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no one can copyright the basic idea anyways

I can think of a couple companies that would try anyway :P

It was also the second time it happened. It was a mistake, but one that really shouldn't have happened. And it was minor in terms of how long it was down, but not having access to 911 is potentially a major issue.

People are just sick of companies not being held responsible for repeated incompetence which often comes from cost cutting measures.

Horror movie idea, this concept but when the second humans arrive, they find the human civilization that got there first was wiped out before they got there and they don't know why.

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Omg at first I thought this was two people getting married with PayPal as the wedding officiant.

Congrats to the happy couple tho lol

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Tainted is a good word for when right wingers join the conversation, thank you

It's 2023 and we're still doing this? It's pretty obvious neither is objectively better, stop being so loyal to companies and their products.

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I'm so surprised. The GOP?? Never, this is shocking. I'm blown away right now. But Republicans care about kids, and the drag queens are the groomers /s

A lot of these streaming companies are just cable companies who needed to change their business to keep up, but don't want to change their predatory practices

It's "Gays Against Groomers", a far right anti LGBT group that spreads disinformation. The LGB Alliance is a (imo and others opinion) transphobic group that doesn't want to be grouped with or defend trans rights.

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“Every reconstruction involves some level of inference and speculation to literally ‘flesh out’ details not preserved in the fossil record,” Celeskey explains. “In the process of creating paleoart, artists and the researchers have discussions about how to fill in these missing pieces, which helps everyone involved to think about how they are interpreting the actual evidence at hand.” From a NatGeo article I found

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Amazon owns both the product and the platform. They often are involved in the delivery of the products as well. This gives them quite a bit of control over other companies selling on their platform. They can push whatever product they like to the top of the page. They can copy other products and push the original to the last page of results, and then drop their price until the other company can't compete, and then raise their prices.

They have a lot of control which allows them to be anti competitive. And allegedly they use that

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Woz doesn't profit from slave labor in China any more than any of us since he hasn't actually worked for Apple since like 1985. Since then, he's started a number of other companies doing a bunch of other stuff, like cleaning space junk most recently

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Bunch of people here are talking about who goes to burning man. So just to be a bit objective, here's a burning man census they've been doing for the past decade

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Minecraft was released in 2009

Internet toddler

Minecraft being 15 years old

too grown up to get


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incredibly old

Xbox 360 or PlayStation 4


It's a trespassing charge from what I could find. Although there are laws against boycotting Israel

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I think the misogynistic incels came first

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Nothing more Republican than having the government artificially restrict free market capitalism... wait that not what every Republican I've ever known has said they support. Weird.

Here's an overview by The Verge

But basically it started when Gamers Nexus called out some issues LTT had with testing methodology and also an incident where LTT accidentally auctioned off another companies products that they had reviewed poorly.

Then Linus responded pretty poorly (and ended up stepping down as CEO and is now a chief creative something or other iirc)

Then a former employee tweeted about why she left LTT and accused LTT of having a toxic workplace environment. And specifically said she had been sexually harassed by a coworker but not taken seriously.

There's no court case, LTT just did this to clear their name basically.

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I think it's open to interpretation. Like you could take it at face value of just a funny comic about lions and gazelles.

At a deeper level though, it's about the ones in charge placating their victims by giving them something that won't actually help them out of their bad situation. And also maybe that knowledge without action won't change anything. That kind of situation and lesson could be applied to so many things, like rich people telling poor people to go to college to get degrees that don't actually help enough with pulling themselves out of poverty because in reality the game is rigged.

Stuff like that, but that's just my interpretation.

This trailer is really bringing out the bigots, especially in the YouTube comments. It sucks that the gaming community, literally based on having fun, can be so toxic

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Many US states have laws preventing people from registering these kei class trucks.

For example,

On that page

KEI-Class vehicles cannot be registered or titled in New York State. (Authority: Section 400-a of NYS VTL)

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"PDF file" sounds like "pedophile"

I couldn't find anything in your source supporting your claim, did I miss it somehow? It did say they planned to use trump by "pumping him up" but not financially, and not encouraging him to run in the first place. It was a plan to make the less likely to win Republican candidates (there were several on their list) seem more likely to win to split the Republican vote. I also couldn't find any other article supporting your claim when I googled it but I might need better search terms.

I understand what you mean about it being a bad plan that backfired horribly. But blaming any single person (other than trump) for his run for presidency and win is disingenuous. She had a bad campaign, and the media spent too much time following his antics, and millions of Americans messed up by voting for a clown.

This is a good analogy if you think of video games as a consumable product.

It's not a good analogy if you see video games as art. Like if you buy a portrait from a painter and two weeks later they come to your house and paint over it to be a stick figure. Especially if it's just because they want more money from you.

It's also not a good analogy if you see video games as rented or leased goods, like most game studios execs want video games to be. Imagine renting a car for your trip across the country and half way there, you wake up at your hotel, look out the window, and the rental company swapped it out for a tractor in the middle of the night. Hope that works for you!

