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Firefox also has a built-in list of user agent overrides for websites that don't work on Firefox for no reason.

You can create an issue here, and maybe they'll fix it at some point. Not sure what the normal turnaround is for fixes like this though, could take a while.

You can see the list in about:compat btw

I think the command you're looking for is ujust, which I believe all ublue images have

Just fyi, that is not Fedora workstation, thats a Fedora atomic spin, which is an immutable os. Installing packages and updating works a bit different than a normal distro.

calculations copyright claims

+1 for ventoy. With that you can just flash ventoy on it once, then copy iso's over to the usb drive without reformatting or reflashing anything.

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Yeah just wish it would show the verified status in the cli, that's the only reason I still go to the website

Could you not already do that? My previous bank had their own nfc payments bullshit, but I've always been able to set that as my default.

I'm pretty sure KDE's window manager, kwin, can do all of those things through kwin scripts and window rules, except the pager doesn't show the details of windows on other desktops, just the outline.

Just press volume down once and it'll stop ringing without actually hanging up. I think that works on pretty much any smartphone.

Also, even on laptops/desktops this might not always be possible depending on the bios configuration. Corporate devices for example might have the bios and booting from untrusted media locked down.

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It doesn't according to LG's product page at least.

Also, wtf is this spec:

Qbittorrent has a feature to execute a command on torrent complete iirc. You might be able to write a few ffmpeg commands to verify and delete/move/whatever based on that result. Not very user-friendly though ofc and requires some bash knowledge.


Does this apply to Proton as well, or have they had their own fixes for Vulkan or something? Cause I've been playing games on Wayland with Proton just fine for a good while now.

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I think they're talking about basic Auth, with which you can pass credentials in a URL like this:

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Are you using Wayland with KDE? For me the taskbar freezes if I'm on Wayland and hover over some windows so it shows the preview.

If you're also using Wayland, try turning off window previews (right-click taskbar->configure->Show small window previews).

Also, as a workaround if this doesn't fix it for you, you can execute plasmashell --replace and it'll replace the existing frozen instances instead of starting new ones. If you use krunner (alt+space) it'll stay in your recent commands as well, so you can easily run it again when it freezes again.

Yeah we just need support from Android, which will also come in 15 iirc

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Also, when you choose either of the update or restart/shutdown options, it actually tries to restart, (for me) always boots back into linux because that's my default. When I'd eventually boot back into Windows, it just continues installing the update I'd long forgotten about.

Pretty happy to be rid of that mess entirely now.

wait what does bitbucket have to do with nazis?

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Yup I'm using an MX Master 3s (and 3 before), one with the unifying and one with the bolt receiver, both worked out of the box. At home I have an mx vertical and pro x superlight, which has its own receiver iirc, both also worked out of the box.

The only thing you have to install yourself is solaar, so you can change the built-in settings of the mouse.

I'm not sure how you would go about fixing it, but it looks like you're running the i386 (32-bits) version of the game, but it's trying to load a 64-bit library.

Maybe see if there's a saintsrow2.amd64 or something similar in the game's install directory and try to run that?

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The toilet paper drags against the wall either way though?

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I have a magic trackpad 2 (maybe 3, not sure) and haven't noticed any lagging issues. I mainly use it wired, but the times I did use it wirelessly I didn't notice any lag either.

Unfortunately I didn't have gestures ootb, though that could be a KDE plasma thing, since they have touchpad gestures like two finger scroll and tap to click disabled by default as well.

Setting up gestures using touchegg was easy enough though.

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There's a Mac download option right there on the home page.

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The recording feature isn't available in a lot of countries, including mine. Even though it is legal to record calls without informing the other end here.

Also, Android shows a notification when you install an app remotely. So you'd instantly know something's up anyway.

This is why I really like KDE Plasma's discover. It's got integrations with apt, snap, Flatpack, and rpm, and that's only the ones I've tried so far.

I don't really use discover itself to manage my packages, cause for some reason I prefer to do it with the cli tools, but it is a great update notifier.

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Yup, that's my coworkers as well. Constantly complaining about how shit windows is, already developing in docker on wsl anyway, but they never want to switch to anything that would solve all their complaints.

Nvm I just found out 7digital was bought by the same company, ffs

Tidal's base subscription costs the same as spotify, but to get lossless you have to pay more. Where I live it's 20 euros / month for lossless.

Looking at the files on, it looks like there should be a saintsrow2 file in the same directory. I'd assume that's the x64 start script

Fyi the size of the repo doesn't really matter. The source code gets compiled down and optimised to machine readable code, which is usually much smaller. So that 12mb could still be correct, for the compiled app.

Reaper is great, but unfortunately I've never been able to get my VSTs properly working on linux, especially ones with a full GUI like a lot of drum vsts do. It's literally the only reason I still dual-boot windows on that machine.

Yeah most TV's I've seen either have a PC setting, or have a game mode that just turns everything off.

Have you tested if hardware acceleration even works at all? On my Fedora install, whenever I try the latest 545 driver, it just doesn't work. glxinfo just returns an error, insufficient resources.

535 still works great for me though.

You already don't have to do that. That's what IDE's have autocomplete for.

An underpowered PSU will usually show issues when actually running heavier loads, not immediately at boot I think.

That is also a form of basic auth, you still pass the credentials like "username:password", optionally base64 encoded but I don't believe that's required.

Edit: actually, after looking into it a bit more, it seems like passing credentials in the url will actually cause the browser to send it as an authorization header instead. So in essence it's doing the same thing.

Subdomain is absolutely the correct term!

Also, there are much easier ways of DNS blocking on Android that don't require rooting, but instead act as an always on VPN. I use TrackerControl, though that's meant to block trackers and I'm not sure if you can manually add domains.

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