GarfieldYaoi [he/him]

@GarfieldYaoi [he/him]
0 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The planet is being cooked by oil companies benefitting from your tax dollars and you're thrown in jail for disagreeing with it...

but then they want to lecture you about "freedom" when you mention regulating pollution in any capacity.

frothingfash in 2014: "Stupid SJWs, my rights don't end where your feelings begin."

frothingfash now: "Stupid SJWs, your rights end where my ego begins."

'Free Speech' mfs really do like their blasphemy laws.

Conservatism: An idea so good it has to make alternatives ILLEGAL.

IRL? Climate change. No one around me seem's to GAF. Of course, I know places like here share in my belief.

However, kid me when I first learned about the concept of evolution and now worry about how the reliance on industrialization will negatively impact our evolution if we overly rely on technology to do everything for us. I worry about "inventing ourselves to extinction" basically and that's more or less my pet concern.

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  • We are run by an oligarchy of nihilists that gladly want to make humanity go extinct to buy yachts they can already afford.

  • I am constantly told I need to lower my expectations for everything day by day, and then told I am entitled for simply wishing for the life a white boomer had in the 60s. If that makes me entitled, what does that make the white boomer that DID get to experience all that? No, I'll never own a house, now even renting is out of reach. Looks like porky's all set with his workforce and the only jobs left pay 14 an hour tops.

  • Just how fucking boring this world is. Look around you, there is so much to see and do and you will never experience any of it because you were not born a multimillionaire. You will never experience the beauty of Sierra Nevada, you will never get to enjoy Niagara Falls, even if you are lucky enough to have stable employment. Americans proudly call vacation a thing of the past, and the few times people do go on vacation, it's practically suicide for their career.

  • Bigotry is somehow being paraded as this noble thing, actually and that actually being tolerant is supposedly this sign I'm some big dumb-dumb.

  • If blue cities are so bad, why are property values there so high? Shouldn't red areas have higher property values since most people are fascists and want to live in a place where minorities are more optimally oppressed?

  • If this country hates me so much, why isn't it easier for me to simply move to another one? Even kkkanada would be leagues better than this shithole.

  • Some of the worst atrocities being justified because it is for "the economy". Ol' Vivek argued that climate change isn't real because if it was, the consequences of doing something about it would hurt "the economy", as if consumerism is a human right that transcends clean air and water. Hence my first point about us being run by nihilists. If they sincerely believed in God, they wouldn't be doing this, or be claiming "it's okay, I'll be dead before anything bad happens! YOLO!" They only believe in their God whenever they need a justification to do whatever they want. Ironically, God seems to tempt more people into sin than Satan and Lilith combined

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No particular order:

  • Being a furry/furry sympathetic.
  • A science major of any kind. IMO the S needs more love in STEM.
  • Ever overhear them say "walkable" in a positive light.
  • Hobbies besides media consumption
  • Not "too cool" to learn something. Likes learning for fun.
  • Not to concerned with looking cool or badass, either. Look at CHUDs, I made a joke the other day that I can sense a decent bit of residual 90's 'tude in modern CHUDDery, and I think I'm onto something.
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grillman: "You REALLY want little Billy to read a tweet that makes him think he's not perfect because he's white!? YOU MONSTER! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to relentlessly stalk and then bully this freak I found on KiwiFarms for the crime of not being a good normal like me!"

Everyone has a right to be lazy except for you.

Recruiters do nothing except tell people "no" when they need a job, and companies aren't really looking for new people otherwise they wouldn't turn down someone for not meeting ALL of their ridiculous demands.

Capitalism gets IN THE WAY of hard work, and sees hard workers as suckers, rather than rewards it.

I'm checked out of voting, I live in Texas. Nothing but card-carrying neo-nazis in this shithole. Shame too, because I'd love to live in Austin if I could afford to.

Maybe I'll just vote PSL or something.

Enshittification my dear comrades.

Granted, the more academic term is known as rent-seeking. Even lib economists warn against this and is the source of so many ills of society.

Also adding on to this, buy physical media.

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Holy crap, Lois. Where do I even begin?

  • Microsoft on my desktop. Want to try out Linux but even boomers would make fun of my tech skills. That, and more games are on Windows.

  • Cars. Born in bumfuck nowhere, and cities with public transit are expensive as hell. If I ever get a better paying job, I'm selling that shit and moving anyways, because cars are also a huge money sink in and of themselves.

  • Google. I'll give them props, it's a good search engine even in its enshittified form, some of the ads I can deal with because if I am looking for a new t-shirt or something, then it would make perfect sense a Uniqlo ad would pop up. But its privacy that's the problem, and I try to be as "normal" as possible in this KiwiFarmsified hellscape. In the panopticon, the winning strategy is to not be interesting.