Sure, it's in the contract that they can do that. And maybe you finished the trip so it doesn't really affect you. But it's happening to other people, and we shouldn't trust the company going forward because one day it could be you that's screwed out of what you paid for.

I also use it daily. I bought a cheap aux to bt adapter for my car so I could wirelessly play music but it's not as good as just plugging it in directly. And it's an extra dongle thing to worry about.

I really just wanted to do Bluetooth because it's slightly more convenient, and when I'm charging my phone while it's plugged into aux there's a bit of a whine over my music. But having the option to do aux when I want is important to me personally

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The difference is that the CCP has a lot of control over Chinese companies operations.

In the US, the companies have a lot of control over the US government.

Ok that's an oversimplification, but it sounded good

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This is a weird piece to take from the article. An editor for the website who is not Ethiopian informally made the assumption that they don't have the infrastructure and you're saying it's a fact they're not ready for this.

Right before that it says; "(Minister) Sime further explained that efforts to establish charging stations for electric cars remain a high priority, and offered that the nation’s inability to access favorable foreign exchange resources has contributed to its inability to afford to continue importing gasoline and diesel."

So this sounds like it's more logistically viable than ice vehicles.

And the top comment on the article is someone from Ethiopia basically confirming that, and expanding upon it to say the country has been working towards full renewable energy for several decades. Why the pessimism?

It's entertaining to watch, but him having as much power as he does and using it in terrible ways does have consequences. Probably not so entertaining for people that have to deal with it first hand

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I didn't get it.

Oh shoot I just got it after I pressed the button to get a new one. Now I have to wait for a new one... or can I just type the first one...??

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The lead paint chips and leaded gasoline and micro plastics and PFAS would disagree

Why? Why can an AI not replace a CEO? And why has CEO compensation risen, while average worker compensation dropped, all while worker output has increased over the past decades? That seems like simple math, that the money isn't going to who it should be going to and is just going to management and investors because they make the rules

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Yeah the code might be fine. But if I want to support the development of Lemmy, say with a donation, am I financially supporting a piece of shit?

I'm not saying every contributor has to be thoroughly vetted, or that I have to agree politically with every contributor. It just feels icky, and I get the concern users have.

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You can tell how much he cares about poor countries and how much they can afford because he only has a salary in the millions /s

I agree (and I think the article agrees in part too) with much of what you're saying. But the issue with your comment is this;

If you did your own research and listen to experts like Adam Taggart or Wealthion

You're assuming doing your own research will lead to the correct and educated experts (Adam Taggart or Wealthion in this example). The study this article is based on really is just saying "do your own research" is leaving it up to your search engine. And everyone uses Google. Google isn't designed to show you research, it's designed to show you what you want to know.

Well it's not really a decision between "either not use them at all, or have a proper way to dispose of them"

Yes, there are applications we don't have alternative materials that we can agree are essential like safety products. That being said, we should definitely cut down our use of PFAS for items like floss, cosmetics, etc while continuing to look for alternatives. We use it far too much just for added convenience, but that convenience could be doing a lot of harm.

Kinda like the idea in this article, seems like a good compromise

It's actually Gays Against Groomers, a hate group. Had to reverse image search that one lol

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Everyone is downvoting as if this is a baseless conspiracy and ridiculous.

For those people, here's a source

And an excerpt;

On the day that public records revealed that Elon Musk had become Twitter’s biggest shareholder, an unknown sender texted the billionaire and recommended an article imploring him to acquire the social network outright.

Musk’s purchase of Twitter, the 3,000-word anonymous article said, would amount to a “declaration of war against the Globalist American Empire.” The sender of the texts was offering Musk, the Tesla and SpaceX CEO, a playbook for the takeover and transformation of Twitter. As the anniversary of Musk's purchase approaches, the identity of the sender remains unknown.

The three texts were sent on April 4, 2022. In the nearly 18 months since then, many of the decisions Musk made after he bought Twitter appear to have closely followed that road map, up to and including his ongoing attacks against the Anti-Defamation League, a nonprofit organization founded by Jewish Americans to counter discrimination.

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It's a woman main character in the trailer. Some loud, annoying gamers have a problem with that. Also that she isn't super conventionally sexy, and is a representation of an average woman. And some people are calling her trans and not in a pro LGBT way.

Someone here made a comment about sweet baby inc, which is a company that works with game studios to help encourage diversity, which is apparently the end of the world for the people who call everything new "woke" unironically

I care. Pretending intent doesn't matter just allows the hatred this mod creator has to grow. They didn't make that change in good faith, it's a common dog whistle for right wing bigots. Around 1% regret transition, and often because of backlash from those around them, not because they're not trans.

When someone's intent is to criticize and invalidate a trans person's very existence, I care. And obviously plenty of people do since the mod was removed.