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Joined 1 years ago

Holy shit. I never imagined there would be a scenario where Lauren Boebert comes out looking classier than someone else.

The short answer is that they think the authoritarian is on their side.

The long answer is that people in groups are stupid and they have been manipulated into thinking the authoritarian is on their side

I can recognize about a dozen Chinese characters, so I can confidently say that this probably isn't about soup.

I doubt Trump has ever done anything right in his life. His business decisions have been less profitable than leaving his money in bonds.

We need to move to single payer healthcare and just eliminate the need for insurance companies.

Well, it will be one of the best compliments if the game actually looks like that.

If this is a classic tale of trailer footage looking better than the finished game, that dev is going to have egg on his face.

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Use your friends and family. Tell them you're doing so and instruct them to lie for you.

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You know how weebs are always making absurd claims like "well she's really a 3000 year old dragon in the body of a 12 year old, so I'm not a pedo"?

Loli/shota dispenses with that. It's about romantic relationships between adults and children. It's pedophilia. Full. Stop.

Loli is underage girls, shota is underage boys.

Geocaching can be 3rd person if you're small enough to ride someone else around like master blaster.

Sure they can. They'll outsource moderation to Bangladesh, pay mods like $0.20 a day, and double the number of ads shown.

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I love that this comment represents more work into the issue of bugs than Bethesda bothers with.

Civilization. Any of them.

I'm not great at high-level maths like that, but can infinities be sized different in a way that makes a comparison of quantity valid?

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White castle has chicken rings.

You don't think they would pay a pittance for mods they can control and who will quell dissent like the blackout before it ever gets off the ground?

Small ball becomes big ball

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Trunks are really just spines for trees.

Does this mean BotW will drop to $55?

Cannabis is the problem from the post if you could roll it up and smoke it, which you can.

No they won't. USCG does not bill for search and rescue operations. US taxpayers will foot the bill for this.

I cannot speak for other sovereign entities that were involved, as I'm not familiar with their laws.

Society does not create sex. Society creates gender. Gender is a social construct. Sex is an expression of your sex chromosomes. The genitalia you have at birth weren't decided upon arbitrarily by everyone in the room, they're a direct consequence of whether you have or lack a y chromosome.

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Complaining about grinding in a Diablo game seems like an odd choice. I think Diablo might actually be the franchise that invented grinding.

Alt+f4 would do it without a prompt.

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Every one of their previous titles is a valid reason to think it will be as bad as their previous titles.

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Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen is fun to play, although a bit more in the vein of classical RPG than what you've mentioned. Plus there's a new DD game coming out soonish, so if you enjoy it you'll have a new title to enjoy soon.

Sure. Where are they talking? Is it in a fanciful location or anywhere with a window? Itf so, it's probably CGI.

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This guy rolls around and picks shit up.

You're confusing sex and gender. Sex is a function of biology. It is binary. There are two sexes, and which sex you are is wholly determined by presence or absence of a y chromosome.

Gender is a social construct.

This is the entire reason that the term transgender is used now instead of transsexual.

Also, your whole analogy is shit. The concept of money didn't spring into existence because people already had coins. The coins spring forth from the concept of money. By your logic, we only have genitals because society got together and decided that we should all have a sex.

That is the stupidest idea I have ever heard in my life, and Ive read several tweets from Donald Trump.

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No, but given his previous track record he'll just release it over and over for the next twenty years, and he might be dying by then.

That's a great question.

Edit: did you get notified

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It's a good thing no one ever invented a way to sharpen a blade.

Of course, I guess that could be useful in some context. It gets awful expensive throwing my shun chef knife out every week.

Oh well.

I thought this was a cone of shame until I read the title.

Shouldn't it be that you identify with your birth sex? If gender is a social construct you don't have a gender at birth. When the doctor says "It's a boy" they're referring to the genitalia you have, not assigning you a social position.

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It's autocorrect.

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Look at the average scene in an MCU movie and see that 90% of it is usually CGI. Extrapolate all those effects across a 120 minute film and add in the price of the top name actors they usually have, and I'm surprised it's only 350 million.

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I would love to see GTA: San Andreas updated to modern QoL standards and with renewed licensing so all of the original songs are included.

No it's not. Unless you're suggesting you collectively thought my dick into existence.

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It looks like Gollum trying to say posses.

So during to formatting on my phone, I read that as "they even have it running at 30 fps" and was like uhhh....