GarbageShoot [he/him]

@GarbageShoot [he/him]
0 Post – 196 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That's just called using heuristics, friend, though if ADHD impeded their progress in math, maybe ADHD people rely more on heuristics than neurotypicals do.

Good riddance, Beehaw is terrible. It was maybe the single biggest exporter of concern-trolling about and to my knowledge still entertains absurdly reactionary comms for no reason (though I haven't brushed up on my lore in a while). Go make your blue Raddle.

More constructively: Having your "Northern Star" be "intentionally vague" is not a good practice. Having clear rules is a much better way to avoid falling into "what did the mod who reviewed the report feel like doing at the time?" arbitration issues. If you want to serve disenfranchised communities well,* then have that be the foundation and clearly define what that means and why you are doing it.

*My experience with this was that Beehaw was more about first world radlibs patting themselves on the back, but I digress

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I think you are underestimating the desperation of the very poor in austerity states like the US, but you are 100% right that sexpats are scum

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Yeah, looking busy is way more important than being productive a lot of the time. You always need to be doing something, so you just go through the motions of doing things because otherwise you'll get shit from your employers. Waiting in good faith for more real tasks to emerge isn't enough, so you must invent chores.

At least, that was very consistently my experience in retail.

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What do you think of the neoliberal hell that is right now?

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I don't share your optimism but I appreciate it! heart-sickle

Minecraft seems like the obvious choice for kids who liked Roblox. Terraria is another. If they can only play on a server that one of them hosts, then no need to worry about outside users.

Good on you and the other parents for getting that shit out of there, kids don't need addiction machines trying to pressure them into spending money.

Because authority carried out under the pretenses of private property is whitewashed in liberal states, who are the ones in your question doing the "considering".

She went fully lib like two or three years ago and has not had even a trace of being a socialist since.

Or she is just pandering to her liberal audience

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Land speculation

Support prostitutes by means other than being a John. Do a Holden Caulfield if you like and pay for their time to just hang out, idk. The John is instinsically in a position of power by using money to be entitled to sex, and is part of the social violence of coercing desperate people into dangerous and frequently traumatizing* labor.

*look up ptsd rates

No, because that might be an incentive to buy it. Being a pirate is probably more fun anyway, though.

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Wild how corporations have so much leeway to dictate the law.

It's alright, Rand was wrong about that statement just like she was wrong about virtually everything she said.

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This is absolutely just a regurgitation of people saying Obama's biggest scandals was the pants he wore. The joke doesn't have a punchline otherwise, barring missing context that you should have led with if there was a misunderstanding.

North Korea was shut down anyway, it took a long time for them to have their first covid outbreak and I think when it finally did happen they did shut down.

Also, I am glad you have come out so strongly in favor of the PRC approach, or so I must convlude.

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You should stop getting your evaluations on alternatives to capitalism from the capitalists and their countries

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I can't quite tell if this is a parody, the trade union bit makes it seem sincere, but the self-importance to think that lemmy is too left for China to allow is just amazing.

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What's your country?

Yeah. Most of what I did was fake organizing, straightening, tagging, etc.

Hexbear is authentic, with basically zero bots except one joke bot that broke two updates ago.

Socially maladjusted? Sure, a few, but still human.

But defend yourselves from what?

Not everyone to the right is a liberal, people like theocrats exist, but the whole of mainstream American society is neoliberal (with influence from those evangelical theocrats), which is a subset of the larger political-philosophical category of liberalism. We can point to some differences between Republican and Democrat, but they are overwhelmingly of style and PR, not the substance. There are very specific issues, like abortion, where you can pretty reliably see differences, but even here the difference is overstated and this is evidenced by the fact Obama didn't even try to codify Roe when he got elected and had Dems controlling congress.

Why is this? Well, I think you can avoid needing to offer people a carrot if you can just offer them not getting the stick, but if you make them secure then they'll start asking for carrots. But that's personal speculation.

More important is the overwhelming consensus seen on a variety of issues when you look at their actions. Biden has over and over had the chance to let Trump-Era executive orders simply die, but he has repeatedly signed on to their continuation or even expansion. All the power that Trump unfortunately wielded in office to push EOs and theoretically to veto seems to have evaporated when they touched old Joe's hands. Why is that? It can't be ignorance.

I knew people who thought Joe would be less hawkish on China, since that is traditionally the role of Republicans, but he in fact has been more hawkish! He has done a better job of stabilizing relationships with America's North Atlanticist allies, but the imperial policies under Trump and Obama have continued aside from pulling out of Afghanistan (which Trump began working on but was too much of a coward to follow through on, we need only see the media backlash to Biden doing so to understand why).

I'm interested to learn more about what those people actually think.

Then consider speaking of them less presumptuously

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The internet isn't real life. Even if you get owned in a video (a very rare occurrence, especially if you are polite and reserved), it's unlikely to put you out of your livelihood. You might, might, have a rough patch, but tomorrow social media will move on to a new controversy and you can work on improving things rather than just weathering the storm.

People say "cancel culture runs the world" but those are people who live on the internet or Fox News and get that feeling from a) being told so by media figures who benefit from such a message as part of their ideological brand and b) being continuously shown fringe cases with extremely high-profile characters, often with those media figures telling you that "you could be next" even though you don't have a 10-figure contract with Nike to lose in the first place.

