2 Post – 24 Comments
Joined 2 weeks ago

Just a random fediverse user who likes making games.

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Yeah a large instance with open sign ups would be a lot harder to moderate. I have not been on .world for a while though from memory it was mostly fine with the occasional troublemaker. Though most of the bad actors were coming from the fascist instances like Lemmygrad, .ml, hexbear etc. Though we are defederated from them as well which is nice not having to put up with them.

I am new on Beehaw I forgot we were defederated with Probably due to the size of making it harder to moderate I am guessing.

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I thought this might be satire so I visited the logitech website and yep its real.

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My week is going well, Just fixing some bugs on a game and thinking of starting a new project.

These Jets should be going to Ukraine not an Israeli warlord.

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To be honest seeing the logo where it appears small on the desktop site, I thought it was a top down view of a Bee with the hat being the head colour and the two eyes just being spots.

That logo looks cool like the little CowBee is saying this hive ain't big enough for the both of us. Though they would communicate it through dancing with that as the subtitles.

omg I only saw the bee in the logo due to it being smaller on a pc screen and thought the hat was just part of the Bee.

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"The developers of UTM mention that Apple even went the extra step, and disallowed the publishing of UTM SE on third-party marketplaces."

Apple do realize third party marketplaces can have their own rules because they are not affiliated with them right?

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Cute emoji though I am not sure if that is a Bee sized Fox or a Fox sized Bee.

understandable tech bros are the worst. Enjoy your frog pictures!

Yes Claws and Doors rhymes in my accent.

I think that is how most people pronounce it because Yee haw kind of sounds like yee whore. though it has a very different meaning.

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This is actually my first comment because I am new here but I like that about beehaw especially when it comes to defederating from the problematic instances.

Closest thing I have ever done to that is Brewing Kombucha.

It is going alright I have been testing some stuff on linux.

So like skipping a pebble across water but without having to worry about damaging coral or sea life because you can drop it in a safe area instead of the rock landing someone where further out in the lake or pond potentially hurting any ducks/water birds. It also has a lower skill requirement so that is a bonus.

nice I didn't know there was an old version of the Beehaw site it feels very familiar.

I am also a fan of Linux so that is something I would like to talk about. Also non commercial gamedev I like the old days where people just experimented and made games for fun community gamejams to see what other people made regardless of skill level.

This is why I tend to avoid Lemmy and use kbin/mbin. Beehaw is technically Lemmy but is an instance that I could see forking the code if the Tankies try anything.

This is great if it replaces GPS there will be less space junk.

Nice Spirallinux also looks interesting.

Nice I have tried Puppy Linux not something I would use for my daily driver though. How does EasyOS compare to Puppy Linux?

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I only just found out this is a real song and Lucifer was doing a cover. She sounds really good.