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Joined 9 months ago

You might enjoy this video on Darkseid. Higher dimensional fun!

It's pretty simple. Because we are all so spoiled and entitled that we won't even consider NOT buying their shit anymore. It's the same reason the video game market has grown rampant with micro transactions. They keep pushing the boundaries, and we keep giving them our money regardless of what they do. I'm actually curious to see how far they can push this insanity. They already slap a new year on sports titles every year and somehow sell the same game to the same people annually.


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If you want to safeguard your work from yourself, you'll need to lean on someone you trust. Give the person you trust ownership and control over your cloud materials and set it up so you can contribute edits but cannot delete.

Gamer here. Go fuck yourself Ubisoft. You can quote me on that.

Counterattack: Task Manager

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Then. What. The. Fuck. Do. You. Think. Life. Is. Like. For. Your. Constituents.

These idiots are literally building their own gallows to be strung up on. Mind boggling lack of foresight.

No, no, no. Calm down everyone. No one has ever died from revolutions triggered by oppressed populations...

Do fledgling communities typically START diversified? I would imagine it always starts this way. You invent the thing. You send it to your like minded friends, they send it to their like minded friends, etc. I feel like diversity inevitably requires time and numbers.

I'm about to harvest my first batch of vegetables in a very old MMO.

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Here is why you should never vote third party in a FPTP voting system. If you are not happy with your candidate choices, then we need to increase voter turnout in local elections, mid terms, and most importantly, primary elections. Primary elections are where you actually can change the spirit of the political parties, but hardly anyone votes in primaries despite them being arguably the most important.

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People place different values on time, money, energy, etc. Just because you find it too expensive for the effort, doesn't mean someone who has more money and less energy would make the same judgement.

You mean lease it? Rent it? Own implies it's mine period. Not mine until they decide to remove it. A bank can't take away your house cuz they feel like it after you've paid for it.

This is true that it is a likely reason. It is also possible that Gabe Newell runs his company in a very deliberate way because he thinks it's a net benefit to both his company and gaming in general. From what I have heard, which of course may be a flawed understanding of the man, it seems like he has certain principles. I guess the question is whether or not a person believes intent matters or only the end result.

I played Overwatch until my mind realigned. Not joking. I was frustrated that running into irrational people in that game would in turn make me irrational. I figured, the opposite should be true too. Rationality should be able to calm and blunt irrationality. And once I realized that, it kind of became an academic exercise to me. I was nice and friendly on purpose and the quality of all my matches went through the roof. Even games that were loses were agreed to be excellent matches by both teams. Which sounds like ridiculous fiction, but it's the truth.

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Semantics. It's genocide then. Or some other more technical term. There's a word for it, who cares? Everyone knows what we mean. And that's the point of words. To covey a meaning from one mind to another.

If you want to play the semantics game and abolish in-context definitions of words, then abolish all slang and idioms too.

Is there a newer version than the bivalent one? Are those strains the ones currently circulating?

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Super Metroid (SNES)
Final Fantasy VI (aka III in US on SNES)
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)
Eternal Darkness (GameCube)

Because they are acting/thinking irrationally. I'm not entirely sure what the solution to that is except to gently, slowly, and dispassionately ask small binary questions to lead them in explaining their thought processes until they've explained far enough that they admit the position they hold is fundamentally rooted in irrational emotion rather than logic.

At that point, they ultimately have a choice to make. They can admit they are being irrational, embrace it, and continue to act irrationally intentionally, or they can change their position.

I think this approach to conversation is infinitely more productive than both sides just yelling past each other and neither side actually speaking the same language.

Until the people who don't want the job are so fed up with how it's being done that they take the job themselves.

That's some of what sets apart an earnest politician from a corrupt one.

Personally, I think society would benefit if I got into politics. But I have so much work to do on my personal life that I don't have anything left to give. Maybe someday when I am on more sure footing, I can throw my hat in the ring and start getting involved in small scale local politics to see if I have any chops for it, but I don't know when that might be.

If we keep asking why are all these people in charge assholes, I have to ask, well why don't you run for office then?

And the sad reality seems to be that it's only the people comfortable and stable enough in life that they have the security and freedom to get into politics. Those people tend to be wealthier people they are also older. And that is not a demographic that is very representative of the teeming masses.

