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Joined 1 months ago

This guy needs to be in fucking prison. What is it going to take. Fuck.

I've found they're great as a learning tool where decent docs are available. Or as an interactive docs you can ask follow up questions to.

We mostly use c# and it's amazing at digging into the MS docs to pull out useful things from the bcl or common patterns.

Our new juniors got up to speed so fast by asking it to explain stuff in the existing codebases. Which in turn takes pressure off more senior staff.

I got productive in vuejs in a large codebase in a couple days that way.

Using to generate actual code is insanely shit haha It is very similar to just copy pasting code and hacking it in without understanding it.

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In the UK unless your parents are particularly poor it is not that common to support them.

We have a socialised pension that most should be able to live on. And most people have private or government pensions as well.

auto isn't dynamic typing it's just type inference. It still has a fixed type you just don't have to write it. Like var in C#.

Lambdas are just a way of defining methods in place. It has nothing to do with callbacks.

But you're spot on for memory safety. Managing it yourself is risky and if it can be managed at zero cost it seems stupid not to.

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That's my thinking. If this is the best they can come up with there must not be a lot going on.

Not sure reading comprehension is tied to typos on a mobile. I was referring to the title of the post. No need to be rude friend.

I was talking more generally about LLMs here

This is obviously fucked up. But they are clearly intentionally downplaying that he pulled a knife when stopped. He wasn't shot for the fair lol

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Here's the thing, you're not going to force all of us to learn Rust

That seems like a poor attitude imo.

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Battery tech is constantly having huge breakthroughs. They are just come in small steps.

I mean a smart phone is literally a battery powered computer. It's absolutely astounding compared to what we had 10/20 years ago.

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My friend works at a fast food place. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff they've had to deal with. People are disgusting.

Yeah it's like a 0 effort thing to try

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Alien resurrection was the first and got panned by critics for it

Yeah the patriarchy is really just the ruling class using us to suppress each other.

The idea is it shouldn't be used when making a decision.

The reality is it obviously will and that's why they do it.

Wow what an absolute dick

It is literally being pushed for its technical merits and traits.

Memory safe code with comparable performance in the kernel seems like an absolute no brainer.

Also if you watch the video all he's asking for is consistent interfaces for the file systems. He's not even trying to get them to use rust. And the guy starts screeching about how he'll code however he wants.

Is it wrong to expect a consistent and well documented interface?

Pretty sure C is actually being pushed against its technical merits here.

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English is the most spoken language outside of its home country and it uses the simplest alphabet.

It is a pretty sane choice.

You could write yourself a nice preprocessor

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On his press tour, he had a lot of negative things to say about Trump. In conversation with Fresh Air's Terry Gross, he said:

"I can't stomach Trump. I think that he's noxious and is leading the white working class to a very dark place."

In public, Vance said that Trump was, "unfit for our nation's highest office."

And in unearthed private messages, he compared Trump to Adolf Hitler.

From 2016. Seems he did drastically change his opinions on trump once in politics.

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Not really. They have massive breakthroughs that increase capacity and charging hugely.

People just seem to expect some world changing development constantly.

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I would argue 911 is for emergencies that 100% need to be dealt with immediately.

This feels like calling it in and letting them decide priority is better. It could be anything.

There's no need to carry your cards if you already have your phone.

Also, unlike your wallet, if you lose it you can track it.

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Because it's a porn hosting site maybe

At the end of the day if they can afford it and don't want to change you've got to ask yourself if it really matters?

I know it's silly to pay over the odds for something but it's up to them really.

It's not a thing in other countries

I love using ai to assist with programming.

I often use it for boring stuff like mass refactoring or generating regex or SQL.

I wouldn't use it to write big chunks of code, more to figure out how to do things.

It's like an interactive docs that I can ask follow up questions to.

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Pretty much is in reality. But not literally zero, no.

I mean I've still yet to hear a reason not to use rust tbf.

But yes that's what working in a team is like.

I have to do stuff at work so I don't fuck over the frontend team. I don't throw a little tantrum about it.

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Completely agree.

Yeah I think the first episode did a great job of explaining why NFTs are stupid haha

I love anything that flashes back to Fry's old life. It was genuinely a funny episode as well.

The third is so brilliant. Absolutely loved it.

Yeah it's pretty gobbledygook. Don't think you explained yourself that well.

Many people just want to do their job and go home. They don't want to make friends. Or they have no motivation to do anything beyond what they are paid for to help the company or colleagues.

Which is totally fair enough to me. If I didn't need to work to live I 100% wouldn't. Even though I quite enjoy my job and like the people I work with.

You're unpleasant to talk to.

Tbh honest mate the most likely thing is that's a coincidence.

It's used all the time for people who can't take drugs i.e. pregnant people. And has been shown to be very safe.

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I base it purely on if there's something in my shopping that may need to be returned. Like clothes or electronics.

I use Futurama. It's my comfort show and I've watched it so much it makes me sleepy now haha

Yeah the more power phones have available the more manufacturers use.

It's why I miss replaceable batteries.

It has an orange end and triggers on it which marks it as a toy gun. So they'd be fine most likely. But it's still a stupid move.

What they actually do is record everything encrypted and wait for computers to get fast enough to crack it.

I guess you can argue it's already written in C. So that was always a requirement.

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Women are so cute and I have a good day at work

The problem with dynamic typing is you can't always figure out what the type is even with investigation as it can be lots of things based on what is passed or returned. It also allows incorrect values to be passed.

People will indeed make that readability argument but if the type is not obvious and important to understanding the code then it likely shouldn't be used there.

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