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Joined 1 years ago

I swear, these workplace "training" programmes seem to be so incredibly out of touch sometimes. We also had one of these trainings and while the goal is of course very noble, it really just had the opposite effect. The examples were so silly that people just laughed at it and made fun of the whole thing, which made the workplace less welcoming instead of more.

Absolute chads. I'm curious what kind of response this is going to get.

I definitely understand that there is a market for it, but personally I'm not interested. They're expensive, vulnerable, and I have no need for a screen like that. The high prices and vulnerability were excusable in the first few generations, but I feel like we should've advanced further by now. I wonder how many people really use one.

To be honest, I disagree. It'd be logical if that was true, because that's what you'd expect, but I've met plenty of counterexamples. People who were well educated in some subject and therefore assumed that they know everything better. I've found that for a certain group of people, having a bachelor's or master's degree makes them overestimate their ability massively. Some of them you could at least partially convince with facts, but I've also met a few of them who has gone completely off the deep end. Well educated doesn't always mean intelligent

I think the problem is moreso (as far as I've heard) that the owners of the instance overlap with the owners of lemmygrad, which is basically the table/authoritarian commie instance. There have been some rumours about posts and comments being deleted for being critical of China/Russia. How much of that is true, I don't know,l. What I have noticed is that there is a higher percentage of tankies on Lemmy, but they're still usually down voted when they say dumb stuff.

It's a bit silly, because this kind of meme can definitely be interpreted as both a bigoted meme and as a sort of "ironic" kinda meme that is quite often posted in LGBT+ circles. It uses a lot of outdated terms like "Transsexual" and "Hermaphrodite", but then also has the more LGBT+ shitpost stuff like "pet walking on keyboard - Other". And indeed the absurdity of asking gender everywhere in the first place. I choose to pick the LGBT+ positive interpretation, but idk whether that's its actual meaning.

It's always difficult. On the one hand it's not great to de-federate based on political opinion. After all, I'd have no issues with these people posting memes and other content, adding non-political insight in non-political communities, and even discussing politics in political communities. An echo chamber doesn't really help anyone after all. However, these people seem to actively look down on anyone even slightly more right wing as them, and as shown in the examples they also seem likely to aggressively push their views in places where that would not be appreciated. To me defederation seems like the good call, at least temporarily, to ensure that moderators won't have their hands full. But it would be nice to see at least attempts to federate with these extremists, just to give them a chance to play nice. It would be better in the grand scheme of the fediverse to keep things as connected as possible and to avoid echo chambers.

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Haskell is so cool. It feels like exploring a new world. I've learnt so many things in Haskell over the years, and yet it feels like there's always more stuff to find out. I still don't full get monads

Also works for programming. Source: definitely not me, I swear

Looks like "son" definitely is winning. Peak gamer moment

AFAIK it's a visual representation of a salute

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If only... I just got a sore arm

How's this related to tho?

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I'm curious how one province got the "Femboy Besties" game assigned lol

For me "Hot" suddenly started showing fresh posts again after 3 days of stagnation. Nevertheless sorting by "top day" is a genius idea that I'm definitely going to use, thx for the tip!

I'm having a hard time believing that to be honest. As far as I'm aware this year is above average due to El Niño. While the trend is definitely horrifying, there's reason to expect the La Niña years to be a bit colder again afaik. What this year does provide is a bleak look into the not so distant future where this is the norm, not the exception.

WhatsApp is more problematic to leave though. Where I live, it's the default messaging app everyone uses. I haven't texted anyone in ages. And I can also see why it's the default, WhatsApp is just better than the competition. It's end-to-end encrypted, so Meta cannot read your messages directly, it has good markdown-like formatting support, it's has a lot of features, and it's relatively stable.

I've been using Telegram and Signal with friends, but honestly Telegram doesn't exactly feel safer to me, especially with e2e encryption not enabled by default (last time I checked). And Signal is better, but sometimes just a pain to use. No Markdown-like syntax (though formatting is finally possible via GUI), it constantly keeps desyncing devices that I use once every few weeks, and we've had plenty of bugs with not seeing messages of eachother.

Now, I can accept that to a degree, in return for better privacy. But no way in hell are laypeople like my family going to switch. WhatsApp is too good and safe enough to remain dominant.

Yeah this is definitely a good mentality to become a better person. I'm still struggling a bit with wanting to do everything perfectly, which causes me to stop doing it. But I've started getting more success with just telling myself they "anything is better than nothing".

I used to not really do any sports and eat whatever I felt like. In the past few years I've started turning it around by picking up running and trying to eat better. If I would've expected perfection in either of those, I would've quit within a month. But by being proud of every good decision I make, however small it is, I managed to keep it going and changed my health for the better.

Also Rocket League. I've got like 2K hours and managed to get to Grand Champion (1) once, but usually hang around in Champ 2 or 3. In a way I just play like a very consistent Diamond player though. I can semi-reliably wavedash, sometimes manage to hit a half flip, and can't do any flip resets, musty flicks, etc. I solely rely on positioning, shooting at the right time, fast aerials, bumping, and boost stealing.