  • My iphone (inb4 avocado toast Venezuela). It would be silly to trash this thing now by principle, but once when its unusable, I'm going for a Linux Pinephone.

  • YouTube. It's a Monopoly and my broke ass doesn't want to subscribe to curiosity stream. It's like Texas though, while it's mostly derivative cringe, there's small pockets of gold that keep me there.

  • Linkedin. Pretentious garbage

  • Suburban life. Again, I am not a suburbanite by choice, decent paying jobs are tight and it's even harder to find an apartment in a state I know I probably won't be killed in AND I can afford.

TL;DR: I REALLY need to start learning 2 tech so I can navigate tech alternatives. Oh, and I need to get my shit together in life so I can afford to live in a blue city.

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Premiere Pro. It's industry standard and DaVinci just isn't the same.

It's a shame adobe knows this and jacked up their prices to ridiculous levels ON TOP OF removing the one-time purchase to a SaaS model.

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For anyone here looking for "anti-Musks", here's a list:

  • Peter Rawlinson: the founder of Lucid and the chief engineer for the Tesla model S. He's a capitalist LIB, but at least he isn't Elongated Muskrat.

-Zhang Kejian: the current directior of China's National Space Administration

  • Li Yue: The president of the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation

  • Xi Jinping to some extent, who's trained as a chemical engineer

  • Lê Thị Thu Thuỷ: CEO of the Vietnamese EV company VinFast

Now that we're on the topic, an idea for an eCafe where there are plenty of physical books, but you can plug in the reader to a machine to fully download the book so you can read it offline.

I think I want to learn more about coding and find a bunch of leftist buddies and make shit that's actually "innovative".


Whatever shit's been preserved in the permafrost that's bound to come back.

frothingfash: "Yeah but....they're also not racist enough. Ergo, that's the problem and nothing else. All it's problems will magically be fixed when they begin recognizing white men for the special little boys they all are."

Considering how chatbots just repeat what humanity feeds to them....

When people can democratically decide what information a chatbot learns, of course the chatbot will be talking about killing everyone "for the lulz".

The one good thing about enshittification is that they make the free, open-source versions the superior choice.

For once, greed actually is sometimes their undoing.

  • Sly Cooper trilogy: Although it was made in the 2000s, I like Sly Cooper because it gave me a curiosity for other cultures and isn't just set in America. Also, the soundtrack is GOATed.

"But you see, capitalists take on a risk..."

I should have just majored in STEM, without giving a shit I probably would have been a C student.

Now I am unemployable and going back rather late because I refused to heed the "STEM or GTFO" demands of employers.

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In order to minimize the risk of self-doxxing, I like to just to some random video essays, and they usually aren't anything too political.

Ironically, it's now a "sign of wealth" to live AWAY from the suburbs and their stupid lawns.

Of course, you'll never hear people say we shouldn't demolish more nature for suburbs because "suburbs are for poor people" anytime soon.

Fox News for millennials.

Did Rupert Murdoch or any WASPy oil oligarch ever fund 4chan by any chance?

It's new for me, but making youtube videos.

I use a free version of Davinci resolve and it's difficult to find out all the tricks to make a video, but I hope one day I can accrue a small following.

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Basically, spend my last hours on earth trying to spark a new ecological movement.

I'm still a babby programmer and I still haven't graduated from "hello world" tier for most things, but I pretty got permission from this web development professor I was taking a class under that it's almost normal to copy/paste code, even in the industry. So I feel less ashamed in doing so.

Which is good because I have made up my mind to finish my long abandoned CS degree, and eventually get a master's in biotech specifically if I don't find any other subgroup of coding I particularly like. Even if I don't like my working life, I want to solve problems, dammit.

Sly Cooper.

Zillennials rise up.

I know that feel. I technically have a job right now but I am very underemployed, and it has left an entire generation in shambles.

Reserve army of Labor gang rise up.

I'm from bumfuck nowhere in the US, but damn I am jealous of California and it is wasted on the US. But hey, if leaving the US entirely is out of the question, there's bound to be a few places there that are somewhat bearable.

Pecan pie. I may like to dunk on my state, but they're spot on when it comes to pecan pie. However, I like to use maple syrup instead of corn syrup because I hate the antichrist troll.

Not niche per se, but I do watch BritMonkey and CPG-grey. Both are LIBs, but it's nice to hear a voice of someone who disagrees with leftism but doesn't smugly dismiss it all, and actually have someone interesting content. Britmonkey in particular, I recommend enter the pleasure cube and The housing crisis is the everything crisis. The latter even inspired me to take up housing as my "pet" issue to rant about.

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Deodorant: Anything aluminum-free

Liquid soap: Dove. The important part is that it is antibacterial, sulfate-free, and unscented.

Also, if you shampoo/condition every day: stop. You're better off getting some bougier hair care and not adding product as often.

ecoterrorism avalanche an-tifa

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