But hell, we barely even vote in this country. Other countries put us to shame when considering voter turnout. Voting should be the absolute bare minimum level of effort.

No they don't. There is an ever increasing amount of gold diggers, and not a lot of gold havers to go around. So a few gold diggers are happy, and many are endlessly searching and wondering why they aren't getting a proposal or commitment.

How would I deal with this? By being kind.

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Do you understand that we have a FPTP voting system and the ramifications of that?

I mean... In my life I've gone from a (naive child that took my parents words for fact) theist, to agnostic atheist, all the way to whatever the fuck I am now. It's all a matter of perspective.

You go deep enough into metaphysics you can trip yourself the fuck out.

If anyone wants to humor me, check out this seemingly innocuous video about a comic book villain. Let's debate some metaphysics!

Exactly. And most of the left usually argues that gun violence is a mental health issue anyway. Which means if we tackled the bigger issues you'd see a marked decline in gun violence without passing a single gun related law. Gun violence is a symptom. Let's fight the disease.

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This. As someone with severe combined type ADHD, it is vitally important to develop coping strategies. Timers, alarms, calendar entries, etc. Anything and everything that works. I also recommend passing your decision making process through a mental prioritization framework so you target the lowest hanging fruit (choose biggest impact tasks that require the least amount of effort to complete).

Oh I did? Well, I would need the specific problems to provide specific solutions.

Why did terrorists kill my population? Let's get problem solving.

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It's both. We are both simultaneously capable of free will, yet are also products of the universe that created us. So my answer to your question, in my humble opinion, is yes. Yes, we can victim blame while simultaneously lamenting the corporate landscape.

Let's make this simpler. This corporate greed is a problem, yes? What actions have you taken to remove this problem?

What are you talking about? When I say consent of the governed, I am referring to living Palestinians.

I agree that it doesn't rub me the right way. The mechanism is interesting though.

Essentially what it is is you borrow a share of stock of Company X from John Smith.

You now owe John Smith 1 share and you sell that share for current market value of $100.

You now have $100 but still owe John Smith 1 share of stock, and interest based on how long you take to give him his stock back.

The stock now drops to $10.

You buy 1 share of stock for $10 and return the stock back to John Smith as well as some interest.

You now have a net +$90 (minus some interest) you didn't have at the start of this. Voila, profit from stock going down. John Smith's share is worth less now, so he loses out.

Why would John loan someone a share of his stock? Well if it maintains it's value or goes up, then it's you who lost because you owe John a share that you have to purchase for the same or more than you got for it, plus interest too.

The heart of the mechanism is loaning stock, aka loaning property of value. So preventing it might be tricky.

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How might entropy be meaningfully reversed?

Nope, I simply answered nonsense with nonsense. You don't get to create some nonsensical Kobayashi Maru scenario with vague definitions and ambiguous starting parameters.

Let's get real. You want to know what I would do in response to the initial terrorist attack that Israel faced? It wouldn't be genocide against Gaza. My response would be rooted in the truth that you cannot rule without consent of the governed. The entire reality that Israel was trying to live was a sham that was never going to be a stable solution.

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How common are faithless electors?

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Now there's an idea. Let's do the same thing with Trump's voice. His base is stupid enough to obey.

I wear whatever I want whenever I want. I have no carpets to fuss over, and I have cats so you never know when you might step in some mess. We vacuum and mop regularly so don't really care.

Link to the Past for being my first. Twilight Princess for the modern era.

Met her in Copperbell Mines in FFXIV.

Don't know why you got down voted for that. HDR might be the only reason I use 11.

Didn't he say that it's a framework for protocols, not a protocol? Or am I parsing the comment incorrectly?

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Lol. Ok. Easy, I declare peace. And immortality. GG. What's next?

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They can't, my people are now immortal. I give Hammas infinity raisins.

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The real problem is no one votes. It's the bare minimum level of effort. It's the participation trophy. They can do all that because we put them there with embarrassingly bad voter turnout. We spend more time complaining than actually voting.

All of those problems are the symptoms of an unrepresentative government, and a government tends to represent the people who vote for them. If no one votes, they'll listen to the highest bidder.