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Joined 7 months ago

no other franchise I know of that dominates the federation as much as Star Trek does.

You answered your own question, brother.

Minecraft / Terraria, 100%. Both games have available co-op, so they can play with their friends, and allow quite a bit of creative expression. Terraria is made by some of the best indie devs ever, if it helps, having been getting free updates for years, even though the devs said they had finished the game years ago.

For a more socially open experience, I could also recommend Sea of Thieves. It's a game about manning a pirateship and collecting loot, where you can sometimes run into real people on their own adventures (or get your ship sunk by them, after all, they're also pirates). There is co-op, too. A cash shop is available, but all items are strictly cosmetic, with many items available through gameplay alone.

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The most fucked up part is that, if I could, I'd happily take in some of that trash to repair and recirculate it, but corporations make that as difficult as possible so as to not hurt their profits.

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That would be the reasonable and rational conclusion, but capitalism is neither reasonable nor rational.


"Guys" is gender neutral already...

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If anything Catholicism is much more traditionally Christian, as it's the stablished status quo outside of the anglosphere.

My already-installed copy of these softwares won't go anywhere, Nintendo. Get bent.

Watch Star Trek TNG and you'll instantly get it. The original series was getting a bit dated by the 90s, but TNG is still as fresh as you can get, talking about issues we're still dealing with - It's timeless. Not to mention it has, IMO, the best and most synergistic crew of the whole franchise.

What you're describing is effectively an attempt at security through obscurity, which doesn't work. If an attacker is interested on a specific target, going through the source code searching for bugs isn't too different from performing a black box attack.

Two of the best investments I've ever made were good quality PC fans and SSDs instead of HDDs. Now, the loudest noises I hear come from my tinnitus.

You can already watch youtube ad-free with VLC...

Another sucky condition is chronic hyperhidrosis, which causes excessive, sometimes permanent (my case), sweating. I bathe every day, sometimes multiple times a day, and reapply deodorant every 5 hours or so, but even then, if you catch me at an inopportune time, I may well be sweaty.

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hateful and violent speech toward Trump and the GOP in general.

As should be the case :)

These groups are only alive by sheer mercy.

Since it's impossible to determine whether any given answer is true or not, the logical course of action is to only ask question with observably objective answers. Examples:

  • What are the next lottery numbers?
  • Will it rain tomorrow?
  • Where was the exact location of Troy during the Greek war?

Things like that.

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Being apolitical is the same as being worthless. It is the absolute duty of every member of the polis to participate actively, which includes praxis.

Oh god, no...

Do we just live and suffer and die?

Largely, yes. As far as we know, there's no grand purpose nor reason of being. We're all just floundering about, trying to answer the fundamental questions of existence for ourselves. There may be an objective answer, however, which is why I do what I can to push humankind in the direction I believe is most likely to result in that discovery - even though my significance is only comparable to that of an ant.

Regarding your loss, specifically, I was in a very similar boat ~12 years ago. Honestly considered just riding into the sunset in search of Bob Ross, at the time. Today, I'm extremely glad to have stuck around to raise another cat who loves me beyond anything I ever thought comprehensible. In short, when life as a whole sucks, there's respite in the moment. When the moment sucks, take respite in the whole of life's experiences.

Do you want OP's kid to grow up to become a masochist? Because that would do it.

Hello, fellow pirate! I would argue nobody could actually take the violence on Sea of Thieves as being T-rated - it's a bunch of goofy, heavily deformed people fighting with swords that don't draw blood.

You may want to have your physician follow on that. AFAIK, studies show that chemical solutions which destroy the ability to sweat also increase severely the risk of cardiovascular illnesses.

Roblox is an abusive platform that pressures kids into wasting real money - and that's before mentioning how there have been MULTIPLE pedo scandals related to it.

Minecraft Java isn't available on Xbox, is it?

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Very much so, yes. That's what turned me off of Picard, for instance (and the whole "Earth is back to being a shithole after a single android attack" thing).
The very obvious subtext of every good Star Trek episode and plot is that just talking things through is a good way to solve most problems. Newer writers don't seem to have gotten the memo, and instead try to cram as much generic hollywood garbage as they can into the series.

Catholicism may be different enough to be considered a separate religion

I believe what you mean to say is that Protestant sects would be considered a separate religion, as Catholicism far predates other sects.

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Mass medical tourism and the collapse of the corporativist medical industry in the US.

The world is going to shit, civilization is going to shit, our scientific progress seems to be constantly hampered, and quite a bit of my expectation that we might get a significative push towards communism this decade has vanished. So yeah, I'm great.

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Depends, is it a casual thing or more serious? If it's casual I'd probably just bring a Trading Card Game deck (MTG, YuGiOh, Pokémon). If it's more serious, I'd bring in some of my junk like a broken microwave magnetron, to simultaneously bring attention to the problem of short product cycles, explain a bit about how what most people see as a magic appliance functions, and show that even complex things can be broken down into simple parts.

Do the copies require existing matter? If not, I'm making infinite clones to explore the cosmos.

Ignoring digital releases of card games, which I've loved since I was a kid, it has to be Valheim. I would spend hours and hours making structures like castles and villages, with their own defense mechanisms against monster invasions. It's a wonderful indie game, very pretty for only taking 1GB in storage.

I remember we had a lot of fun with Benzene and Benzoates in university, but suspiciously I can't remember details. Hmmm

OP has an Xbox, configuring emulators on that isn't very fun.

Completely irrelevant, nobody argued for or against that.

I can’t even smoke weed anymore

Good. That shit isn't good for you.

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It's fairly standard behavior

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Also, support games made with passion and love (even if technically means supporting a big corporation). Legends of Runeterra is an example of a game that absolutely hit the nail on the head (there are zero predatory systems, despite being a collectible card game!), and now has been punished for it.

capitalisationShouldAlsoBeIllegalUnlessYouUseCamelCase /s

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The main thing about Clonezilla is that you can always rely on it working, no matter the system. The bad thing is that proprietary solutions have a lot more creature comforts.

But not during the movies.

Nah, they'd just have hitmen ready to kill anyone who leaves the prison.