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Ehh, I'm sure it's something like if they let you manage your subscription through the play store, Google is entitled to their 30% cut. If you subscribe through desktop, they'd like to keep 100% of the money opposed to 70%. Might be off base, but I'd wager that's the reason

Google seems to be caught in an awful feedback loop. I feel like at this point, most tech savy people are weary to try new Google services for fear of liking them, but eventually getting shutdown. In turn causing those tech savy users to not recommend it to their friends/family that actually might cause it to grow.

Honestly don't know how they get out it without either losing tons of money on maybe side projects or happening across the one things that's so good it's impossible to not use. The latter seems more unlikely by the day

That comes down to your state. For Instance, in KY, we have closed primaries so you can only vote with the party you have registered. The general election are open, of course, but the intent is to keep people from voting for the best candidate in their party and the worst for the competing parties.

Every state does it a little different though. Some states like Iowa don't even have primaries, they have caucuses. That's you go into a room (typically a school gym) with a bunch of other people and move from side. Being on a certain side counts as a vote. The main drawal to this approach is it encourages people to discuss their thoughts on matters.

Typically though, Dems will have a primary. Even if all the other candidates drop and Biden is the only option.

If you're interested in the Dems, I wouldn't recommend voting in other parties primaries. In the lead up to Trump vs. Hillary, many democratic analysist hoped that Trump his primaries. Thinking that it would be a slam dunk for Hilary to win. We all saw how that turned out...

For real. Only two other people have officially stepped forward, but I didn't learn about that until I seeked that information out.

Imo seemed like they don't have a ton of funding and that could be that the powers that have money see Biden as having the best chance.

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I volunteered as tribute to be one of these 'Friends'

Never really thought it like this before, but would the entire chain move up? Like Speaker comes VP or would Harris get to select a new VP?

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My only issue with piracy is it doesn't add to the number of streams. So it might cause some studios to cancel shows they don't think are performing well.

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Have you looked into Purely mail? This is what I use for my custom email needs. I don't remember all the pros and cons, but the big one that scares most people off is it's run by one guy. So if something happens to him, you're potentially SOL. You could probably migrate to a new service, but could potentially be a huge pain.

Totally agree. Andriod Auto shits the bed occasionally, but well worth it, in my opinion. Imo the best thing is how your info dash is based off your phone instead of the car. Makes it super handy for rentals or trading cars with the wife

They shrink accordingly to this

Seems to be a big homeschool experiment

Based take. Seemed we learned nothing from Trump and What-aboutism. Just because Facebook does it and doesn't get in trouble doesn't mean Facebook is in the right. It means you should get mad and demand change from them too.

Also I might have missed this, but didn't everyone get mad at tiktok last or a couple of years ago for circumventing Android and Apple app policies and collecting data they shouldn't? I though Facebook and Twitter obeyed those policies, they just had other means to collect that data.

Purely Mail, yes; so long as you're comfortable with one guy running the service.

Thunderbird for desktop and K-9 for Andriod. Only because they were the most recommended and completely fit my needs.

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Relevant 1053

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Not only losers, they are weird

Thank Mr Skeltal

Talk out my ass here, but I thought it was due to the economics. Companies only want to buy the 737s because it's a fairly known factor. Pilots don't need to be retrained and, at this point, can be produced cheaper and/or faster.

Feels like the Spanish flu all over

Not OP, but I run both because Plex was/is easier to setup non-techy family members and easier to get on their TVs/devices.

Plex has been pissing me off though and I'd like to move to Jellyfin, but sounds like a PITA to transfer everything over. Gonna have to get clever with that probably

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Not original replier, but personally viably outside the womb changes the entire game. A strong major of my support for abortion is "I'm a man, I can't possibly imagine getting pregnant and birthing another human". So much of the onus of birth is the woman, a human that we also have to consider the feelings and health of. If viably was possible outside the womb, I could probably be argued into agreeing to ban abortion with some key exceptions because the world isn't black and white.

