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Joined 7 months ago

Bioinformatics isn't used only for medical research or within big companies. Sub-topics like metagenomics, that are helpful in many areas of research, require high level of technical knowledge, that the life science people don't have.

You can work in bioinformatics, the pay is lower than FAANG, but your code will benefit society.

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I cannot buy healthy, tasty, food. I can work less hours, buy ingredients in the marker and make that food.

I will never be able to buy a house, never. Even saving over half my income by living in shit neighborhoods. The cost of houses goes up too fast. Even after investing, and getting good returns, on the little I managed to save, it is not enough.

So working a little less, and having healthy food it is.

After understanding the ongoing ecological collapse, I don't care much about a house anymore, rich or poor, we are all dead in less than 10 years anyway.

If you can, work less, play more. And I actually love what I do at work, but fuck that scam.

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You can't create a relaiable AI to detect AI. Anyone that told you otherwise is selling you snakeoil.

If I'm reading their CEOspeak right, their objective is to fire the very experienced people, that costs a lot of money, and replace them with people that costs less.

I never worked at Google, so I don't know for sure, but it sounds like the Python team is important and that this will backfire. As the people that costs less will also be less skilled, and Python is an important piece for AI/ML research, where Google is already lagging behind. The AI people in Google will get lower quality help with Python, and Google will lag even further behind.

That what happens when the CEO is an MBA and not an engineer.

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You sound like a USA citizen. There many places in the world where walls are made of concrete. 5Ghz doesn't penetration concrete.

In such cases, the only way to get 5GHz into every room will be passing cat5 cable in the wall and placing an AP.

Passing a cable in concrete walls requires a pipe in the wall, that was placed there when the house was built! But in many cases, the tunnels that exists are too narrow for cat5 and are already in use anyway.

So to fulfill your idea and still have WiFi we will need to raze to the ground whole cities and rebuild them.

Unless you are footing the bill, and take care of the CO2 emissions, just learn to disable 2.4GHz on your router.

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I really don't get it, I moved to NixOS some years ago. Okay, first few months I had to fiddle with configurations and add some packages that were missing. Everything past those early months was a blast.

Replacing a dead laptop? The most time consuming part (for me) is making a bootable USB. After that I can push my already ready made configuration and just back to where I was (backs ups are important).

Working on different versions of Python? No problem, a small nix script for each environment.

Working with different versions of GCC? Same as Python.

Everything just works. And if I fuck around I can revert the change. I can easily experiment in a way that will no fuck affect my ability to work.

At work we have Ubuntu, and I got the conclusion that nuking Canonical's offices will be a blessing on humanity. They manage to deliver broken packages for years, even packages that work well on Debian.

I thought that getting a degree in computer science may allow me to buy a home. That was wrong, unless you join a startup early, you will not buy a home.

I thought that doing a masters in bioinformatics will screw me economically when I saw the salaries of my CS peers that went to the market. That too was wrong, doing a multidisciplinary masters left no free time, so SO doesn't want kids.

I thought global warming will screw us only decades away, but that too is false. Don't have kids and economics won't matter in a few years (< 10, probably 3-5).

This differ by countries. Here I'm required by law to operate the car as needed to operate it safely.

If the cloud vanish, I am allowed to put sunglasses, if I get vapor on my windshield I am allowed to push the button to remove it and so on.

But you have to do it safely and smartly. If you get in an accident that you would have been able to prevent otherwise, you may be found at fault. Even if you didn't cause it.

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I'm not a brain-rotted manager, I know how to buy a desk and arrange a work station.

OpenAI need to be nuked for that, just as Microsoft need to get nuked for training CoPilot over GPL code.

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You should sandbox your phone and assume the government may know everything that goes in it.

Pegasus and the like already shown it can be entered with no click zero days.

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You can easily load PDFs into kobo readers, at-least into mine. However, most PDFs will be unreadable. To reads PDFs properly on a e-reader you need a screen that is at-least as big as their render size. Meaning, that if the PDF was built for A4, your experience will be, in most cases, lacking on any screen smaller than A4.

I have no experience using such big eink and can't comment on their quality.

Not sure about all of them, as I don't want them in my life. But I found out by chance that one of them became a social worker. I saw another in an acceptance exam to an academic program, he failed, I got in.

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In addition to other comments,read about Ada Lovelace. She was brilliant, she wrote the first program, and done so before we had computers!

We don't, scientifically, know which one of us is right. We can only go based on gut feeling and anecdotes.

My job is in bioinformatics, from the computational side. The measurements we took were assumed to be wrong due to how far they were out of the expected. Sadly, the equipment did not malfunction, the temperature of the environments we measured shifted drastically causing a reduction in community complexity.

