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Joined 1 years ago

Indeed, different price point though, but shouldn't be more expensive in the long run. I like what they're doing and live my AMD 13

Sync for Lemmy also shows a preview of the YT video.

That would be too much freedom for the "land of the free".

Of course the metal can support a person. It's not like one side is floating in thin air. The way this is constructed, both sides of each step are supported and the metal seems thick enough to support quite a bit of weight.

The only thing that bothers me is that forward/backward motion of the steps would put a lot of strain on the connection to the wall or floor. With normal use, that motion is quite limited though.

I'm quite confident the designer of those stairs used the right thickness for the material used, which you can't judge from a picture.

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The Framework laptops can be easily upgraded and/or repaired by just about anybody who can watch a YouTube video. It is indeed possible to buy a base model and then upgrade it later.

Keep in mind however that you can't just replace the CPU, but you have to replace the whole mainboard. Other components can be swapped at will, like RAM, SSD, Display, camera and microphone module, hinges, ... Then of course there are the modules that you can easily swap without even opening the laptop, and can give you different ports, card readers, storage or custom modules (diy projects for example).

The build quality is quite solid on my FW13, the keyboard is decent and the trackpad is quite good. I wouldn't hesitate to buy another one if the need arises...

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Had a Galaxy S2 and then a Note 2. By the time that last one was up for replacement, Samsung had gone curved edges, which I disliked. Switched to OnePlus 3, later 7T and that was my last OnePlus as I didn't like where the brand was going.

Luckily Samsung ditched the curved edges, so I currently have an S22+. I'm quite satisfied with this one and I also got a Galaxy watch after having some quality issues with Fitbit devices. Both work together nicely as you'd expect.

If that happened in Europe, that's illegal. The warranty period is suspended while your product is away for warranty repairs. Little side note, that only applies to the legal 2 year warranty protection, which is between the buyer and the seller (which is often not the manufacturer).

At least unsolicited duck pics aren't very likely to get you on some list 😅

The problem with sustainable fuels is that they also cost a lot of resources. Those resources can come from farm land that could be put to better use instead. The energy required to create these alternative fuels also has to come from somewhere, which usually isn't mostly renewable either.

Furthermore the biofuels and efuels may be better for CO2 emissions, but still dump a lot of pollution in the air.

Until people start to rely less on their cars, the uptick of EV's will lessen fossil fuel usage. For many people car sharing would also be a good option for when they need a car. That cuts down on resource usage.

The best EV's in my opinion are human/electric hybrids, aka electric bicycles. They help people choose a bicycle over another motorized form of transportation, because it's often just a convenient and cheap option that gets you from where you are to where you want to go, when you want to go there... Something public transport isn't very good at outside cities, unless combined with (e)bikes or scooters for example for the last miles.

When you create a tidal account they tell you how to transfer your playlists automatically via a 3rd party service (Limited to 500 tracks, unless you pay). Qobuz does the same, but if I'm not mistaken actually partners with the 3rd party service to offer it for free without the 500 track limit.

Or the Zero Lemon 9000mAh battery back for that phone. Insane capacity, but a "tad" bulky.

BG 3 runs on the Steam deck, mostly without issues (except for those that aren't Linux related, like text being hard to read due to the small display and lower frame rate due to the portable hardware).

You should be able to but a used set in very good condition for that price.

The 16 inch model can have a GPU module installed indeed, which makes it slightly longer and heavier of course. Framework plans on releasing newer GPUs in the future, but can't guarantee it, as it also depends on the GPU manufacturers.

Let's hope they will be able to also provide GPU updates, which would truly make it fully upgradeable machine.

You're welcome!

I'm pretty certain you won't regret it!

Nothing beats a fully automatic espresso machine when it comes to efficiency. Want an espresso, large coffee or any of the other things it can prepare, and it is made with the parameters you want. The only non organic waste is the packaging of the coffee beans, which isn't too bad, as they usually come in 500g of 1kg packs.

Some even have 2 beans containers for when you want to have different flavors, and almost all have a chute for a portion of ground coffee for the occasional special drink (decaffeinated or so, for visitors for example)

Edit: typo

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Perfect stairs to your man cave 🙂

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You're certainly right about that!

I'm surprised I had to scroll this far down for this exact answer. We did the same thing and they enjoyed it nonetheless.

