1 Post – 56 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Damn, even ChatGPT understands the importance of safety better than most humans.

This really needs to be on a t-shirt, with a person in black block holding a screwdriver in one hand and a Molotov cocktail in the other.

I love that site! I've gotten so many books from there. Thanks for making sure more people know about it.

I recommend pairing that with Calibre to manage all the ebooks you get, and to convert them into useable formats for your device(s).

I'm at a loss for words. Brilliant.

And it's so blatant too.

Mr. Trump intends to bring independent agencies — like the Federal Communications Commission, which makes and enforces rules for television and internet companies, and the Federal Trade Commission, which enforces various antitrust and other consumer protection rules against businesses — under direct presidential control.

First thing listed in the article is control the message, which is done by controlling the media. Straight out of the fascist playbook.

I came in here to say just this. I'm a Jewish clergyman, so I deal with this kind of shit a lot. The term isn't just brainwashing; it's actively seeking to erase Judaism as part of Christianity. It's shit like this, combined with Christian Nationalism, which makes me jumpy at first when someone identifies as a Christian.

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Leave it to the U.S to use and export munitions banned by ~120 other countries because they're practically a warcrime.

What do you mean? Cancer succeeds every time at killing it's host. Is that not the goal?

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I was long distance with my wife for over a decade before we started living in the same place. We stayed committed the entire time because we care deeply for each other, and wanted each other to get the education we needed. Did it suck to be apart that long? Damn right. But to say that it's human nature to cheat when not in the same place is BS.

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Who are you so wise in the ways of science?

Just read an article about this at The Guardian. It makes me sick that people feel okay denying women necessary health care. It's one more step towards theocracy.

It's depressing how many people need to learn this. Even more depressing is now many people never learn.

TUBERVILLE: My opinion of a White nationalist – if somebody wants to call them that – to me, is an American. It’s an American.

To be fair, he's not wrong about that. Sadly, White Nationalists are not strictly Americans.

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If no one was telling them it was broken, why fix it? That costs money, a cardinal sin against capitalism.

I don't expect the people running a company to have morals, because moral behavior is bad for business.

I don't think most people understand the damage lockdowns inflicted on children's mental health. It's devastating, and still being investigated. But because children don't pay taxes and policies view children as parental property, they're not seen as important people worth studying or being cared for at the same level as taxpayers.

Thank you for sharing this. I had no idea of this practice. I can easily see how this form of monasticism can be beneficial and harmful.

Honestly, that doesn't surprise me that much. We already know that the GOP cares about money more than it cares about people. This is just confirmation.

I've been seeing a number of people talk about this laptop on Lemmy, and I can see why. I have dreamt of building out a laptop like my desktops, and these folks seem to be able to make it happen.

And what's wrong with being a femboy slut?

I think for a number of us it's nostalgia, like what was saying. I too was there when the old memes were formed. And I think you're on to something too, OP.

You have any idea how much a pixel costs these days? It's why u/spez made the API changes.

God damn that's a great game. At the same time, I think they did this knowing that folks would die all the time, so they didn't want each death to be super punishing.

The only kind of Dik-dik pic that I'm okay with.

Now I want to wear a utilikilt while storming the headquarters of fossil fuel corporations.

I'm a huge fan of Evolve, an idle game played in the browser which only requires a network connection to start up. Saves are text that you can export and load to a file. There's lots of strategy, all kinds of ways to play, and makes for some funny stories.

Haven't watched Sneakers in forever. Looks like I need a rewatch.

I feel personally attacked by this highly relatable content.

I'm a simple man. I see a cute dog, I upvote.

Hold up, you're saying that tech bros should not kill people to make money? In this day and age? How else are they supposed to do it in this day and age?

.../s in case it's not obvious.

I hope the creator goes to tech heaven.

You really gonna trust the fae about this? They're tricky bastards, I tell you. At the same time, I also don't want to piss of the patron god of trans people, so maybe I should listen.

I do hear you there. Perhaps I could have phrased it by acknowledging that a broken clock is right twice a day.

Damn, that's beautiful.

As an aside, a joke: How do you know if someone uses Arch? They'll tell you.

It's far more than just looking to one set of scripture when it comes to the charedi movement in Israel. They're reading in thousands of years of Rabbinic Judaism, most importantly the idea that the sacrificial cult of Ancient Israelite Religion (A.K.A. Torah) is the way God wants people to engage in worship. It's using thousands of years of anti-Semitism as a cudgel to state "we can't be oppressors because we were oppressed."

My hot take is that one reason for a strong connection between the U.S. and Israel is that Israel is a settler-colonial, white supremacist, patriarchal, theocratic apartheid ethnostate. There's a non-insignificant portion of the U.S. populace who wish the U.S. had the same kind of government.

Well, this is terrifying. Just what I needed today.

I had a double take because I thought I was in the ATLA community.

Mildly disagree. Celery is crunchy water.

My straight edge dad, a doctor, would comment there are a number of very useful drugs. "Drugs Are Really Excellent" was his interpretation.

Damn, you're making me want to take my DS version out and start playing again. When I emulated it, I was at a point where I had unlocked every ending and beat Spekio in his final form.