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Joined 1 years ago

What stuff of yours was censored?

That is the key question.

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While I agree with you, class Co sciousness and warfare requires unity. I cannot stand with someone, be our situations as similar as they might be, if their stance is 'but not the brown/gay/whatever people'

All or none. I will not stand for discrimination. Not overt, not veiled as 'discussion', not ever.

Counter question:

Why are the Australians not more mad?

Work is shit. Nobody wants to work.

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'Gamers agree' that would be a historical first lol

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As a German, fuck you

Climate apocalypse pretty soon. Maybe climate collapse of society first, briefly

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I think it's dangerous to only have the national view on this, as the article suggests. This is not an isolated phenomenon: Germany, Italy, Greece, Spain, probably soon France, Sweden, Hungary and Poland for ages.... And globally, with the likes of Modi in India. Very bad times are coming again

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See this to visualize time frames on this kind of stuff

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No they don't. That was a stunt for a film where they pushed thgrm off a cliff. Will find source and edit it in.

Edit:it was disney, of course.

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XManager = free spoti Premium, no downloads

Yt revanced= free yt music premium, no downloads.

Cancel spoti sub, use the money to add GB to your internet plan

If anyone knows a thing with download please tell

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You think climate change is made up

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40 billion each year to end global hunger by 2030. Everyone is everyone in the whole world. These figures are from the Un food programme's. Population would not explode, because malthusian economics are for eco fascists. Rich people that have no food insecurity have Less kids, not more. See all of Europe and the US and many other countries as examples. Human population is not the graph about wolves and deer you saw in 10th grade biology.

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I get why subs that consider themselves safe spaces for trans folk would ban you for that.

Transitions are Never done willy nilly. Several doctors and psychologists will be in contact with that person before. If they agree it is fine, as Healthcare professionals, then it must be that forcing the person to stay their birth gender will do more harm

It's an image format ghat saves a lot of data. I use it all the time to save space!

How exactly has Germany restricted private cars? And if they are so restricted, why are they still 20% of our emissions? (correction: private cars 12, transport lorries 8)

Also here is the current mix of energy sources,strommix102.html

Germany has chosen renewable over nuclear. I am glad we did. I am not happy they restored some coal, but if you compare to earlier levels also visible in the article, you will see an overall reduction. Leaving out that we have been phasing out nuclear during the last 15 or so years to build more renewable and then being like 'look, no nuclear, such a lack of responsibility!' smh

Your comment seems intended to agitate international readers with false portrayal of facts and glossing over stuff via sarcasm. Shame on that kind of behavior just to push your views.

I had noticed a sharp decline in quality. It was a kind of frog in boiling water situation, where more and more content was from Twitter, tiktok, poor ragebait about us politics....

I remember I went to reddit because that is where content from other platforms had originated. That stopped at some point

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While I think you are right and there are surely factors worth investigating, I cannot shake the feeling that 'money for ads' is a really big one.

To the point: I cannot htelp but notice that the bigger services place emphasis on you presenting, ourself, while small decentralized ones place more import on anonimity. I think there's a part in all or most people that wants to present themselves and be lauded among peers. This is to me why platforms with photo capability like fb and insta took off. Also reddit was trying to gravitate more and more towards this with following profiles and bla

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3rd World country wearing a Gucci belt lol

Nr. 3 is the main point. I prefer less content if it's not reposts, ragebait and bots

Karl popper babyyyy

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This is what happens if a religious nationalist party runs the country and poisons it with it's rethoric. It is functionally the same as the taliban , or what would be of the US if hyper nationalist Christians had their way, just swap out the religion of the surpressed.

I hate being this guy, but they are far from the only country denying lawful order from the ICC and the Hague. It's even debatable wether this is lawful, since Russia quit that contract in I think 2015\_Service-Members%27\_Protection\_Act

You are conflating sex and gender. It is you being ignorant. Not surprising from someone who thinks Hitlers nazi Germany was the height of a state though.

Learn more

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What aspect of indigenous peoples would you want to represent? Think about that in detail, and think about whether what you want to represent might just be a stereotype.

I can imagine that this can be done tastefully. But it could also turn out really horrible. What specifically do you mean by a sort of metaphor? Do you want to go into some indigenous social constructs and living conditions? If so, WHAT groups specifically?
Do you only want to talk about stolen land and shamans? I would advise against that. The question is more nuanced and you have to be more detailed to get usable answers

If the scientific community overwhelmingly and independently comes to the same conclusion over and over again, insisting on being able to discuss other solutions, especially not in the context of academic exploration (because it IS important for the scientific process to check opposing hypothesis and to peer review) but in the Context of telling a baseless opinion easily disputed, then no.

That's like the people who insist on 'discussing other explanazions' for climate change.

And it is more than understandable that this insistence then is seen as the Opposite of good faith arguing and met with resistance. There is no point in giving a forum to harmful lies. That is not productive discourse

I would advise against putting a real photo of yourself

No notepad, but an excellent explorative puzzle that had me making and remaking theories the whole time: outer wilds. Several people also mentioned obra dinn

Absolute disaster, but also just one more in a row at this point...

I want to check the same for

How does it go there? yields no result and fed checker app tells me I'm not on a lemmy instance

I remember we have one in German, but it's more about language...
you ask a bunch of questions ghat the answer are different colors, and when they are all used to saying colour's, if you ask them what a cow gives, they'll probably say white. Of course, this was in 2nd grade.

Thanks for finding the sources

Funnily enough, boost for reddit is the last one holding out and closes after today. I was really confused by your title hahah

Right. That, to me, says you are not a reasonable person

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Petrodollar is a big incentive

I agree that a lot of politicized content is shit. Yesterday I checked reddit and an article was titled 'ultra-rich reminded of pitchforks if they don't share' or some asinine bullshit. I would enjoy not having this relentless ragebait spam here.

I do however think, that I can just block them right? And I can read the German instances via my kbin account, so I don't see why I should switch. I think you are right to caution but maybe a little over the top.

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This might help too:

Comment as bookmark

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I played on the switch and that made it take ages. I got until about act 4 or 5, I can't remember, with a kraken? But I noticed a harsh spike in difficulty at that point. Coupled with the very tedious controls on switch that made me stop playing.

Was a great game until that point

Can you cite a source on that number

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Gothic I&Ii