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I don't think it's realistic or pragmatic to expect a perfect direct democracy system. Trying to get as close to one as feasibly possible can be a goal though, and once we're at that point, try to continually and slowly improve that direct democracy system until it's even closer and closer and closer, ad infinitum.

I think the reason "new math" gets flack, is because it's a new way of teaching math, and alot of teachers aren't as good at teaching in that way yet. Still, kids should be taught that it can be a way one does calculations. Another thing I think should be incorporated into early childhood education is the use of an abacus, the Japanese do this and it supposedly helps greatly with mental math.

Ok, I guess I'll have to make an edit of this then.

This a consequence of Democrat incompetence and inability to quickly adapt. Shit, I think that it's part of Democrat culture to not take internal criticism of their own dimwittedness, slowpoken, numskull-ass, knuckleheadery. Some within the party are openly talking about replacing Biden this close to the election in a panic. If he does get replaced, I fucking hope they pull some miracle out their ass. Like imagine Biden voluntarily drops out and gives his nomination to Bernie. Alas, no one likes letting go of power, so this will remain a pipedream.

Is it a possibility that shill accounts are using sports subreddits to obfuscate the fact that they are still accounts? Like "Hey there fellow citizens, I'm totally a normal poster and a red blooded American who really likes sports!".

Time to switch to Linux

My thought is maybe either food or arms or research for arms production/nukes from the Russians.

Edit Addendum: the article says as much actually lol. This is what I get for just trying to get an idea of NK actions from the title.

I'm wondering what Kim gets from this though?

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I hope Israel is aware of how ABSOLUTELY FUCKING BAT SHIT INSANE HORRENDOUS this makes them look on the world stage. Like really? The associated press? Well, next might as well fucking raid Reuters as well, fuck it.

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How the hell can they know though?????

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Oh God, imagine your braincells being used to mine crypto.

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An image for your enjoyment

I wonder if this halts the food aid going into Gaza as this gets investigated?

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Lol, remove the book giving event from the official school Pride event. After school, have people outside on public property outside of the school give out the books for free. Problem solved, knowledge disseminated. I'm sure any local anarchist group would do so.

Quick! Somebody check if they've lied in any of the congressional hearings about how their shit works!

I wonder what utility such algae may bring. It's certainly very interesting!

You do know that melatonin can fuck up an adult's circadian rhythm. Long-term use will probably fuckup a child's circadian rhythm more, which can affect a lot of things way down the line.

Edit/Addendum: though this isn't really the best study, it should still be taken into consideration, especially given how little research has been done

I mean if it has an effect on the heart it should be a study about MDMA's effect on the heart...I don't really know how 2 trials about MDMA's psychiatric effects has much to with cardiovascular health. I mean, if you stretch it you can maybe say something about the cardiovascular effects in relation to anxiety, but that's about it.

Addendum: somehow forgot to add "in relation to anxiety"

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Better to have invested in a Valve Index I feel than get an Oculus. Might be more expensive, but I trust Valve to not completely fuck over their consumers.

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Oh wait it's not genocide because it doesn't fit their definition! As if ethnic cleansing is any better than genocide.

I'm guessing either copper, PVC, or CPVC. The worry about PVC and CPVC is micro plastics, but I think that lead is probably more harmful then micro plastics anyway.

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The smart ones will have their sons and daughters intermarry into the families of the guards. Whether or not their pride will allow them to actually do that is another thing. That and there is a chance the guards will probably just takeover anyways. That or a well armed raiding group will take em out.

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It can often be more important to inform apple users of attacks and exploits because android users aren't often under the illusion that they're immune from such happenings.

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Might be a good time to arm up(unless you're mentally ill in a way that will make you hurt yourself or make you hurt others before any actual conflict has begun). Just in case of course.

Edit/Addendum: If you have kids, please get a gun case and please educate them about proper gun safety and how to properly check if there's any ammunition in chamber, etc. In fact, might as well take a gun safety course yourself.

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Pretty sure you can bump fire even without a bump stock. Wasn't there a "belt loop" trick even before bumpstocks were ever made?

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I think most of the hostility is in regards to shilling of certain sites and services. Local self hosted AI is not likely to get as much flack I feel. Another aspect of hate is people generating images and calling it art, is but, it's the microwave equivalent of art. Such negative sentiments can be remedied by actually doing artistic shit with whatever image they generate, like idk, put the image into Photoshop and maybe editing the image in a way that actually improves it, or using said image as a canvas to be added onto or some other shit.

Edit Addendum: also the negative perception of AI has mostly been engendered by some of its more unpleasant supporters, who think of it as a way to make "irrelevant" certain groups they don't like, and to take some sorta sick schadenfreude in the "replacement" of these people, which they think may be a way of reducing the power of these people (politically, socially, etc), and that's kinda fucked up.

Sure, but still, if you're visibly sick you should wear a mask. It's respectful. I mean shit the Japanese have been doing that shit since forever and you don't see their asses complaining.

I mean Accursedfarms of YouTube fame iis trying to get something passed in Australia which might have some effects down the line. Who knows...

Maybe one day instead of [Insert Search Query] Reddit, it will instead be [Insert Search Query] Lemmy

Edit Addendum: Might be cool if people got their old tech support posts from reddit, ask the question that was asked in a post, and then answer their own post with the answer that they gave that solved the issue.

Didn't CNN get bought out by some conservative news group fairly recently? I'd be careful about that stuff.

Nicotine by itself isn't really that bad, as it isn't much of a carcinogen. The sharp increase of nicotine in vapes is troubling though, as although it isn't much of a carcinogen, it does increase risk of heart disease and can lead to hardening of the heart in the long run.

I think what they don't realize is that it's basically Pandora's box at this point, and what's been let out is a ticking time bomb. Unless something changes, remote work will always be on the cards now and will probably always be preferable.

I mean the only issue I can think of with human composting is maybe potential prison diseases if the compost is used to farm food.

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Sounds like justification to not use gendered language. Might as well go full gender abolitionist on this shiznat.

I don't get why you're being downvoted, sounds like a localization/price/law thing, like Brazil and the price of consoles and games over there.

Not job, DUTY. Otherwise I get your point. I'd like to add that it is also the duty of those more educated to try to educate others in a non-hostile, factual, and rhetorically effective way in order to bolster the numbers of people who can make informed/educated decisions on these things.

I mean there's probably other reasons Iran can't really help the Palestinians. More practical reasons having to do with logistics, economy, cost, geopolitics, potential consequences/sanctions, etc.

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I think given Lemmy's user group, we should start a movement to download and archive as much LGBTQ+ content as possible and stowaway the drives so that if the fascists take power, they won't be very effective at actually getting rid of such knowledge.

Would be funny if this guy was found out to be closeted the whole time.

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Not random, moreso probabilistic, which is almost the same thing granted.