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Joined 11 months ago

Not gonna lie the fighting pedophilia seems more of an excuse in order to read our messages!

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Pretty sure your HDD/SSD is dead or came unplugged which is less likely but not impossible!

I think some people have too much time to waste

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Well Arc is still bad as far as I know so I don't see this being as good as Steam Deck, Rog Ally or Legion. But I would really like to be proven wrong!

My answer to this is so fucking what ? Boo hoo your gonna cancel me fuck you and your platform!

I would not care and I tell you why, I did not understood why the same thing was written twice I had to read the title again in order to pay more attention and realize what the problem was !!!

If this is real, this guy should not have a driver's license anymore, he's a menace on the road. Sorry my dude but I hope your insurance prices goes as high as heaven cause you should not have a car!

Stop what? Stop having babies or stop splitting them in two ?

To be fair I don't really like any os that is out there right now but I don't have an option that I would really like. I have a Mac as my work laptop my pc runs both Windows 10 and Manjaro. I also have a Steam Deck and a Rog Ally. Frankly I have complaints and issues for each OS and use each of them for different task and things. My point is I don't really like any of them but from all of those choices Linux is kinda the lesser evil. If there was a way better option like a forth os that everything works, all apps would be compatible with it, it would be less of a hassle and not spy on me and especially not force updates on me or crush do to multiple reasons including the forced updates then sign me up cause I would switch to it in a heartbeat.

Divinity Original Sin 2

I'm of the same sentiment but I don't judge people that pay for porn, after all without them paying for it there would be no money in the porn industry so as a consequence no porn either. Simply put I will never pay for porn but I'm glad that others do so I can feed my addiction.

Not gonna lie your sister might have some mental illness, let's consider for a minute that the dishwasher might be very very good at cleaning I still would never do this due to the gross factor. Sorry mate but I'm not gonna put anything that goes in the bathroom anyway near things that food goes on to!!

This is a Doctor Who referenced

To be fair I'm 32 years old and never used tiktok. When I first hear about Ramadan I thought it was some Indian dance, that was a few years back. I know now that is some religious thing but I have no idea what it is other then that!

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Pretty sure it does not specify with what to cut. Scissor are always used to depict cutting action, my point is you can use something else to cut that package

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I thought the same thing and no it's not!

Maybe it's due to over hiring, maybe due to the fact that some those people had jobs that were replaced by AI bots, it does not really matter, right now the market is fucked and good luck finding a job if you were laid off.

How did Facebook 50 to 70 years old or redditors that are max 13 years old ended up hear too ?

To be fair if they had to mention not hunted I have a feeling that bedbugs might not be a bed deal if that is all that is wrong with it :))

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Probably becaus he is not a frog dealer!

Yes cause everyone has 40k leaving around, you are probably rich too if you think that's not a big deal. In my country you are lucky to make that in a year. Let me make it even more simple for you to understand, I make 3k a month about 36k a year and I'm way above average for my country! With 40k here you can get a one bedroom apartment! Either way I'm pretty much sure that guy is a drug dealer cause most people have it in their bank account and not as physical money!

Edit: Just so you have a little more context, minimum wage is about 400$/month and the average salary is 1k/month.

The funny part is, shit costs here way more then in America or whatever because we have EU shit taxes!

Pretty sure none of those are from the Felidae family!

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The scissors are used in this context to show that you should cut it open from there in my opinion.

I didn't my auto correct is in my native language and decided to do me dirty :))

Wrong cause I have no problem if anyone see my mesajes it just bothers me that they can spy on you. Frankly if someone sees my messages they will either laugh their ass off of be traumatize by my memes. They will probably consider me a misogin, racist and whatever due to my sens of humor and I will probably get called by suicide prevention services due to my depression!

Yeah, sure, you can't replicate someone style to that extent. It not like people made fakes of famous paintings to sell them as originals just because the originals are expensive. Please tell me how humans can't replicate someone's style some more!!!

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We know and that's why most of us that care about our life we drive slow as well as stop even if it's a green light the rest well let's hope they have good luck or don't depending on what you wish for them!

What do you mean over hiring during Covid cause I remember them laying people off at least in my country

Why do people engage with mental illnesses?

To be fair people are dumb as fuck, don't search for illegal things on Google or any site that is well known cause that's how you end up on some watch list.

Doubt it because how would people cook if that was true!

My point is humans do it, and not even AI can do a perfect copy as it is impossible due to how old those paintings are. I never said it should be legal for AI to do that but if you ask AI to do some painting you want but to do it the style that Rembrandt did his painting that's not illegal that something that people do too and those kind of request are normal for painters so why should AI not be allowed to do it. ?

So you mean another person that has no idea because is higher up on the chain of command that all he/she cares about is how to make more money ? Seriously in any company I worked untill not everyone at the level of management or above had mostly no idea about this shit and most of them I have no idea how they got in those positions as they have close to 0 technical skill! And the speeches that those people do are made by people that again are not part of the infrastructure or development team. I do find this disturbing as hell but at this point it's also what I expect to happend as I only seen this shit.

She should but she does not as I mention in another post anyone at team leader or above in all the companies that I work so far bearly had any technical skill and didn't have any idea about this shit, only some bits and pieces that they got through some documentation that the dev team made. They had some vague idea of how our infrastructure works but that about it.

You went a little far with that, knife everyone has on at home

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Neah, that's not due to Reddit, that's just your average sport fan!

Yes, it's called progress. Some jobs will disappear but others jobs will replace those. The world population is quite bigger then what it was 100 years ago and even thought computers and robots replaced a lot of jobs we still have jobs today as a matter of fact we have more jobs. As someone has to mention and program those robots. Someone has to create programs and games, someone has to mentain the infrastructure. Youtube videos and streaming became a job. Simply put the point I'm trying to make is AI might take away some jobs but it will also open up new jobs opportunities for other people. And no matter how pissed of you are that AI is doing something that you consider wrong and think that only humans should do it you will never be able to stop AI from becoming a thing. There was a lot of push back against automatisation too and that did absolutely nothing and humans got replaced by robots on assembly lines and shit like that.

And no I don't assume that it will stall, it will evolve but humans will still have to give inputs to AI in order to crate those posters, and we will find more creative ways to give better inputs in order to get better art. Simply put using AI at a professional level will become a skill and a new job. I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't be able to create better AI art the someone that does that everyday as a job. At best I will give some input like make this picture in the style of Picasso or something while someone that studied art will know more art terms and concepts then just make it like Picasso.

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And what should I use, only Firefox for everything? Cause I really don't like Firefox and I don't know of other browsers other then Tor. I'm not gonna use that one!

For now it can't, but it will in the future. Still we will always need someone that has to check on it in case something happens. And AI kinda needs to be prompted to do things if the checks say everything is fine the AI will always think it's ok even if it's not doing what it's suppose to do. That's why we still have infrastructure and monitoring teams. If everything would have been automatized for any niche and particular issues that can arise it would have been done a long time ago.

Sorry but is free speech dead or something? If this constitutes a crime then I have no hope for the human race anymore!

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