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Joined 1 years ago

You wouldn’t deny that woman entry would you?

Factorio. Godanmed Factorio ruining my life.

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What about the nice people actually attempting to find a better life and a way out of the tyranny and oppression?

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I think it’s worthwhile to understand that it has nothing to do with you and that it is more a reflection on their professionalism and dedication to their work. That being said things happen and be compassionate to them while not letting people walk all over you.

Stay strong. It’s not about thick skin it’s about empathy I feel.

Those who mind don’t matter; those who matter don’t mind…

Be you.

Do we have a ihadastroke community yet?

This is what’s holding the community back. The “get good” advice isn’t really advice and keeps Linux from hitting the mainstream. I get it you’re amazing at Linux but the rest of us shouldn’t have to go back to school to get a computer degree and become a Linux professional in order to use it. This is the same person that replies to questions about Linux with “why do you need the GUI just use the command line instead or it’s dead simple just type: followed by like 80 lines of code that people can’t make heads or tails of because they’re novices. Man I get that you want to flex but it’s a pretty strange flex.

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Straws account for a very minute amount of plastic waste but was selected because 1) one of the most often seen plastic refuse on beaches and 2) it was felt that it had the least impact on consumers daily lives and therefore easiest to live without.

Also they’re banned valid alternatives like bio plastics from PLA or PHA that would degrade much faster and be completely safe for people and other lifeforms. PHA biodegrades in less than 60 days in the ocean.

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It is true. Not all heroes wear capes. Thanks for saying what I was screaming.

There used to be a subreddit called r/selfawarewolves this would’ve fit right in…

I’m sure she was Muslim till the very last cause I’d sure as hell find religion when I’m facing the end. I’d like to think I’d remain rational but it’s daunting AF. But she’s not one of the bad ones is she?

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Very informative and well documented and yet found it super entertaining. Thanks for the video link.

Also by that logic and if as you say you feel Islam is as whacked as Christianity you should just ban religious people. While being more exclusive I could get on board with that doctrine.

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Cool story bro. You gotta be a part of something to make a change. Decisions get made by people in the room. If you don’t want to be here cool and sorry this wasn’t for you. It’s the equivalent of giving everyone in a crowded bar the finger and going home. Cool mate, a bit dramatic but yeah. Peace.

Thank you for adding the link to the article!

And with the trackpad and back buttons and customizable controls it’s genuinely a treat to play. I don’t miss the keyboard/mouse. I even tracked down an old steam controller when I’m playing at home on the big screen.

I would propose that perhaps linking religion with the religious leadership is linking Christianity with “the church”. And using that logic all Christians condone pedaphilia which isn’t the case. Islam the religion isn’t about cruelty anymore than Christianity is about white supremacy.

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I’ve read that Microsoft owns the X mark - at least when it comes to gaming and associated activities like chat - sending messages digitally across the internet…

This is the point I was trying to get at; although very inelegantly. Thanks for this.

As stated: 1) they were top 10 most visible items found on beaches so it would have been a visible change that everyone could appreciate and 2) it was deemed low impact on individuals lifestyles so therefore easiest to mandate successfully. It was meant to be a gateway ban and work from there.

However as many have pointed out it leads to what’s called “greenwashing” which is a largely symbolic gesture that has little to no impact. For example the sippy lids used by Starbucks actually uses more plastic than a straw? And while people counter with the fact that the lids are recyclable and straws are not - please remember that the recycling rates of most countries is abhorrently low. McDonalds famously launched paper straws that also were not recyclable.

Meanwhile PHA straws could be the perfect solution because it behaves like plastic but biodegrades in under 60 days and is entirely not harmful to people or animals. Point is things are sometimes complicated and they need to be accessed carefully.

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You can read more about it here:

The aim was to limit and ban single use plastics. Which of course is aligned with but yet still different from finding a permanent solution. It’s also aimed at demonstrating progress. I understand not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good but plastic straws being banned without a viable solution and indirectly hindering development of a solution (in the case of PHA) isn’t a good step

This is the way

I was on digg but was slow to get on Reddit. Wasn’t until Apollo that it became regular part of my daily routine. Without the app I wouldn’t have been as engaged.

