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Joined 12 months ago

There are 10 kinds of people in this world

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Mental health maintenance is a valid reason to use sick leave, and getting out of town to have some fun is exactly what people need from time to time. Her union should hire her a good lawyer to tell the district to pound sand.

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Every woman in Ohio should call the coroner to report their monthly discharge, just in case

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causing them to suffer "embarrassment, ridicule, emotional distress, humiliation, and loss of reputation."

Hold up, who caused that? Seems like it wouldn't have been possible if they hadn't acted in a way that was embarrassing, ridiculous, and humiliating.

Sounds like they're telegraphing their plans for day one of Trump's next administration.

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There must have been a tragic and bizarre set of circumstances to lead to this. The IDF has assured us that they're taking great measures to avoid civilian casualties, and their actions are fully legal and justified. Those hostages must have escaped and taken up arms and attacked the Israeli soldiers by mistake, because otherwise they couldn't possibly have been mistaken for combatants. I'm just flabbergasted, no one could have foreseen something like this happening. It's really shocking.

When you live in a country where your vacation requests can be denied arbitrarily you might be tempted to just say 'fuck em' and let them know it's not optional the day before you skip work.

The Amazon near me has a "Just Fuck Off" policy. They redecorated the old Toys R Us building a few years ago and then never bothered to open the store.

Vincent Wasney was told that after having three seizures aboard the Independence of the Seas liner and receiving a blood test and medication, he owed more than $2,500, which had to be paid before he could disembark.

There's all kinds of what the fuck in this story, but this is the part that really gets me. How can they hold a person hostage like that? How does the cruise line management sleep at night knowing Florida man might be out there looking for revenge?

Motherfucker acting like the price increases are modest while charging 3.29 for a fucking Hash Brown. I get it, your customers eat McDonald's so it's easy to assume they're stupid, but you can be pretty fucking stupid and still realize that the total price of your meal is ridiculous.

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Pro gamer move when everyone keeps buying out your fav snacks

Ok, but where's my bread?

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I'd comply and remove that info from the signature. I'd just start every email with:


Thanks for reading my email. In case we're not already familiar, my pronouns are he/him and I'm affiliated with...

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You just have to make a post on your Facebook profile saying that you don't consent and that you retain all rights. Bonus points for working in some sovcit stuff.

20% of your effort produces 80% of your results, so giving 40% effort at work should be plenty. Don't even half ass it.

Punch them in the mouth, it's not like you have a choice.

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Good. Fuck that guy in particular.

Does anyone else feel like saying Elon is worse than Hitler would be more acceptable than saying Hitler was better than Elon? It strikes me as odd because they are essentially the same statement but they just hit so differently.

Let's just assume that Israel isn't lying. They're telling us that taking out one Hamas official is worth nearly two hundred innocent lives in collateral damage. Best case scenario, they're still monsters.

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Put me on the jury. If the city can make a convincing case that permits are needed to ensure safe food handling practices are being followed, and that permits are granted freely when reasonable requirements are met, they'll get their fine (they won't).

I'm still relatively young

Your naivety gives that away. I'm putting this on your permanent record.

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That's a really good point. I should be able to buy some people since it's a free market and it's just impossible to curb exploitation.

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He was there after an active shooter.

He was there after an active bike lock swinger. Get the facts straight before you get to licking boots.

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This logic is equivalent to a bank saying, “It’s not our fault your money got stolen; you should have had a better lock on your front door.”

Isn't that exactly what the bank would tell you if someone stole your personal info from your home and used it to empty your account?

This author is a dumbass.

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You deal with the inflation issue with strict antitrust enforcement. Actual competition in the market should keep prices under control but we've let a handful of companies corner the market on way too many things and well, just look around.

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This is why I only read articles where the title mentions someone getting slammed

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Yeah it is. Maybe you'd like to think there's some subtlety we're missing because Sauer stated the President would need to be impeached to lose immunity, but what happens if the President assassinates anyone who would impeach him?

I wonder what the results would be if "Christian, but too embarrassed by those that claim the label to apply it to myself" was an option

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Tishby said: “One side is a democracy and, like any other democracy, it’s a flawed democracy. The other side is a jihadi genocidal organization that is fully committed to your annihilation.

Oh, pardon me, if y'all voted for genocide then that's completely different, good point.

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There was an active shooter

No, there wasn't. Dude was hitting people with a bike lock. The only way it comes out differently is if you hold the police accountable for their horrible judgement, but clearly we're not going to do that.

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Ahmad Awad? Yeah, sorry bud, there's a couple hundred of you on the list.

Someone driving at an unsafe speed? How about some distractions, that should work out great!

Hey, it's been almost 20 minutes, whatcha up to now?

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All it took was two dudes in body armor robbing a bank for every cop in America to shit their pants in fear. They're so afraid of being helpless again that they went and bought fucking tanks.

Killing a billionaire would reduce carbon emissions more than anything else I could personally do, so let's start there and see how it goes. We can talk about me giving things up when those efforts won't be undone by some asshole flying to Chamonix for the weekend or whatever those fucks are doing.

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get the fuck out the club

That's legit good advice

Is it working though? Does discussion of what absolute dipshits they are further the cause? I bet I'd hear about it if they bombed a refinery, but that takes some pretty serious commitment.

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Closer to kwest-chun

Imagine a family member showing signs of a stroke and you're twenty minutes outside of town. Are you really going to call for an ambulance and double the wait time before they're in the ER? Check your privilege city boy.

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