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Joined 12 months ago

I consider most “for profit” corporations as corrupt and amoral.

So, yes. Those are the only ones who pay close to a living wage.

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I was trying to figure out what caused wind. I noticed the leaves moving when the wind blew, and I knew that a fan (handheld) also moved wind. So it stood to reason that trees moved causing the leaves to move which caused the wind. And naturally it must be earthquakes that caused the tree to love. And then I thought, we’ll there must be a master tree that started the wind, and the most “logical” place for that tree would be the North Pole.

So, that there was a tree on the North Pole that caused all the wind.

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My personal conspiracy theory is that almost all art the public is exposed to is a forgery. Why show the plebs the real thing? We wouldn’t notice a difference anyway.

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I also agree. But for a for-profit company like Reddit, there should be a threshold for certain subreddits that require mods to be paid.

That is, for a major/popular subreddit like pics the mods should be paid by Reddit.

For a minor subreddit like r/hotgirls whowanttohavesexwithgcanuck the mods can be unpaid.

Maybe the one on the left is pregnant? Ever think of that?

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Not to go all “but the Nazis”…. But there was a time we hanged people for just following orders.

They absolutely can, and should, choose not to follow immoral orders. It’s the basic duty we expect of every public official.

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What’s your job?

I do this too, but only after a few years of IT where I learned that if one thing breaks it’s counterpart would soon break so might as well fix/replace while I’m working on the original problem.

If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room. People tend not to grow without some form of challenge.

Empire at War is a viable alternative while you wait for this.

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X-Men Cypher. The power to instinctively know/understand all languages.

This is the best, most OP, power set that is nonviolent in nature.

You’re never gonna take over the world and rule with an iron fist, but using a liberal definition of “languages”, there’s not much you couldn’t do. And it would fly under the radar too. No one would be gunning for you like they would be gunning for Superman or any other high level power set.

Sit back, rule the poker world, be a software mogul, sleep with beautiful people, etc. You may not rule the world, but you could live a life of idle luxury without much effort.

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This is a decent and fun 4X game. Definitely worth the new price if you enjoy those games.

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Simple question will stop the nonsense.

Did they trim the tree at the same time last year? I didn’t see that question asked or answered in the article.

FTR: This is a completely normal trim for those trees. I do question the timing as I was under the impression that trees were trimmed in either spring or fall. But I am not an arborist and the “high wind” excuse sounds at least probable.

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Yup. I was willing to watch one or two short ads before I watch a video, but the mid rolls and unskippable 30+second ads just made me say “well that’s enough of that”. Now I haven’t seen a YouTube ad in a long time.

AFAIK, it’s not the legality per se that keeps the actual incest off the provider, but that credit card companies won’t allow their cards to be used to pay for such services.

But I’m just a regular pervert on the internet. I’m only parroting what I read online.

Anecdotally, but I (a white dude) have been told that my race would eliminate me for job consideration in the past.

I’m not equating the systemic racism against whites to that suffered by other minorities, but to claim it simply doesn’t exist is wrong. I’ve experienced it.

Edit: I should clarify that I am Canadian, but the culture is similar enough for my point to stand.

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Humane, in these types of circumstances, are not just for the victim, but for the witnesses and executioners as well.

The internet legend that created the suicide helmet is likely the way I’d want to go given the choice. But it would not be a pleasant thing to witness.

FTR: I’m fully against the death penalty. It is a barbaric practise. But I still feel that those who participate in this horrible exercise shouldn’t be traumatized either.

Today we’re learning about OpSec. I wonder if the lesson will sink in.

How you gonna write all that and not even give a hint at what Means Testing is?

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I’ve spent time in two funny farms. First was involuntary after calling the suicide help line. That sucked. Stuck in an essential prison for three days which the rest of the crazies.

One doc later even said that he got PTSD from my stay. I certainly don’t feel like my experience justifies a PTSD diagnosis, but it really did suck. (Worst part was living down the hall from a woman who spent her entire time there shackled to her bed and spent every waking moment screaming. It really did suck.)

Next time was voluntary, but only because my life was literally falling apart and it was try again or die homeless. Now this facility was one of the highest rated in the world, at least at one time. Elvis stayed there.

This was a giant waste of time and money. This time I was segregated with similar crazies, which made the experience slightly more bearable. But overall the whole thing felt like summer camp for depressed people. I mean there was arts and crafts time for crying out loud.