HR exists so a company can insulate itself from legal threats from its employees. If you work for a company, study that company's policy and follow it. If they fire you or otherwise fuck you over, you can retaliate so long as you actually did follow company policy and they are punishing you for something outside of those bounds.

This person seems well intentioned enough.

[edit]: I take this back.


From what I've read about Bolivia quickly sounds like that was a conspiracy theory from the dictator

The actual coup sounds like it was a conspiracy theory? Or US involvement?

Quickly skimming and finding that the US is faultless is the definition of being a mark.

Regarding VZ, I didn't mean the 2020 attempt with a few guerillas, I meant mainly the ~2019 attempt that actually caused a national crisis, the one connected to Guaido guaido that was based on lies from the NED and friends.

I disagree with drone strikes that killed civilians.

Most of them do when you don't consider every boy over 14 a potential terrorist. Anyway:

However, letting terrorists like ISIS run around in Syria and Iraq and now Africa more recently, is a bad idea when they make it their business to butcher civilians for not being extreme as them.

Syria was opposing terrorists. This shit only makes sense if you think every Muslim with a gun (or within a block of a Muslim with a gun) is a terrorist.

Apologetics for OIF are just disgusting.

What is the possible standard for saying that the US is making excuses rather than believing whatever flimsy pretext they throw out? Because if you support OIF, it seems like you'll believe anything they say.

The political reality is that we did bring democracy to those countries

You are smoking crack. Libya lies in ruins with open-air slave markets and Syria remains somewhat together despite US attacks on Assad.

I think what we've learned from Afghanistan and Iraq is that democracy cannot be forced. People have to want to live, die, and fight for it. And in the case of Iraq, democratic intuitions have to be maintained, or else the country will backslide to authoritarianism.

What is this shit? What possible basis do you have for claiming the US has any interest in democracy when you understand that "democratic" interventions to "liberate" countries in the 20th century were imperialist warmongering? Sometimes it's even the same country being invaded or otherwise sabotaged both then and now!

It's pure fucking doublethink. It's not like the US has come out and said "hey, toppling Allende was bad, we're prosecuting the people responsible".

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Yeah, the first sentence is a dead giveaway for how chatgpt formulates things

Brigading, trolling and logical fallacies.

In order: learn how federation works, oh no you poor thing, and Ben Shapiro wants his shtick back.

The mainstream politicians definitely are. But polling suggests an overwhelming majority of Americans support progressive ideas.

You don't need to tell a communist that the people are to the left of the politicians, but apparently a communist needs to tell you that as far as engaging with individuals go, that means shit if they are too occupied with the same "gommunism no food" talking points the politicians to their right fed them.

As an aside, Denmark is still liberal, capital is the dominant power there as much as in the US.

I'll speak how I want thanks. I live in a free country.

I said "consider," you have the right to be willfully ignorant and undercut your professed interests, those freedoms are some of the few that really are protected in the US. Regarding speech, it is only free if it doesn't matter and otherwise you're in jail or shot, and you need only look at Assange for evidence of that.

But please tell me how your country stands for freedom as it tirelessly works to oppress the bulk of the rest of the world, overthrowing whatever country it deems too much of a problem unless that country hardens itself remarkably against external threats. Huh, I wonder if there's some throughline here?

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see Tienamin Square

I'm looking it up, and I don't see any "Tienanmin Square". Could it be "Tiananmen Square" that you're thinking of? The one protesting government corruption? Where unarmed soldiers were burned alive? Where Christian sickos were trying to get students in the line of fire to create atrocity propaganda? Surely there must be some confusion here!

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but works alot more like the type of socialism that's common in Europe.

i.e. not the socialism of Marx

but I still think the Nordic countries are what most people would refere to as at least a little bit socialist.

If you ignore that country with 1.4 billion people and a few others, i.e. the majority of country calling their countries socialist.

Maybe the proper term is social democratic?

Yes, that is the proper term

Reddit is even more aggressive, hexbear is descended from a banned subreddit (r/chapotraphouse)

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That's gross (thank you for sharing the link, I haven't heard of that one) but it is 100% not what hexbears mean as they refer to their own forum posts as "slop". They just mean low effort "content" in the more generic English slang sense.

I think people are going to be much more concerned about the false negative rate than the false positive rate.

It was originally made to be for fans of the podcast "Chapo Trap House" but it doesn't parrot what they say and in fact has strong points of disagreement with them, and has since it was a popular subreddit (I still listen to it). It was an early joke that the official podcast of the sub was Citations Needed, because that's a much better podcast that we were much more aligned with in most respects. By this point on Hexbear, I'd say it's probably most in line with The Deprogram.

In terms of actual content, it's mostly talking about news and history and making memes based on those

We can see how the electoral college votes, hence why I wasn't worried about asserting that it just hands the votes to the other guy half the time, because if you are going to have a popular vote anyway, there's not much cause to just tip the scales in the direction of land owners unless you were against democracy.

Have you ever made the slightest effort to investigate China's elections? Or do you just believe what the western press tells you about them? There's that saying that there is no need to burn books if you can just persuade people not to read them and we have here a demonstration why.

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The anglosphere is anti-intellectual and some other parts are, but that does not mean the whole world is, and the influence of the anglosphere is waning fast.

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The only thing it's useful for is an approximate answer to the question "Who does the Economist Group want to lionize?"

The number of real people who do nothing wrong but lose their job or get ostracized from their community is vanishingly small.

idk, there are anti-BDS laws in some places that cause some people real problems.