1 Post – 209 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's facinating to see Lemmy go wild, kind of sad how many seem to support dictators with concentration camps and similar shit but also cool how many downvote them!

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It's a image format with extremely good compression that's tiny doesn't look bad. As someone who had shitty internet for years I definitely welcome them but as usual with Googles inventions they push it on to everyone and let other browsers catch up.

Oh man, that's a huge potential for trolling right there!

I don't know if it's actually real but I feel like since Corona and the Lockdowns many people are even nastier than before.

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Dear climate change, please just kill every single one of us humans!

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This might be a little controvercial in american politics community (not so much under europeans but even here it kind of is) but there is no right way to be proud of the place you are born in! You can be proud of partular parts of your system, your society or similar but not the location, that's always fucking stupid!

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That's actually very missleading, like most involved companies they tried everything to hide it till the shitstorm got too big and the damage to their image was smaller that way so we shouldn't give them any credit for that whatsoever!!!

The domain bs is a interesting case of scummy practices in general, .tv was missused in a similar way with awful contracts, essentially scamming a already increadably poor country!

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I wonder if "upcomming apps" means Fediverse!

Looks like someone just discovered Linux after his Windows install fucked up and had to write about it...

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I guess Lemmy users probably also have high sympathies for digital piracy, opposing copyright is very wide spread within the open source community but there are a lot of factors at play here and I'm glad that's the case because I only started to really use it on Lemmy! :)

Check out Piped, Invidious, Newpipe and Libretube! ;)

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I can highly recommend Brave search, they have their own index and don't "comply" with the DMCA because it's not actually required for a search engine but sadly also not forbidden. I love it every time shows up when it obviously should and not some scummy fake sites!

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Please don't, they have DMCA issues for ages because people try that but they are legally required to take that content down if they receive a request!

It's probably unlikely to happwn soon but in that case the only right answer is piracy once they found a way around this shit again!

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Yea, they managed to get it back at some point but it was under external control with close to no benefit for them for a long time!

I am ashamed to admit it but I was happy to have my search resources back when the protest slowed down till I clicked on a few and found out people with my interests care about Reddits bs too, therewasn't much left of many threads! 😂

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Expensive, fragile and rather useless unless you plan to replace your computer and in that case you just made a bad decition. I think it's a very desperate attempt to hype yet another generation of smartphones no one needs with a gimmick becuase sales go down.

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If you want something that "just works" any Arch base won't be a good idea in my opinion. I love Arch but there will be certain things to figure out from time to time and for someone with little experience they can be tough! For you usecase I would recommend Fedora, that's a lot more up to date but not a rolling realease and tends to just work for me.

It would definitely fit that instance too, it's also some quality shitpost and could fit in political communities as well so kind of a universal one if you ask me!

Considering BMW is one of the worse profiteers from WW2 it probably classifies as satire or something else art related!

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We need a Nitter bot like that Piped one to give proper links!

Wait till the EU bans them for lack of moderation, Twitter is very close to that achivment and Reddit might follow soon too! ;)

I have seen multiple posts about the situation by now with various claims but no one seems to have actually looked into it so I have questions! Is it true that moderators defended the upload and silenced criticism, is it true that the crypto address in question can be linked to the sites admins and is it true that the same malware is all over the internet in countless releases? Not all of those are from this particular pist but if someone here knows the answers I would be happy to read them!

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Reminds me of one of the biggest fuckups another company that just rebranded had recently!

I had a lot of success with StremIO and the TorrentIO addon, that allows me to stream directly from the torrents of various sites with autoplay, IMDB, remembering where I am at and all that good stuff

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Yes but it's still more of a toy than actually worth using.

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Search engines, they don't catalog Fediverse sites properly because of the heavy dependency on domains! :/

The issue is that you can't search a ton of servers at once unless you index all their posts. To get a proper search engine someone would not only have to spend the time to code it but also the money to host that beast! :/

Fuck Forbes!

Sometimes things break with the rapid update cycle but especially for WIP apps it's really useful to get updates on a daily instead of a weekly basis and Izzy is doing a fantastic job!

Unless you are in a cooperate environment or very careless with the stuff you download and commands you run you shouldn't need one!

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Mastodon managed to fight off bigots and nazis very successfully, maybe they do have enough brain cells to remember something I guess.

We got "#Birdsite" on Mastodon for ages, seems fitting to just continue with that to me! ;)

As an alternative we have the same memes you know for years in everyones feed here but I actually kind of love that because it's only the best of them!

Outside burns and stinks all the time!

Well, if you look at Mastodpns history they definitely tried but servers like Gab shut down the Federation eventually because they where almoat entirely isolated really quick and efficiently by basically all other instances. I think those things have a lasting effect and could definitely be part of the reason.

EA's Origin closes your account after two years of inactivity since it exists, not sadly Ubisoft dose the same shit! :/

The US and UK build a military base and established it with that ages ago so I am not surprised the current population is fine with it but they expelled the original population to do so! :/

Even before their repairability score from iFixit sucked big time! :/

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