But the worst of it all was the doctors. I’ve seen lots of shrinks and therapists. I have yet to meet one I actually believe cares about getting me the help I need. Not one. Without exception they all treated me like a chore to be dealt with rather than a human needing help. I have very little respect for the medical professionals in that field. In my experience they have all been awful. I’ve stopped using them.

And the nurses weren’t that much better. They seemed to care a bit more, but I could tell they were very tired, overworked, and dealing with an unwinable battle. I don’t necessarily blame them, but it was disheartening.

Now that I’ve trauma dumped a bit, I will say this. It works for some. It didn’t work for me, but I tried. So…. IF YOU FEEL THE NEED FOR HELP, GET IT. What’s the worst that can happen?

I remember something a friend said to me once. We were watching an action movie and during a well choreographed sequence I said something about wanting to be able to fight like that. My friend said, “sorry, you’ve only got one life”.

Nothing is impossible, but after a certain point in life, you’re simply unable to achieve that which would take a lifetime to master.

Bit embarrassed to admit this, but I used to seriously believe I had the ability to read woman’s minds.

I used to walk into a party/bar and instantly know if I was going to have sex with a particular woman. This was virtually infallible. (Disclaimer: This didn’t happen every time I went to a party, nor did I necessarily choose the woman, but every time I felt that feeling I was right.)

Turns out many years later I realized I just had a good understanding of woman’s body language. And could tell when a woman found me attractive enough, and was horny enough, to let me pick her up.

FTR I do feel foolish for ever thinking I had some supernatural ability with women, but I was somewhat attractive and charming, so that went to my head.

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Sure. The point I’m trying to make is that I, a white dude, was told by hiring managers at several places including government agencies that I would not be considered for the position as I was white and at the time there were policies in place that prohibited the hiring of white men. Ergo, there was systemic racism in place at that time.

Fantasies??? Please, I have plans!!!!

“Don’t get smart with me.”

“I’m beginning to doubt that’s even possible.”

Bonus points if you can say this to a cop.

Define crazy amount.

Pick the best, and frame them. Put the rest into clear plastic binder sleeves and make a very unique coffee table book.

4th axis? X, Y, & Z with rotation along one of the axis?

Or are you milling time cubes?

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Well I do defer to the experts. But I have seen trees topped like this and it is the method used for some types of trees.

Did these arborists say what kind of tree they were?

Also if you look at the before and after shots, those trees are trimmed like that often.

While I don’t disagree…. I’d just like to say, that if you pay enough for porn, you can get exactly what you’re looking for.

ROI isn’t worth it though.

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Hey he’s not exactly wrong. The company who can release humanoid automatons would very likely be the richest company in the world. Exponentially richer.

But I’ve seen what comes out of Tesla. I’m not betting that will be the company that does it.

Finally renewed my license. Only 4 months late this year.

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I’d bargain down to a torpor state if death is right off the table. It might be interesting to be found floating in space by space faring sentients in the far future.

First things first….

I’m gonna make friends with several beautiful women. Perhaps a local college volleyball team.

It’s not an argument made to convince the opponent, rather it’s a comment to highlight the oppositions glaring hypocrisy and bigotry.

That’s a losing battle I’m afraid. The power of an echo chamber is too strong.

FTR I was also disappointed to see the downvotes on an honest, if unpopular, opinion.

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As I get older, I feel the age should be raised to 25.

Younger me would vehemently disagree.

But ya, this comment sums up the issue n the least amount of words.

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I believe you, but I don’t see any emojis in your name or others. Sometimes I see a little baby emoji, but that’s it.

But then I’m using the Voyager client so it might just be me.

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Dick Proenneke - Alone in the Wilderness

This isn’t so much a documentary as it is a video blog, but it’s so worth it.

Recorded back in the late 1960s it is a self documented story of one man moving to remote Alaska and building a cabin/homestead in that untamed wilderness.

I cannot recommend this enough. It’s thoughtful, peaceful, and heartwarming.

If you mean the GOP base, yes. If you mean the people on that stage, then no. The people on the stage know exactly what they’re doing.

French toast > pancakes > waffles

You dammed heathen!

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I used to eat mayo and peanut butter sandwiches when I was a kid.

It’s not that bad.