However, I am curious on your thoughts on medical euthanasia.

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Harry Wolfe IV

Didn't Facebook build infrastructure and give out free phones in India and other developing nations to get them online? I'm sure it was more to harvest their data, but I'm sure that counts pretty solidly for them

Huh, had no idea about the EV1. I'm bitter that the Volt was cancelled.

I'm curious about where you find your music. When I looked into an indexer for music ~3 years ago, it was slim pickings. I recently found that there a method to download from Spotify, but haven't had a chance to try it out

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Yeah, there are plenty of stupid takes and ass-backward ideas here too

Does that not hurt you on your taxes/government forms? For instance, for a period of time, my wife was making far less than me and that helped us with our taxes by giving us deductions since our combined income was under a certain threshold. I believe it helps with other things as well.

Just trying to call you out, just curious because I saw this as a net benefit overall.

Not the original person you replied too, but I don't mind having hard conversations and trying to expand my world view. Now personally, I'm pro-"Student Debt Fixing". From what I can tell, I think setting the interest rate to 0% would be the best fix. I'm not opposed to paying back what I owe, I just don't think the government should be profiting from its citizens. However, I admit I'm not an economist and understand I'm probably misunderstanding something.

Not you make a fair amount points and honestly, I don't want to address them all (I'm tired :( )

  • I know you mentioned where you're from, interest rates are capped, but I don't believe we have those in an effective form for the U.S. for student loans. Loans provided by the Government have their interest rate set each year by Congress and usually it's around 4-5%, but Congress can set it whatever they'd like. I can't speak for private loans because I don't have private student loans because it's was always a bad offer for my situation.

  • I don't completely buy your argument that if the government forgives a $180,000 loan that it's money from the Federal Reserve that covers it and thus inflates the economy by $180k. Like if you wanted $100 for food and I gave it to you and I decided to forgive it. I don't consider it paying myself $100 to account for it. I view it more "I gave up the opportunity to make $100". Remind me of that joke about two economist in the forest.

  • How is the government nefarious for forgiving loans? You claim it's about gaining greater control over the populous. However your own argument is forgiving loans would basically cause inflation to go up. Causing people to buy and save less. Hurting businesses in the process. Possibly causing a recession or even worse a depression. Meaning that the government would be at its weakest because that's usually when taxes are also at their weakest. Historically, governments have their most control when populations are fat and happy. Most civil unrest are in uncertain times, such as recessions and depressions. If anything it's more nefarious for the government to keep the loans and jack up the interest rates where people have no ability to pay it off and can't bankrupt out of it.

  • While some of school tuition can be attributed to supply and demand. It can mostly be attributed to a change in how much grant money was awarded to student for college by some president in the 70s or 80s. Normally, I find out who it was, but again I'm tired. I think it was Nixon or Reagan, but Adam Ruins Everything has a decent video on it. Basically, since students couldn't bankrupt out of loans and the US govt was the backer for these loans, colleges realized it was basically a free money glitch. So instead of competing on education per dollar, some started going for amenities per dollar. So Gyms, Pools, Various sport fields, other random as shit. Some of things had stupid price tags for maintenance alone and that greatly assisted in helping prices go up. Now why didn't students be smart and choose their college more wisely? I think it's best to remind ourselves of the demographic we're dealing with. Often vain and short term thinkers. Some of them aren't even done developing their brains. Plus I think it's rich to give upset at people for making dumb choices before going to the place that makes them smart enough to realize how dumb they there. It's like getting mad at your car for being broken before you take it to shop to get repaired.

My hands hurt and my eyes yearn for sleep. Good night!

Have you heard about moonlight and sunshine? You might be interested in that

Don't get me wrong it's unsettling, but I agree, I don't see the initial harm. I see it as creating a physical manifestation of someone's inner thoughts. I can definitely see how it could become or encourage dangerous situations, but that's like banning alcohol because it could lead to drunk driving or sexual assault.