In that case it sounds like Tuta is the right choice for you. I just wanted to make sure you knew about the drawbacks. For me the search thing is what killed it, because I regularly search older emails.

It's not that they can't heat your home to 20°C in the winter on those occasions where it's freezing outside, it's just that the heat output decreases as it gets colder, while the heat loss of your house increase, and your size your unit(s) for a specific temperature.

Our air to air system still has a cop of just above 4 at -7°C and 3 at -15°C. It manages to heat our 1960 house just fine (decently insulated, but not to modern standards). Even on those rare occasions the temperature drops that low in Belgium, we should be fine.

In a more modern house, the system could've been cheaper thanks to the better insulation.

Sorry, I somehow failed to notice the [she/her]. Didn't mean to offend.

That also means that there's still a huge potential for growth, before competitors reel in their potential customers. If they let other manufacturers divide the market among themselves, it may be harder to gain market share later.

StartAllBack can do that for you, and a few more things as well:

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If you like modifiers, privacy and no ads in your search, try out Kagi. Since you don't pay with your data, you do pay with your money however, but I find it worth it.

And certainly not one where you can't even have a proper discussion about dogs.

I got one or 2 4 TB drives (Seagate IronWolf). If you're interested in 5-6 year old NAS drives that got replaced with larger capacity ones, send me a message and I'll send you the smart data. I wasn't planning on selling them, but they're not being used anymore so I might just as well.

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I moved away from Tuta, and while getting my mail out wasn't as straightforward as with regular mail services, it also wasn't hard.

Proton offers an IMAP bridge, which will let you use any IMAP client to download your mail and then transfer it somewhere else.

There are special versions for high usage locations, and those often come with a maintenance contract. That should keep the coffee flowing for all to enjoy.

The models intended for home use probably won't last very long if you brew 100 coffees a day with them.

I guess that would also be a legitimate concern, as the steps are rather short. It would look a bit less sleek with longer steps, but making the steps longer while keeping the supports narrow would still look good in my opinion.

Thermal cameras are surprisingly good at detecting things that use power. Defeat the camera with another camera 😉

Rancid fish oil, you said?

So, offer the car back to Tesla at 1 cent under purchase price, then sell to whoever you like if they refuse to buy it...

If you move to the EU, not only your skillset will determine how easily you can find a decent job, but also how well your diploma translates to the ones we have here. My guess is that for technologically or scientifically oriented degrees, that's probably not too much of an issue, on the condition that the level of education for the degree you have in your country of origin is good enough.

If you're seriously considering this, I'd suggest finding some people who made the same decision and talk to them about their experience.

The EU has its own problems of course, but I have the feeling there's generally less inequality than in a lot of other first world countries. Access to good education and healthcare is generally cheap or at least affordable. Some countries cope with waiting lists for specialized healthcare however, although that differs from country to country.

As a Canadian, the language shouldn't be an issue. In large parts of Europe, you can get by with French and English. In a larger, multilingual company, people usually default to English. I know a Syrian family who fled the war with their kids (the youngest wasaround the age of yours), and the kids learned the language (Dutch) very quickly and did well in school, moving on to university education. The parents had a harder time adjusting, since their degrees weren't very compatible, but also the language remained an obstacle for them.

In your settings you find a special url that contains your session. If you set that as the search engine, it also works as expected in incognito mode. However, when you log out, the link expires if I'm not mistaken.

Well, I just went for the 100 search free trial, liked what I got, and am now a paying customer. I rarely switch back to Google for specific local stuff, but for 99% of my searches, I prefer what I get on Kagi , and even more what they offer me besides that: privacy and no ads.

Believe what you want, but I'd say give it a try and see for yourself.

That was my initial thought as well. You may or may not find it worth it for you. Time will tell I guess.

On the last few installs I did for a customer, on the first login l, Windows asked whether I would use files locally or use the cloud. Choosing the former doesnct put your Documents an old such stuff in OneDrive. Maybe that's a Europe thing though...

I also don't use OneDrive, but instead synchronize everything on my Windows and Linux devices with Synology Drive.

Understandable. Good luck hunting for drives!

Honestly though, I believe the early issues with the game were mostly on consoles. On a decently specced PC, the game would run nicely right after launch, with some bugs, but nothing game breaking. I got it right after launch day and enjoyed myself quite a bit with it. The police and the way the cars drove were the things that bothered me the most.

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