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Joined 9 months ago

Sometimes I tape my thumbs to my hands and pretend i'm a dinousaur.

way way way too long for this to happen and way way way too long to put him in jail. This system is fucked

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good, the more noise they make the more this will spread

awesome stuff! lets plant some beautiful nature all over these unnecessary concrete jungles and house the unhoused! Solarpunk is the future!

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now is the time to support small artists if you feel like throwing your hard earn money away.... i love art, i am an artist. I learned a long time ago that art isn't going to make me money.... it's not on us as individuals to support artists. This is a societal problem and we can't solve it with our low wages. We need that money to eat and have shelter.

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that may have been what you heard but it's not what i said

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I totally agree. I wish I could watch so bad but I think it's the right move. People really started coming around to Hitler after his trial was broadcast.

i've been a criminal for as long as i can remember and i'll never stop, lol

damn this is awesome! this comment here is exactly why i hang out here instead of reddit these days. never see stuff like this there anymore, useful stuff. thank you so much!

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memes are art.... i don't like that that is true but literally anything can be labeled art these days and if i say "maybe that's just some garbage that someone put in a box/frame and it's not art." then i'm the asshole.

Yep, i'm so fed up with liberals and would love to just say "fuck it, i'm a conservative now" but can't do that when the current conservative party now literally the Nazi party.

He warns them? " Do you want a decent healthcare system and good education! I"m warning you that's what's gonna happen if you end this kind of corruption!"

Yep, i've been banned from like 10 subs despite being very careful with how i word my opinion that's different that what's normally accepted.... it didn't used to be that way, a lot of the opinions I have that get me banned were once mainstream on reddit.

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that's not working out. time for a new plan... i'm not saying it has to be violence. and i'll keep voting. But it's getting to the point where just voting isn't enough cause they keep changing the rules.... again, doesn't have to be violence. But i'm just saying, i don't know what other option there is. Fuck the rich. I'm not gonna eat em, but i'll be happy to watch others do it.

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I'm not defending anything, i'm talking about how the world works. I didn't decide for it to work this way, i don't want it to work this way, i'm simply stating that it does work this way... you have chosen to add all this other nonsense on to my words because you don't know the difference between what you're reading and what your emotions are telling you.

i sure hope so, it's time for the next great migration!

I had a teacher who was jewish in nazi germany. Her family denied being jewish and hid all evidence that they were jewish and lived. I didn't consider them cowards, i considered them smart (i know not all jewish people could get away with that. Not implying they were dumb.) I never thought i'd grow up and use that same strategy. I'm a liberal, but i'm registered as a republican cause i'm not worried about the democrats killing me and my family cause of the way i'm registered.

Opinions are like assholes my friend, everyone's got one but we don't need to share them just for the hell of it... you do you, but this was a dumb thing to say so i'm going to file it with all the rest of the dumb shit people say. have a nice day

yes! that place was built by normal people and they sold it to corporations. I love hearing news like this! fuck reddit!

Are you saying there is proof that suicidal people have a chemical imbalance in the brain? I'm aware of instances of correlation between chemicals found in spinal taps and depression, but correlation does not equal causation and drug companies and doctors love to pretend it does in this case. I believe the the chemical imbalance is caused by the depression, no the other way around. I can't prove that, but they can't prove their claim either as far as i can tell.

Are you saying there is proof that suicidal people have a chemical imbalance in the brain? I'm aware of instances of correlation between chemicals found in spinal taps and depression, but correlation does not equal causation and drug companies and doctors love to pretend it does in this case. I believe the the chemical imbalance is caused by the depression, no the other way around. I can't prove that, but they can't prove their claim either as far as i can tell.

Are you saying there is proof that suicidal people have a chemical imbalance in the brain? I'm aware of instances of correlation between chemicals found in spinal taps and depression, but correlation does not equal causation and drug companies and doctors love to pretend it does in this case. I believe the the chemical imbalance is caused by the depression, no the other way around. I can't prove that, but they can't prove their claim either as far as i can tell.

It is, it's their fault for sending their data to some company that wants your DNA. I'm curious too, but i'm not that dumb.

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see, anytime i say something like this you folks just say something like that. You don't have facts behind you, you have an idea that psychologists came up with in the 1950's, that's it.... but sure, just keep insulting me and saying " i can't believe you believe this, what an idiot!" while proving nothing except that your words speak everything about you and nothing about me.

ya'll are projecting a whole lot onto what i said here... go right ahead, i know that you will never see things any way but your own. Have a nice day.

See, violent video games DO affect children negatively. It's incredibly obvious that this is true, i don't care that people can cite studies that say otherwise.

I'm very anti-pharma myself (depression is not a chemical imbalance, and pills can't solve it. Changing lifestyle factors can.) but if your statement were true they wouldn't have made this vaccine in the first place.

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I did, and both going outside and choosing to not be depressed were important pieces to the puzzle that allowed me to move beyond depression.

When i'm the bad guy because I know that any person who is pregnant is a woman.... yeah

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thank you for saying it! good homeschool experiences tend to be under rated. Not all homeschool kids have religious nutbags or unschooling types for parents.

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although i'm a white male in the age group i am neither of these... i know you didn't say everyone is in these groups, just here to represent us anti trans folks who don't know shit about computers. And they say commenting helps lemmy grow, so i'm doing that too.

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