My fun-time is partially in small scale farming, while some of my family members work full time in the agriculture. I've seen both small scale collapse, meaning a tree or a bush die from extreme weather. Members of my family now drink more, as they witnessed fields ruined in a few hours. Hail out of session, a once in a hundred years wind that blew day after day for a week, extreme cold (for the region), extended dry spells in winters with floods between. Each one of those events reduced the agricultural output of a given area to zero for that season.

I live in a western country, we have no technology to stop that and it will become more frequent and global. We have no technology to save our own food supply.

We know how to grow food in building. If we have energy to replace the sun. We don't. So we are going the route of food collapse, leading to population collapse, extinction will follow a few years later.

I don't own a yoga mat

Is there any place left for your hands? I have never, ever seen a car that is built like that.

Testing an algorithm for a paper with releasing the weights/data is not the same as selling the output of the algorithm.

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Bought a math book from them, they refunded it with no questions, after I read a lot of it, because some of the equations were unreadable.

Parts of Germany are very unfriendly to non white Christians that speak fluent German.

Some friends and family left to Germany, they all got better life economics wise. They found friends, had good jobs, etc... but then most of them left Germany.

They really like the public transport, functioning health system, food availability, access to nature and more.

But they all had constant encounters with neu-nazis. It didn't get to physical assault, they felt physically safe, but it did create highly hostile environments, either at work, the supermarket or the streets.

There are countries in the EU that will allow you to enjoy the same benefits without suffering harrasment by neu-nazis.

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It is being done remotely, no need for USB.

IMO, we may get anther AI winter if things blow out legally.

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I'm sure that Wine decelopers would be thrilled to be allowed to use leaked Windows code. I have a funny feeling that Microsoft may object.

Nvidia works flawlessly most of the time on desktops. The suckyness of their drivers shows its ugly head mostly on laptops.

And it's bad, crash your computer bad some times.

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Google is directing me to NYT, which make revenue for both parties. OpenAI does not direct me to the NYT, they try to replace them, this is a parasitic relation. If you hacked Google to pull the article from their cache, you will go to jail.

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Are you talking about a laptop or a desktop? If desktop, using offload or something like that?

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DNA free

Being bad at math does not make you dumb. I failed math at school, and thought I will fail computer science.

I had very hard time in calculus 1 and 2, but appreantly I'm great at discrete mathematics. Introduction to mathematical logic was so fun, I took an advanced course in temporal logic.

Finished the degrees second in my year. Got into a multidisciplinary masters program and finished that too.

I'm now the guy that gets the problems others failed to solve in the lab.

On another note, the person I got to know that is best at learning math, sucks at every other subject in life. He can read math books cover to cover and then use it even a year later. He can't prooerlly feed him self, not from home made meals his mom packed for him as a student and not shopping from the store. If you can take food from the the refrigerator into your plate without making a huge mess or poisoning your self, you are already ahead in life.

tl;dr being bad at math doesn't make you dumb. School level math has almost nothing to do with programming and Uni level math.

Three laptops ago it mostly worked with FOSS solutions around the driver. Nvidia mostly killed them, and intreduced their own unstable solution. As far as I care, if they won't fix it before my hardware dies, the next laptop will have a GPU by another manufacture.

Move where? I can move to a cheaper country, buy a house and push a local down the economical ladder. Or stay and stay in contact with people I love.

And yet, they all found better life in other countries. In my opinion, and it very much a not very educated opinion, the German shame about the shitier parts of society makes it harder for foreigners to understand the level of shityness in different regions of Germany before setting living there.

The general route of people that moved was find a jon from a far, move to the area of the job, handle 10 metric tons of paperwork, better their German just to understand more and more just how mistreated and undesirable they are.

Some chose to stay anyway, some left, tried their luck in a different place and encountered less shitiness and some came back.

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I agree with the sentiment, but I think cat5 is enough for at home deployment. My edge device isn't using 1Gb now, and it won't use 10 in ten years. Mostly because it may be cheaper to replace when needed than to deploy for future proofing.

For offices and such I agree, as the disruption of work for a few days may cost more than future proofing the net.

I think we see a different Google inteface, have no preview button. It vanished years ago.

It appears that NYT has an agreement with Google. They were a bad example.

Depends where you live, my academic advisor set limits on scrapping due to past experience.

Improvements in storage allow for longer transportation. This is but one example.

There are many other improvements, from more efficient water usage to reducing the need for other costly interventions.

Some may be possible to allow richer agriculture in poorer areas, reducing the need for distribution.

My message comes within a context.

Ten percent of humans suffer from hunger. This is much bigger than just Gaza.

Every system is going down faster than expected. Food sources are already taking hits.

This will accelerate exponentially.

Unless we get unlikely, easily sacked, breakthrough energy source quickly or fucking aliens come down and save us, we are doomed.

Climate change was stoppable around 1980, the worst of it was preventable around 2000, now? We may survive if we put our resources toward adaption. Which we don't, and cannot unless some magic happens.

So unless you believe in fairies, don't bring children cus they won't grow old. If you do believe in fairies, you are too delusional to raise children.

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