Uhhh those colours are very close, I just quickly jammed them together in and it would totally pass as the flag

EDIT: Unless you meant to the original bi flag. But even then they match well enough to be totally recognizable as the real thing

I haven't even watched She-Ra, but I'm still enjoying all these memes.

Shelob is a girlboss and Eowyn is definitely a girlboss

I've been there for 10+ years. I'm gone now. Haven't opened Reddit to browse it since Baconreader stopped working. Every now and then I am directed there for answers to my questions, but that's the only thing I use it for now. Lemmy doesn't fully replace it, but maybe it was time to let that braindead browsing addiction die off anyway.

Sheesh that sounds like hell. I hope the pain subsides soon for you.

Nope, I'm European so I've never heard of it tbh. I like pizza, so I wouldn't mind trying if I ever end up ip in the area somehow

👀 another aroace programming socks enjoyer

You can't expect the world to accommodate for everything you struggle with. These memes are doing nothing unreasonable to the average person, people seem to be enjoying them. If you are getting triggered this badly by something so benign then you're going to have to solve it yourself. If we would block every meme that triggers somebody on the world, I'm afraid there wouldn't be many left.

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Sorry for being pedantic, but it's "Ruud" not "Rudd". I've noticed that the same mistake often gets made with other Dutch spellings, like the Haas F1 team being written as "Hass" online. Do repeated vowels feel weird or something to people who don't speak Dutch, or is it just a coincidence?


I recently started paining my nails. It's definitely very handy that it easily gets of skin because I can't for the life of me manage to only paint my nails. I'm currently looking to get those top coats, because the nail polish chips off pretty easily after a few days, which is quite annoying.

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That's true, and also my mentality. But when I want to fix my PC and my only lead is a post about the issue with a deleted comment followed by "that fixed it, thx!", I don't think I will be as appreciative of this idea. Reddit was a beautiful source of information and it's kinda painful to see all of that going. Nevertheless I've also wiped my profile since most of it was no longer necessary anyway.

This sent me into a wonderful rabbit hole. I haven't been on that site for years and had never read their pages on programming languages before. I love how they manage to write so much nonsense. Even ChatGPT can't beat the amount of nonsense they're writing

Currently using a Nokia 7.2

Best qualities:

  • Cheap
  • Has a heaphone jack
  • Does smartphone things
  • Fell like 5 times from more than a meter of height into a stone floor and is somehow still fine (more luck than skill probably)

Worst qualities:

  • Not the fastest
  • No more updates :(
  • Randomly turns off about once every month at night while charging, which forced me to buy a backup alarm

Before this I was using a Moto G5 plus, which was a bit of a quirky phone. Before that I used my Nexus 5, which ultimately started suffering the power button issues. My Nexus 5 is still a backup phone that I use sometimes, and every time I touch it I wish that they'd release a new Nexus 5 just like the old one but with with newer hardware specs and a better battery. I love how light and small it is, I still love the screen, and I love how it looks.

From this you can probably gather that I don't upgrade phones too often. I also don't have any other Android devices. I did at one point dabble a bit into Android development and made a few silly apps, but that's many years ago at this point.

For my PC's I usually use Linux where I can, and Window$ for gaming and music production (because sadly that's the only way to make these things work reliably).


This is simply not true in my experience. Basically everyone I know has to deal with all kinds of shit when installing Linux. Broken graphics drivers, random freezes, the touchpad disabling after closing the laptop, wifi not working, etc. There's always something. Now I don't mind fixing that, because I enjoy Linux more despide all of these issues. Andost of my friends manage to solve it as well because they're programmers like me. But the average person might not be able to solve it and will feel like they're constantly interacting with a broken system.

I'm quite deep into a second Satisfactory playthrough. My first one was quite some updates ago, so I'm really enjoying all the new stuff like ziplines, drones, hoverpacks and many more things. This time I'm playing with friends, and the multiplayer experience is definitely still very early-access.

Crashes are quite frequent, and we're having plenty of other glitches like stuff not building (instead the hologram just remains), and other desync issues. We also had to ban blueprint saving since every interaction with saving or organizing them seems to have a high crash probability. Luckily we made a couple of nice ones before the ban that we do seem to be able to use safely.

Nevertheless it's great fun though. We're getting to the endgame and are now doing things that I never got to in my first playthrough (and have also changed afaik) like nuclear power. Being with more people also allows the factory to grow way larger, so its insane to see how large and complicated everything has grown. It's a beautiful mess of many conveyor belts, tractors, trucks, trains, hypertubes, hypertubes launchers, etc.

Oh if half a day is the bad case, then I think my nails are doing pretty well. Usually it takes like 3-5 days for the hardest hit nails to start chipping off. My nails seem quite smooth. Or it's just that the nail polish I'm using is goated

Lol, that's absolutely not what I mean. Please keep all the "wokies" here. As long as "woke" means accepting people regardless of race, sexuality, gender, etc.

Ah yes, the Sims 3, a famous shooting game /s. But seriously, are there guns in the sims 3?

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Ah it seems to work now, thanks!