Dave the Diver & Factorio

Those two are the main drivers and the below are games I slot in once I feel like it’s becoming a grind

Vampire Survivors, XCOM: Chimera Squad, and Portals 2

I’m thinking something like AC: Syndicate or Metal Gear might also work as a change of pace. Anyone playing longer form narrative games on the Steam Deck?

Yep. Admittedly I couldn’t imagine an advanced player using the basic Xbox controller setup although I hear from the Switch players that it’s adequate. I could only play with the Steam Controller. It’s already verging on hard work playing it on a customizable multi button trackpad enabled controller that having limited controls would just break me.

This. This is truth!


Perfect. Good solution. Linux only for the elite.

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Their production process requires industrial equipment and/or intervention in order to produce the necessary components. So by virtue of it (the process) not occurring in nature the committee decided that it would not qualify for exemption. It would not be out of reason to make an exemption for it as they have done so in other instances. It just doesn’t have the same voice as other plastics/plastic alternatives have yet. But that’s particularly why it needs support to develop and gain viability. But right now it feels like throwing the baby out with the bath water

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This would have been the way

Also heat on the screen? Yeah hard pass my dude.

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I feel at the core of Black Mirror is subverting the viewers’ expectations and while initially it was very rooted in technology I’m cool with it straying beyond. And while Twilight Zone is probably its closest living relative (yes, there are others - outer limits, tales from the crypt, amazing stories, darkroom, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Night Gallery, etc) I don’t feel like the twisty ending is as much a part of the series as the ability to provoke the viewer to relate to the subject matter differently - subverting our own thoughts on something. Evocative and subversive. And if that is the tenet for Black Mirror I think this season is a success. Like those other series, staying on theme can run the well dry after some time. Also things become formulaic and stagnant. I’m cool with letting them flex. They’ve earned my goodwill for several more seasons before I complain.

Because overheating it causes permanent damage. Just because you see people online doing it doesn’t mean it’s not without consequences if precautions aren’t taken or if you’re not familiar with what you’re doing. You’re heating up the glue - sure but you’re also heating the panel and that can cause it to not function properly anymore.

I also really enjoyed Mazey Day especially because it felt like my expectations were being subverted The reveal really surprised me.

This is from the article:

“This was the turning point for me, where I went from "well this is kind of neat," to "this is actually rad." There I was, playing FF7R from the PS5 in my house in a cafe across town and it was nearly indistinguishable from the experience at home. Again, that’s something that can certainly be done on your phone or tablet (and those are able to get past that login screen) but none of them feels as good to hold and play on as the Portal.”

It does play via remote wifi but only games from your local ps5.

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So the remote play functionality from before remains intact. So once paired with the PS5 the device can remotely turn the device on or the device is always listening for the connection.

This is a dedicated device for that though. If you read my initial post I’m not a fan of the device and even less of the manner by which IGN reviewed it. They’re looking at it in a complete vacuum and comparing it to a device that basically already failed (The Backbone).

So that makes the “get good” advice valid? What are you talking about bro? I didn’t say Linux isn’t valid. I think you must have replied to me specifically on accident because your response isn’t germane to my reply. Or if you feel it is please explain. Make sure you use as many polysyllabic words as possible. I think you wrote up one of the Linux documents I’m to understand.

Or maybe I’ll just say: cool story bro.

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If she starved or died due to complications from her diet, if she wasn’t able to stave off an infection for example or recover properly from an illness that would not affect an otherwise healthy individual - I would say her diet or nutrition lifestyle is germane to the situation.

I believe that being vegan is a perfectly valid lifestyle and dietary choice but also people should be aware of some of the pitfalls.

Can you please elaborate why you feel that being vegan has nothing to do with it?

You have completely lost the plot. This topic is about Windows and Linux ease of use. I don’t know what you’re talking about anymore.