4 Post – 97 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Monetizing an apology video of all things says it all.

One by one dominoes that made reddit awesome are falling. Wonder if Spez has the courage to require being signed in to view reddit content.

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He's another tech bro. Wan show always seemed more like a soap box for him to try to make him seem like an aww shucks type of guy, but there was the whole discussing wages issue at LTT too that broke the illusion of the image he tries to depict of himself.

I just got a cheap brother laser printer and the toner seems to last forever.

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I think they know people who aren't paying already won't buy it, so they are raising prices on those that found enough value in it to use it. There is YouTube music bundled with it that some like, so seems like smart strategy to me.

I wonder how many people on the receiving end even change their mind. I feel like if anything they'd completely reject the cause that is trying to be pushed, and the end result is a circle jerk between people who were already in agreement.

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Need to kill off rss too.

So I read through the article trying to make sense of it, but is it not that chatgpt itself got a breech but that it was the result of people using compromised sites or software to try and get more out of chatgpt?

A further analysis has revealed that the majority of logs containing ChatGPT accounts have been breached by the notorious Raccoon info stealer (78,348), followed by Vidar (12,984) and RedLine (6,773).

A "large and resilient infrastructure" comprising over 250 domains is being used to distribute information-stealing malware such as Raccoon and Vidar since early 2020.

The infection chain "uses about a hundred of fake cracked software catalogue websites that redirect to several links before downloading the payload hosted on file share platforms, such as GitHub," cybersecurity firm SEKOIA said in an analysis published earlier this month.

Was clicking through links in the article.

I think people who visit here have been pretty cool. Not any worse or inferior to people with accounts here.

Commenting sure. But until some instance agnostic subscription feed comes out it looks like there is no reddit alternative to a reliable subscription feed right now.

Having to juggle multiple accounts to keep track of subscription feeds instead of one unified feed is a pretty big con. Not so much on the commenting end since that I do understand the reasons for.

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Saying you are going on a hunger strike but then announcing you'll only go on it for two days made it a long shot that other subs would push for longer.

Any idea how only a 48 hour black out even got started instead of longer? Who proposed only 48 hours to make it catch on as that short of a protest.

Just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean it's automatically a circle jerk. People do have valid reasons for not choosing to spend money on the epic platform.

No it's just the common tactic from companies when there isn't a good reception to one of their decisions. Then they just cherry pick some comments from Twitter or whatever and set the stage.

It depends on what the goal of the protest is and an assessment of whether the act is going to actually be successful in bringing about the change they want.

If that isn't taken into account it'll just make people more ingrained in their beliefs, and possibly increase hatred towards the groups and the cause overall. Which can just lead to increased conflict and increase extremists on both spectrums.

Sometimes then the cause just devolves into people on both sides just reveling in getting to act out their primal desires.

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I use safari with adguard + sponsor block which lets me airplay videos to the TV. I don't even have the YouTube app installed. No need to try and set up smarttubenext or whatever on the TV.

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I want another single player campaign of Titanfall. I need to be reunited with BT.

Spam is delicious. I should go pan fry some today and eat with eggs.

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Don't underestimate the power of spite.

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Reddit without niche subs would probably become a aggregate for tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter videos. Which it has been trending towards when it comes to what reddit displays to users as default.

I didn't know something like that was going on. Logo would be cool.

That's when the skip to highlight option comes in handy. And if a video doesn't have it I end up contributing so next person can save time.

Makes me wonder if a fork will happen in the future. Wonder if offerings will be much different a year from now, and if options like kbin will be more polished by then.

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I enjoyed communities like,,, and Skyrim Especially Skyrim mods that I used recently.

So I'm really sad to see this happen.

That's awesome. Starting a community is cool but starting their own instance is next level.

It's a cozy space with nice people and bees are awesome.

I think what would help is the introduction of multisubreddit equivalent for lemmy and then allowing similar duplicate communities to have the option of linking up with each other so people can subscribe to public multisubreddit. So regardless of what instance a community is on if it's like a technology community it'll display all the technology community duplicates.

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Absolute golden resource. This will save me so much time when I'm searching through random videos.

Even twitch has work around so they are welcomed to keep trying until they are successful.

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This is looking like it'll be a valuable tool I'll use frequently.

I wish some of that money found its way to small youtubers who don't qualify for monetization and are just uploading for the fun of it. Those youtubers are my favorite since it feels more like the old YouTube or stuff like lemmy or whatever where people share without expectation of anything back other than just being excited.

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sponsored posts, suggested posts

I had hated that aspect of Twitter which is what chased me away to stopping use of an actual account altogether and settling for nitter instead to keep track of accounts but no longer participating. But, it was so much better with how clean it was with apps like Fritter or RSS done through nitter instances so I only saw what I wanted. Now that's looking like method is reaching its end.

The clutter they tried to push on me wasn't worth consuming the material the official way anymore.

It was what killed Instagram for me years back too when they killed chronological feeds. Then I deleted the account and moved to using barnista to follow accounts without an account. Then that died and I just dropped Instagram altogether and didn't look back, since I wasn't going to make an account again and consume things the official way.

I don't mean so much in activity. Just the subscription to communities part.

Like knowing I could subscribe to like gamedeals and pcgaming and knowing that I can rely on my feed to contain posts from those communities as opposed one of them defeding from each so now having to subscribe to separate instances of pcgaming and gamedeals to see activity from those communities in my subscription feed. So now having two subscription feeds as opposed to one unified one to keep track of.

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They chose to financially put themselves in a situation where they are forced to release content at that frequency because they chose to expand operations and drastically increase expenses compared to other channels. It's their decisions that created the work cycle that is needed in pursuit of exponential growth over a more financially sustainable model that affords the luxury for a less hectic release schedule.

It's getting old seeing people keep making they have to do it this way when it is the situation they created for themselves.

Yeah, I had posted about a wish to see some update that makes it possible for people to track their communities that are located on different instances given how hard it is enough already.

And I had also inquired in this thread that maybe until then the best instance to sign up with is the one that is least likely to be defeded and interrupt people's ability to track their communities, which is where even instances wavering about them don't defed them because they are the largest.

Trackpads are nice for desktop navigation so you don't have to be tapping on the tiny screen.

I would consider it if YouTube had built in sponsorblock since I find YouTube videos unwatchable without it that I don't bother casting videos to the TV, and go through other methods to retain sponsorblock functionality.

Yep, here's the github

It's on izzyondroid too so I've been using the Neo Store in favor of F-droid to update it.

Newpipe x Sponsorblock fork is my go to.

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Is the firmware update something that needs to be manually done or do I have to live in fear of my brother updating on its own?

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