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What does it mean to be "weirdly anti US"?

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What did Ubuntu do to violate your privacy?

Do you like lots of nazi content? Do you like lots of redpill manosphere content? do you like right wing conspiracy theories? Do you like white supremacists in your feed? If so twitter is just fine for you.

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Some fun facts about this case.

There was no web design business. There was no gay client asking for a super gay wedding website. The supposed client didn't even know about the case and is not gay.

The supreme court took on a hypothetical case and used it to make gays second class citizens.

Nuclear power doesn't pay for itself apparently. Also it takes a very long time to even build a reactor. Wind and hydro are much cheaper to build and can be done rapidly.

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Did crime actually surge? No it didn't. It was just hyped. As usual failure to control the narrative was a fatal flaw. Something the right understands better than the left.

Really? Lied to you?

They are corporations and they have the right to control the content on their platforms. That's why decentralized forums are much better but even then any admin of any server can do whatever they want with their instance.

Does anybody even use google sites?

I don't think he is very smart at all and I also don't think he is trolling. I think he really is a white supremacist, hates trans people, and is generally a right wing idiot.

When people show you who they are, believe them.

Being a scientist and being a debater are different skill sets. In science debate is done via peer review and papers and in the case of medicine by doing trials.

RJK and Rogan are fucking morons and the only way to debate them would be to continually call them evil stupid fucks because that's what they are. Anything else is going to allow them to edit your comments to make them look like to their stupid evil audience.

I watched a clip where he tells Joe that wifi causes brain cancer and Joe like a fucking idiot buys it.

The consequences were not unintended. These were the intended consequences. Same consequences that happened in Georgia when they did the same thing and had to roll it back.

Are you sure you are looking at twitter? That's like 70% of twitter now.

There is another point you are missing. Reddit uses browser fingerprinting to doxx and identify it's user base so that they can bin your data properly when they sell it. Third party apps thwart this effort as they can't tie your account to somebody who logs into the web site or uses their app.

Are they removing old bans?

To help tesla and hurt the competition a bit.

What is sync for lemmy. I agree that the current version of lemmy is clunky and buggy.

I am guessing something will pop up and this won't actually happen.

Look it's been establishes that 30% of the country is off it's rocker. They believe in anything Trump tells them.

Regarding President Joe Biden, Trump’s disinformation campaign against him and his son, Hunter, also appears to have taken root in voters’ minds. The majority of respondents, 55 percent, said the FBI is “not really investigating” corruption allegations against Biden while 57 percent believe Biden “took a $5 million bribe” while serving as vice president, despite no evidence of that occurring.

this shows you who they polled.

I am not really sure but I think it was yggdrasil. I remember loading a ton of floppies one after the other. 5 1/4 inch ones too!

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Every business has overhead and infrastructure is usually the least of that overhead. They probably had lots of people working in that division and if it's just a redundancy at this point might as well sell it off and get some cash out of the deal.

Where can I get help with kbin? Is there a magazine for support?

If it gets undone by the next administration it can be redone by the one after that. Honestly at this point I don't give a shit if the supreme court has a thousand judges on it. More the merrier. Bring it on.

I hate both of these guys but it would be fun to watch zuck beat the shit out of the mollusk.

Pete Buttigieg is also supposedly religious.

In any case the coup was put down and putin remains in power.

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I don't know about that. He can boast that he put down a coup attempt in less than a day.

They won't.

It's important to note that this was examining a state law, so it does depend on the state, but in Colorado for instance, a bar could still absolutely not have a "No Blacks" sign.

Why not? Why isn't a sign an expression of free speech?

This is because the society and the medical industry doesn't see obesity as a medical problem but a moral failure.

Nuclear power only takes a long time due to government red tape pushed by idiot environmentalists (who, ironically, got major financial backing from oil corps).

It's this kind of nonsense conspiracy theories that really damage your side of the argument. Nuclear power plants are complex pieces of technologies that are very hard to get right, secure, and make safe. The idea that there is a cabal of massive corporations funding environmentalists to fight nuclear power is laughable.

Also, you should see what shutting down nuclear in favor of wind has done to Germany.

Germany isn't the whole world. The fact that your entire stance is based only on what happened in Germany is undermining your advocacy.

Oh, and the time to build nuclear can be further reduced (pending removal of red tape) by converting coal plants to nuclear. I think people forget a nuclear power plant is just a steam turbine powered by a hot rock, and a coal power plant is a steam generator powered by burning a rock.

no it's not just that. No wonder you think it's possible to build them cheap and fast.

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Unfortunately that's true.

What are the keybindings to move between panes in VS code? I still haven't figured out how to manage tabs, splits, panes etc using only the keyboard.

the court can be expanded without an amdendment.

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It will most likely come at the cost of water resistance and thicker phones.

So what would happen if the mods refused to moderate and let anybody post anything they want? It's not like they are getting paid and reddit isn't going to pay anybody to moderate.

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Didn't he basically win at this point?

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