I refuse to even consider a phone that doesn't have one?"

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short cumming

Please tell me more.

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It is and we are.

As a sufferer of illness anxiety disorder, what you're describing sounds a lot like the thought processes I went through before seeking therapy for it.

You've described very little evidence indicating you have diabetes, but a ton of evidence indicating you have illness anxiety disorder. I am not a doctor and cannot diagnose you, but my suggestion is to talk to a professional who can.

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When did you figure out that you were adopted?

I would find a different job

A Ford Expedition from a car rental place. It felt like driving around a ten ton brick through molasses. It was the least responsive and awkward shit box I've ever had the displeasure of piloting. It was so bad I literally drove to the nearest rental place to exchange it for a smaller car.

Well this is an excellent reason to get it then.

Extremely ill advised. I'm amazed it didn't kill him.

It's pro, that's why.

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Yeah Mozart really fell off after he died.

This can't be real. This has to be a troll. OP should be dead otherwise.

I know you're joking, but I don't think there's even bones. The KGB destroyed his remains.

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I am so confused right now. I don't see the joke written down anywhere. The post just links to an AI generated looking image of a woman in a red dress sitting on a red car in front of a building. Is that the joke itself?

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I completely agree that the switch is genuinely painful to hold on handheld mode for more than ten minutes. The controllers and buttons are too small, it's flat, and generally not ergonomic. It's definitely designed for child sized hands in mind and not adults. I do my best to avoid using it in handheld mode.

Meanwhile, my steam deck is a much superior design. The ergonomics are excellent, it fits my hands, the buttons are spaced apart well, and are adequately sized, and I can play for hours with no hand cramps.


The switch absolutely trounces the deck on portability. The fact that it's flat and small means that, even while in a case, it's extremely easy to slip into a backpack and take on the go. The deck while in a case, however, is bulky and doesn't fit in a backpack if I want to put anything else in there (like a book and my laptop).

They were each designed with different goals in mind. I hate the ergonomics of the switch, but really do appreciate how easy it is to take on the go. I love the ergonomics of the deck, but hate how cumbersome it is to take anywhere. Nintendo made the choice to sacrifice ergonomics, and valve made the choice to sacrifice portability. Unfortunately, no solution will be perfect, and I accept that.

Tried to overturn the election through legal means? So the sedicious conspiracy is legal? The false electors were legal? The multiple phone calls to various senators and the vice president to ask them to not certify the election results were legal?

Well I guess they should drop all those charges then.

You really should seek therapy. There are specialists that help people manage their phobias.

Can the new content be not charging almost the full price of an entire new game for the DLC?

Great. Another mobile game with extremely important lore that no one will play.

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Disqualifying a game because it's 3rd person seems like a very stupid and nitpicky policy.

Regularly. I refuse to buy a phone without a headphone jack.

I'm not tired.

Google is a private company that can choose who to do business with. By signing up to use the platform, you have to agree to their terms of service which state that they can decide to stop doing business with you at any time for any reason they deem. In this case, they chose to stop doing business with him by demonetizing his videos due to the allegations against him. He's free to sue them, but that's a battle that will be hard fought and could take years.

Literally any ad. I hate advertising in all forms and it does nothing but piss me off. If your ad is intrusive enough, I'll remember it well enough to never buy your product.

Anytime people get mad at the metrologist for being wrong, I remind them that they're LITERALLY PREDICTING THE FUTURE.

Don't take them to be fact across the board. When I worked in food service (chipotle), the nozzles got cleaned every night.

What country do you live in? Salmon roe is fairly cheap here (like $5-$8 for like two tablespoons at a restaurant).

I'll switch to fucking Apple before I pay a subscription for Windows.

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Wait you guys are allowed to work remote full time?

That's honestly how I feel though


It's me. I'm the problem.


What the actual fuck? People can't possibly think his word is worth anything more than sewage.

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This is a technicality, but the wavelengths wouldn't actually change. They would be the same length from both perspectives. What actually changes between the two different observers is how long a foot/meter actually is.

Although even that isn't technically right either.

I did something similar. A word of warning: if you're expecting the elegant gameplay from control in Alan Wake, you're going to be disappointed. The combat is clunky and difficult for the wrong reasons. Go into it with an open mind.